
Sky of Storms

The world is getting strange. Dragons on the run, strangers from other worlds coming to ours. The planet Eon has never seen such days before and now as if overnight the whole world has changed. I have no notion of what caused these phenomenons to happen, but something important is coming, we just can't see it. Something or someone is leading these people here, and if the situation with the dragons wasn't bad enough, the "world travelers" are a problem on their own right. I believe they may be the cause of why the dragons have been shutting themselves away. Many have returned to Vertwynne already, I believe only one remains. I also think that that assassin Bladestorm might have much to do with what is happening. I know he is not human but neither is he dragon, dwarf, or elf. Watch your back, my friend, dark times are upon us. -Elried Urein

Kelsair · ファンタジー
12 Chs

A Legend Come To Life

Suke exited the gates of the Vennier household. The sun was centered in the sky but it wasn't at all very hot despite there being no wind. The sun's light through the trees was making the narrow streets have a calm glow that wasn't too bright. Suke appreciated this but knew the more open streets would be much brighter, but that was welcome after an entire month in the snow-covered wastelands of Tinia. He breathed in the warm air and made his way to the west of town. While he walked through the city he spotted the foreigner that had taken care of the bandits the day before. He seemed to be in high spirits as he looked through the different shops. That was also when Suke spotted Jyn who apparently had already made it to the city. He was walking with some men in formal clothes and was in deep discussion. Suke took the chance to get out of sight and made sure that Jyn didn't notice him. He hoped that he wouldn't run into Gellion as well, that would be a disaster.

Suke continued on his path to the market place. He knew a few merchants from around the country that would know more about this strange traveler that Quincey wanted information on. He looked around for a few moments from his current position before moving on further down the streets. He walked for a long time before he ran into anyone that he knew was from Dellum. The woman he did notice was an unexpected arrival since she hadn't been in Kiruna for over three years.

"Riyin, It's been a while," Suke said while approaching her. She turned to face him before speaking.

"Good to see you too, I didn't know you'd still be working for Quincey." She answered noticing the Vennier crest on his shirt.

"I have no reason not to." He answered. "Now why haven't you come around for so long?"

"I was in Zentina for a while taking care of my mother." She explained. "I'll be heading back in a month so I thought I'd stop by, I even have something for you if you want it." She pulled out an amulet with a dragon on it. The dragon's scales on its head were shimmering a mix of indigo and blue, its wings were the same colors except they had feathers instead of scales. Suke assumed the stone that was used to make the dragon radiate the vibrant colors could only be some form of opal.

"Is it an opal?" He asked taking it from her hands. Once he held it he felt the slight movement of gears, he pressed the button on top of the amulet and it opened to show many gears intertwining and making a peaceful ticking sound.

"Actually it's supposed to be pieces of a dragon egg, I'm not sure if that's true but it certainly looks amazing." She answered.

"Where did you get it, and why give it to me?" Suke asked meeting her eyes.

"I found it in an old ruin in Zentina… A dwarven ruin that is… And when I say Dwarven I mean the dwarves of old, you know, the ones who actually were made of clockwork, not the charlatans who claim to be… You can tell it was made by the real dwarves just by looking at the gears and the dragon design alone, they were the only ones who could shape dragon egg fragments, if that is indeed what it is, and I've tested it with many different methods and no matter what I try, it just won't break." She explained. "And as for why I'm giving it to you… I don't know, something inside my heart keeps telling me that you should have it." Suke examined it for a while longer before tieing it around his neck. It felt a lot lighter than he thought it would be.

"Either way I'll take it with gratitude," Suke replied.

"Good, I wasn't about to take it back even if you decided you didn't want it." Suke smiled and turned to leave and then remembered his reason for being there.

"I have to ask before I leave." He turned to face her once again. "Have you been in Dellum for any amount of time since you got back?"

"You're gonna ask me about that strange fellow who's been asking about the Obelisk right?" Riyin asked and Suke nodded. "Come inside my tent first." Suke followed her in and before she said anything else she put a magic spell around them. He knew it was a spell that would keep any sound inside its radius locked away from the outside world.

"Do you know the legends about the Obelisk?" She looked at him sternly.

"I know a little, why?" He answered.

"Then you know that the Obelisk is said to be the one thing that protects the planet from disintegrating into nothing, and if someone's looking for it I have reason to believe this entire planet is in danger."

"What makes you think that it actually exists?" Suke asked meeting her eyes.

"Suke you know that I'm one of the only world hoppers on this planet right, you're one of the only people I have told. I'm bringing this up because just the other week I tried to teleport to Reven, the closest planet to ours, and the teleportation not only didn't work but it nearly killed me, and that can only happen if the place that I try to reach doesn't exist. It's like trying to teleport to a place that you made up in your mind, it would simply kill you because it's against the rules of the Aether."

"So you think that the other planets have been destroyed and Eon is next?" Suke asked and Riyin gravely nodded.

"I'm afraid so." She said quietly. "I never thought someone would actually be daring enough to do something like this but the fact that I can't even teleport to Reven makes it clear enough. Suke, whoever this person is, please stop them, cause if something isn't done soon this whole world will be gone and us with it… And if I'm honest with you… I don't want to die."

Suke left Riyin's tent feeling a lot more worry about what would transpire in the near future and he certainly didn't know how he was going to explain all he had learned to Quincey.

Plot twist!

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