
Chapter Four


The breeze touches my face as I get lifted from the ground and fling in the air. The birds tweeting a melody. The sky painted like a canvas, as I land back in his caring arms. He places me back down to the ground and walks away, until he's out of sight.

As I walk towards Salvatore Boarding School, I meet Stef and Annie. Josh has moved back to Mystic Falls for good so he will be in school today. My first lesson is History with Professor Saltzman, Lizzie and Josie's dad. As I finish class, I bump into Hope.

"Hi Iz!" she says.

"Umm hi Hope," I answer back.

"How are you?" she asks as if nothing ever happened.

"Good, umm you?"

"I'm great thanks for asking,"

I walk off without saying anything and make my way to find Annie. Stefanie is still in Magic class so I guess I will meet up with her later.

"There you are!" I say when I finally find Annie.

"Oh hey, sorry I was talking to Mr Williams about occult studies."

"Don't worry. It's alright," I smile.

I go outside as it's a beautiful sunny day when I feel eyes on me. And of course I know who it is..

"Hey sunshine!" he says.

"Josh, hi," I reply.

"Are you ok? You seem unwell," he asks concerned.

"I don't know. There's too much going on in my head and you know why."

"Oh, right," he replies, biting his lip as if to keep his mouth shut.

"I have to get to lesson but I'll see you around?" I ask.

"Yeah I was wondering if you want to go to the Grill with me after school?"

"Sure why not."

"Well then see you later!" he exclaim.


My last classes were Geography and Physical Ed.

"Girls, I'm meeting up with Josh at the Grill," I say to Stef and Annie.

"OMG! Are you two getting back together?!" asks Stef.

"NO!" I shout but I don't actually know.

"Hmm ok yeah I defo believe you. Have fun!" she says.

I find Josh standing outside the Mystic Grill holding a bouquet of roses.

"Oooh I didn't know you were inviting your girlfriend?" I asking teasingly.

"No I don't have a girlfriend, they're for you." he says, giving me the roses.

"What occasion?" I ask.

"No occasion, just for you," he replies, winking at me. I roll my eyes a him.

We go into the Grill, and talk for some time about the past and what happened during the past 20 years.

"I have an idea," he suddenly cuts in. "Lets go on the roof and watch the stars, it's already dark outside."

"Ok," I say, smiling at him.

Going up the stairs, I trip, falling into his arms.

"Sorry." I apologise.

"It's fine."

When we get to the top, the sky is covered in millions of stars.

"I've always wanted my very own star." I say. "But now I don't think it would be so special. People now days can buy their own star and it would make it less special if everyone has their own star."

"So if I bought you a star, you wouldn't like it?" says Josh, waiting for my reply.

"I would like it, it's just it wouldn't be as special." I reply.

"I'm really sorry about your mom's death. I t must have been hard and I wasn't there for you."

"I guess," I mumble.

I imagine what my life would look like it Josh never left it 20 years ago, a magical experience.

"It's getting late, I better go home now." I announce, looking at the time on my phone.

"I'll walk you," he says.

We walk in silence all the way to the witches house.

"Well see you tomorrow then," he says, grinning.


I get changed and go to sleep.