
Sky Dragon's Court

After fusing with the memories of a fallen god, a boy with no hope to become a martial artist will rise from a meek cripple to an unyielding genius. Witness his rise to godhood as he turns the world upside down in his quest to the reach the elusive and legendary God Realm.

DuskFalcon · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Barking Dog

After a quick meal Logan change clothes to a black robe and went outside. The sun was shining brightly, and he didn't see a lot of people as he left his home. It was to be expected most of the servants had left when they lost the patronage of the royal family.

Logan's Father was the Dragon Marshall of the Crystal Lotus Kingdom and it was his job to secure the border between them and the bordering Spiral Clover Kingdom to the east. For the fist few years of Logan's life everything was great, and they had lots of money and servants due to his father's prestige as the number one cultivator in the kingdom.

But once it was made public that Logan was a cripple the royal family stop sending any money and he and his mother had to tolerate the condescending looks of the other noble families. They were basically the poorest noble family in the whole kingdom.

The Crystal Lotus Kingdom was in its golden age of martial arts, where strength matter everything, the weak got trampled and nobody cared. As such everyone took Logan as steppingstone to be kicked around.

Over the years Logan had gotten used to the jeers and ridicule of the masses that he was basically immune to them. However, the one thing he couldn't forgive was when someone insulted his parents. The other he had gotten into an argument with Gale Velk, the son of the Phoenix Marshall, a contemporary of his father and his bitter rival.

Gale had ridiculed Logan saying there was no way he could be the son of a military god like the Dragon Marshall.

Logan's anger erupted like a volcano at the insinuation that his mother might be unfaithful. He was so angry he challenged the idiot noble to a duel. However, Gale was no weakling but a true warrior of the seven stage of Qi Condensation. While Logan was an ordinary cripple the result was to be expected and he got the snot beat out of him to the point of losing consciousness and becoming the ridicule of the capital.

After he left the house, Logan made his way directly to the commercial district. He needed to see the kinds of ores and weapons that were sold to get a better sense of the market. As he walked by, lots of people were pointing at him behind his back and make sly comments. Logan was so used to his that it no longer bothered him.

However, he bitterly smiled on the inside. His father was in charge and had suppress the advances of their enemies for decades and what did he get? Constant bullying and jeering for his son and wife to the point where they could only eat rice and eggs everyday and his son almost getting beaten to death.

Even though the stares and jeers no longer bother him, Logan quickened his pace. No need to deal with idiots but as soon as he began to walk away his path was block by a group of people.

"Oy is that you Logan? Weren't you beaten the other day to the point where even your own mother couldn't recognize you? How come you're so chipper today?"

Logan looked up to see a sixteen-year-old teen wearing a gaudy green robe, he was standing with his two guards sneering at Logan.

In the Crystal Lotus Kingdom nobles were divided between upper and minor nobles. Upper nobles were born into their station while minor ones were granted theirs by the royal family. Even though Logan's family had a strain relationship with the royal family at the moment they were still a true upper noble family.

The youth in front of him was Jolk Nalu and he was a minor noble, son of a silks merchant. Even though his status was lower that Logan he thought himself his superior. He wasn't exactly wrong in the Crystal Lotus Kingdom strength was superior to status.

Jolk was standing right in the middle of the road and if Logan wanted to be on his way, he would need to pass through him.

If it was the Logan from the past, he would have turned around and walked back. But not today. Logan looked at Jolk then at his guards and sighed. "People say even well-trained dogs know to get out of the road. Looks like you're dumber than a dog."

"Logan, it seems you didn't remember the lesson that I gave you last time! If you want to be beaten within an inch of your life again, then let's fight in the martial arena." Jolks's expression changed before taunted him once again.

When Logan challenged Gale yesterday, it was Jolk who stepped up and took the challenge upon himself nearly killing Logan in the process.

"That's why I said you were a dog. Just go eat Gale's crap and leave me alone." Logan shook his head. He didn't want to waste his time on this kind of person. He needed to handle his own affairs, so he started to walk around him.

"Logan, you are asking for it!"

Jolk was not expecting that the always cowardly Logan would actually act in such an unyielding manner, not even paying attention to him. He stuck out his arms to bar Logan's path.

Logan frowned slightly, but just as he was about to say more, a person walked over and cursed Jolk, "You're the one asking for it! Just who do you think you are to dare threaten my brother?"

The person who had come was an extremely tall eighteen-year-old. His height was especially extraordinary at almost seven feet tall, which was taller than either of them by over a head and very intimidating.

"Leroy, this isn't your business! It'd be best if you didn't meddle around."

When Jolk saw Leroy, all he could do was to act tough even though he was weaker. Leroy was also a minor noble like him, but the difference was that Leroy was stronger than him, he had reached the eighth stage of Qi Condensation while he was only at the third stage of Qi Condensation. They were very few people in their generation that could challenge Leroy and win.

"Logan, I heard that, that bastard Gale had you beat up. How about I go help you vent your anger?" Leroy looked at Logan and his expression became indignant.

Logan looked at the huge person in front of him, and his heart felt a bit of warmth. Leroy was the only one in the royal capital who would consider him as his brother.

"No thanks, my enmities are something that I will pay back myself. Don't worry about it." Logan faintly laughed, patting Leroy's shoulder.

When Leroy heard Logan say this, he thought that his friend might be worried about his image and so he didn't raise the issue again.

Logan smiled at Leroy. "Let's go and have a drink, the air stinks of wet dog."

When Jolk saw that the two of them acted as if he wasn't even there, he couldn't help but angrily curse at them, "Logan, you little bastard, if you have the guts then you'll fight me in a duel!"

They had just walked a couple of steps when Jolk said this. From deep within Logan's eyes, a strong murderous intent radiated as he slowly turned his head.

"You want to have a duel with me?" Logan's voice was extremely cold. Each spoken word was cold as ice, causing people to tremble in fear.

Jolk couldn't help but shiver. For some reason, he felt that today's Logan was a bit different than the one he fought the other day, but he had already issued his challenge and if he went back on his word, he would then become the laughingstock of the entire capital.

Moreover, he was already used to bullying Logan over and over, so with those experiences, he ignored the trace of fear that arose in his heart.

"Not bad, you dare to accept the duel?" Jolk mocked in a loud voice.

"Not a problem, however, I want to add some stakes, otherwise it would be boring" said Logan after a moment's thought.

"Adding stakes? Haha, since when has the Rao family has any stakes to add. You guys are almost unable to feed yourselves, what are you going to take out as stakes? A pile of dung? ON second thought You could use your family's estate, or better yet how about you become my slave?" mocked Jolk coldly.

However, what he didn't notice was that in the corner of Logan's mouth was a callous smile that seemed to have some hidden intentions.

"Leroy, can you lend me your sword?" Logan asked.

"Take it." Leroy hated to part with it, but he still handed his sword over. He trusted Logan that much.

Logan nodded, and he quietly recorded this favor into his heart. He examined the sword, thanks to his Forge God memories he could tell the sword was made from top quality steel, and the one who forge it could be consider a master by the standards of the Crystal Lotus Kingdom. However in his eyes this sword was worse than trash, it wasn't even a Martial Weapon but towards Jolk, he said, "This sword isn't top quality, but it is still worth around eight thousand gold coins. For today I'll just count it as five thousand gold coins. If you win the sword is yours, but if you lose, you have to give me five thousand gold coins. How's that sound?"

Jolk heart shook because he knew that what Logan said was right but how did this cripple become so knowledgeable about weaponry. But that didn't matter the idiot wanted to wager such a precious sword it was like taking candy from a baby. Jolk stared cheering inside at his good luck.

He once again sneered, "I don't know." He said pensively "If someone were to lose, will he renege out of the bet?"

"Don't worry. I will guarantee it." Leroy coldly smiled.

"Good, then let's go to the martial arena to sign the contract. If today I don't beat the teeth out of Logan that I wouldn't be fit to bear the name of Nalu." Jolk couldn't help from being extremely exuberant as he high-spiritedly spoke.

Logan's face was still calm; however, within his eyes appeared some darkness. Jolk was just one of Gale's dogs, so he never paid much attention to the idiot. But nowadays he felt like they were always plotting against him; just what kind of hidden conspiracy was there?

It wasn't any coincidence that he run into the barking idiot on the first day after he made a full recovery. However, no matter what kind of conspiracy it was, the truth would always come to light one day. Logan walked directly to the martial arena outside the capital.