
Skulduggery pleasant:War Time

OkayBuddyReally · 書籍·文学
22 Chs

The teleporter

It was the year 2012,2 years after Valkyrie Cain took her taken name.1 year before he would join the gang of crime fighters,Skulduggery's group of heroes.He was a teleporter.

He teleported into a hotel.Thought about his mother,and took a sandwich from the table and ate it.Fletcher was a teenager,so he was not responsible.And he was very irresponsible.

He teleported onto a high roof of the city of London,his hometown.He watched as the cars passed,the wind blowed and the hunter jumping.He felt a different wind on his back and teleported,he teleported back a little behind where he was and saw Jack.Springheeled Jack swipe at nothing.He teleported back into the hotel room,heart beating faster than a single teleportation.

Something nagged at him,something about missing his old life.He pushed that back into his very dumb mind.He was tired,and so he slept.

"Is anyone here?This room isn't being booked until tomorrow!Why is there anyone here?Open up!"A very shocked room-keeper ordered as she tried to find her keys.

Fletcher heard this and teleported.