

"You're only going to keep Kaito from dying, don't kill her."

"Ok but why do you want to save him? He won't really die." The clone replied confused.

"This is not part of a Machiavellian plan if that is what you are wondering. Just that I find this person endearing, even though you know a person you like won't actually die when they are killed, you aren't going to let them die if you have the power to stop that."

"I understand, but since Pitou won't kill him, Gon won't hate this royal guard to the point of sacrificing his Nen to kill her so Nanika living in Aruka Zoldik will not come out of her hiding place. Why let Pitou live ? You could integrate him into our legion and let him keep his personality , so even the Queen herself shouldn't feel anything fishy. All of this will greatly change the events that follow. "

"Tch you think I haven't thought about it ? I'm powerful but I still fear Nanika, even if she goes out I still don't know what to do with her, besides the Zoldyck enclosure is inhabited by a bunch of monsters, I still think I can forcibly infiltrate it if I have to. You only have the same mentality as me, but while you don't have all of my thoughts, you know my current skills and you know that using just one of my Hatsu would normally be enough to defeat any human.

I don't intend to kill Pitou because I want to do an experiment, that's all you will have as an answer, now cross this portal this figure of Nen is dissipating. Gates."

The sun had risen for a few hours now, Pitou had noticed for a long time that, this kid never got tired.

Fortunately, it's not that his amount of Nen is infinite but that, according to his analysis, he would instantly regenerate after using this odd technique unique to everyone, which humans possess : Hatsu.

This aspect she understood by trying to fight him all the night, almost every hour, Stokadi stopped playing the flute, at that moment, Nen's tentacles were disappearing, contrary to their effects et his aura slightly diminished return to his initial quantity.

Every 3 hours, his flute dissipated, the boy remained calm, finally moved, taking the computer in his hands, and after touching a few keys and waiting exactly 3 seconds, the same flute reappeared.

Pitou also realized that the effects of one Nen tentacle lasted about 1 hour.

After 13 hours of fighting, exhausted, Pitou, which had unknowingly become much stronger, had gained a keen instinct and insight and solid combat experience, had finally given up and returned to the colony.

"Phew, what tenacity !" exclaimed the Skotadi clone, turning to realize that Kaito had fallen unconscious.

"Pay to Win is aptly named haha! But I had to use the option "Pay more, Win faster" to get there."

The clone dissipated, then some time later, descending from the sky, Skotadi landed.

"Pay to win" : A computer made of Nen materializes, it has only one appli downloaded.

This application is called "Pay to Win", inside you are in a store, in this one, you can "pay" to win one or more advantages in real life.

You pay according to the usefulness of the advantage, by agreeing to see a certain amount of your Nen sealed for a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Each advantage lasts for 3 hours, its effect on the opponent depends on the difference in power between him and the user and the conditions placed.

User can improve in a certain measure, the effectiveness of the advantage purchased through an option "Pay more, Win faster", the price of the option is three times that of the advantage.

Conditions :

1. The app takes 3 seconds to open, the app closes after 10 minutes of inactivity.

2.This Hatsu should only be used by one person at a time, if a clone is using it, the user should not use it at the same time.

If any of the conditions are not met, the app will be unhappy, try something if you want, but at your own risk...

The following night, at the edge of a cliff located in front of the Chimera Ants colony, Isaac Netero, once touted as the most powerful Nen user in the world could be seen using a very advanced Gyo ;

this Gyo allowed Netero to observe the colony, however 4 kilometers away, as if he were looking at a pebble at his feet, and to see through the walls.

After a few minutes, he reported what he had observed to Knov and Morel, his two apprentices :

"The Queen and the Royal Guard are not inside. And concerning the other Chimera Ants, they are no longer alive, only a sea of corpses remains in this place."

Indeed, Neferupitô after having fled, had gone to report this situation to the Queen, who made the decision to leave this place once the second of the royal guards came out of its cocoon, which happened a few hours later.

During this wait for the first time in his life and seriously, Pitou trained hard.

Once Shaiapouf came out of the cocoon, the Queen explained the situation to him, who agreed to abandon the 3rd royal guard as long as the King was born ; Pitou, Pouf and the Queen then left this place and fled elsewhere.

The three Hunters had approached in an attempt to try to understand the strange situation, after ten minutes, they felt an aura surge, which came from the third guard out of its cocoon.

'The turn of events does not deviate from my expectations except concerning the abandonment of Menthuthuyoupi, my clone apparently left a strong impression.

I cannot let him die, although he is powerful, they are two Hunter of Kaito's caliber and a much more powerful Hunter. Although Colt in the anime had felt that the three wouldn't even be the match of one of the Royal Guards, that would hold true regarding Knov and Morel, not Netero.

This old man had only shown part of his aura to Colt, moreover his understanding of the Nen and his experience are monstrous, even if he is only half less powerful compared to his youth, he is Isaac Netero !' Thought Skotadi watching them from the same cliff they came from.

As the fight was about to begin, the three Hunters as well as Youpi suddenly felt a violent and unhealthy Intention to Kill, Knov, Morel and Youpi, stunned and terrified put one knees on the ground breathless.

'Obviously Netero does not fear death, and even if he feared it it wouldn't surprise me that he had already experienced this caliber of Intention to Kill on the Dark Continent.'

A tall, dark-haired man, dressed in bronze-colored armor and a worn cloak, suddenly appeared between the four, then that feeling of fear vanished.

"Who are you and what is your goal ?" Releasing an Immense and monstrous aura, Netero immediately questioned the man while making a huge golden form appear behind him, exuding unprecedented power.

Youpi was the first to recover, followed by Morel, Knov remained motionless with his blurry eyes, while the man answered with a charismatic voice and just as mysterious as his appearance :

"Don't take that thing out in front of me if you don't want to die." The old man retracted his aura as the towering figure mysteriously disappeared.

"Good. Vlad Dracula was my name a few centuries earlier. My goal is simple : I want you to let this Chimera Ant go, any objections ?" At that moment Youpi was relieved, this person had come to save him.

No one answered anything, the place remained silent, Netero's gaze was calm but his heart, animated with absolute rage !

Did this man despise him ?

How could the most powerful man in the world not have a corresponding ego ?

Yet, he didn't show his emotions at all, and tried to figure out the situation : "Are you on the side of humanity or of these insects ?"

"I like people like you old man, you don't give me bullshit like justice.

So I'll save you a few questions, I'm only on the side of myself so you can exterminate these insects if you have the power and I won't bother you but wait a few weeks."