
Skoll's Journey

Zuxorg a world of pure chaos, every creature fighting and devouring one another to become a being of higher power. Many gods watch over these creatures, wagering bets on who shall claim the throne. Going as far as blessing these creatures to aid them with their powers. For whoever takes the throne that appears every 5 hundred years, shall ascend and join the ranks of the Gods. ------------------------------------ Main Character will be a Kobold, throughout the entire novel as I wish for him to stay that way. He shall evolve into much higher life forms but mainly becoming a unique type of Kobold. These Kobolds are the Dog kind, not the lizard. In this novel Lizard Kobolds and Rat Kobolds do exist though. Mc was never a human, as he was born a kobold. Mc will be "Evil" as he is a monster. He is selfish and will do anything to improve himself and his tribe. --------------------------------- Got inspiration from "Epic of Caterpillar" and the orc novel "Green Skins" Cover art is not mine. ------------------------------ I have wrote some other books before, for some reason I have never really got past the "7 chapter mark." I do indeed wish to break this "Curse" which I will do, I promise. I am writing on my phone so sorry for grammar like problems, as autocorrect screws me sometimes. I do indeed wish to become a writer someday, if you see faults and what I can do to fix said problems then please tell me. I want to improve my craft so I appreciate all the support and criticism I may get. Thanks!

OdinEatsBooty · 幻想
8 Chs

Doggy Steps

in a place filled with flowers and trees made out of bone, rivers made out of milk extending endlessly. A small humanoid figure covered with fur sporting a dog like head is seen running around with blissful happiness.

Mouth filled with bones as his tail wags while hopping and skipping around, the beast of a dog then barks on top a mountain made out of bone feeling like the King of Beasts.

Soon the beast is interrupted as he begins to hear the sound of whimpers, as if the sky was calling him.

"Arou?" the beast questions as he looks around in a visible confusion. Suddenly the beast gets flung off the mountain landing with a thump.


Awoken from falling out of a tree, I begin licking the drool dripping from my snout, as I stretch my furry limbs and scratch my behind with my claws. Noticing how dark it has gotten out I decide its time to head back too the tribe, I quickly get to my feet as I make way to the deer I hung up on the tree.

Climbing back up the tree I begin undoing the rope as the dead beast falls slamming into the ground.

Hopping down from the tree i wrap the beast on my makeshift backpack, grabbing hold of my axe as I make my way back to the tribe.

Walking through the hunting grounds that I "rule" I quickly make my way back to my tribe.

Cutting down the steep wilderness in my way as I quickly kill the critters trying to take a chunk out of me, I soon spot the cave entrance to my home.

Noticing the lack of guards, I begin running into the cave.

Please be okay.. please be okay I chant in my mind,as I make my way towards my tribe through the cave.

Spotting my tribes huts I'm filled with happiness, which quickly turned sour when I spotted the giant green orc ripping apart my tribe with his bare hands.

Hearing him shout "Is this all you dogs can do?!!" As he proceeds to rip off the head of our chieftain. "Become my nourishment, my essence, be good..dogs." he snorts out as he tosses the dead body of my chieftain to the ground.

Seeing this plus all the dead bodies of my tribe, I begin to be filled with something I have never felt before. Rage.

Blinded by my pure rage I drop the deer from my back as I reach for my axe.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU DOING!" I growl out as I bolt towards the orc, leaping off the ground swinging my axe at a full arc slicing into the orcs cheek.

Landing with a rough slide I look towards the orc as I swing towards him again.

The orc still confused at the fact he got hit, begins to mumble out "you actually hit me..you actually hit me.." at the sudden realization of him being hit his face visibly beings to grow more and more furious.

"YOU ACTUALLY HIT ME!" He roars as he rushes towards me, swinging his arms in a awkward manner. Not even caring in the slightest as I slice into his body with my axe.

Seeing as the Orc is getting more furious the more he gets hurt, I realize i need to end this fast.

Getting too cocky for my own good, I begin getting balsy as I dodge every strike of his and replace one due to my nimbleness and height.

"YOU PUNY DOG..COME HERE!" he shouts as he finally grabs hold of me and hangs me into the sky, leaving my little furry feet dangling.

I begin to panic and start rapidly swinging my axe like a mad man. Trying my best to escape his grip, I realize its meaningless as he shoves off every attack I give him. Getting tired of my bout he proceeds to slam me into the cave floor.

Feeling my bones smash into powder, with hardly any way to move I begin to fear that my time has come. Knowing that death is on it's way I begin to feel very unwilling. I begin shouting at myself in my mind that I cant leave my tribe behind, that they need me to support them.

Filled with despair at the thought of my tribe being wiped from the planet, I look towards the creature i so desperately want to kill. Spotting him dragging what looks to be a body. He looms over me with a grinning face at my demise.

He holds what looks to be the chieftains body over his head intending to use the body as a weapon to kill me with.

As the orc is about to slam down,a few kobolds hop on too his back trying to save me. Seeing this as a opportunity I use all my remaining strength to chuck my axe.

Feeling the pain of my already powder like bones being used to chuck a weapon, I growl out in pain.

Seeing my axe soaring through the air slicing into the orcs face killing it as the orc topples it's already weakened body over,made the pain more than worth it.

Tapped out of strength and on the verge of death I look towards the remaining kobolds as a smile appears on my face.

As long as they are okay, I say.

As my vision is getting more blurry by the second I hear the voice of the system, telling me my rewards.

My eyes begin slowly closing into completely darkness,as the last thing I hear is

"Skoll leveled up!"

"Skoll leveled up!"

"Skoll leveled up!"

"Skoll leveled up!"

"Skoll gained 8 attributes points!"

"Skoll reached necessary requirements to Evolve!"