
Skilled World

After two years of constant wars, and several races decimated, the time has come for the realms to unite to put an end to the Tarsost. Let us follow the trajectory of several characters, each with their ideals along this common goal, to restore peace.

Gustavo_Luiz_Art · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The Politics of Beautiful Peoples

It was late at night, and despite the icy mountains being seen from every corner of the city, the climate is predominantly hot and humid, it was always stable regardless of the seasons, a situation that is beyond the shallow understanding of some peoples, who think that these people can this feat using magic, but which is nothing more than a natural state of all that nature around the city. This is the Pillar City, the home of the elves, beings of harmonious appearance, and sweet vocal timbre, but who have contracted numerous enemies over time for their arrogance to think they are superior for beauty and longevity.

A small elf, who held the position of Accountant of the King, was responsible for going to the realm of Men to make contracts for the import and export of products, his name is Yityot.

Finishing his evening feast, he sets the cutlery neatly positioned beside the plate, and wiping his mouth with a white cloth with gold-embroidered seams, he turns his head toward the large window to his right, gazing at the moonlight and observing the white mountains in the background.

-I will have a lot of work tomorrow, the next transaction will not be easy.... Men are very inflexible...

he thought as he pushed back his chair to get up.

-The empire more than ever needs my services... I cannot fail... the king trusts me....

With that mental affirmation, he gains strength and marches towards the royal hall. Many paintings are displayed on the walls of the corridor, with some statues of some Elf Heroes from the past, but none of this makes Yityot look away for even a minute. He definitely knew the weight of the problem that only he and the King were aware of. When you present yourself at the door of the hall, there are 2 soldiers one on each side of the door, and when you signal with a hand signal that means the King above all, the beings in readiness open the door for your introduction.

-My king....

Says the low elf kneeling down...

-Get up Yityot... tell me what do you have for me?

-My king... I bring the last notes of the Men's answers, and they are not good my lord....


The king doesn't say anything else for a moment, as if he's already expected this.... he looks patiently at a picture of his daughter on the wall, and his wife in another picture next to it, and after a few seconds he says:

-They refused then?.... we have no other alternative....the kingdom will collapse..., but if we are going to go bankrupt, we can do an action that I did not intend..., but it is necessary, after all we are a worthy race of perfection.

-But my King... shouldn't we tell the people what's going on? they think it's okay with us.....

-And what would that do? it would only cause mass panic and hysteria, they better enjoy what we have left of happiness, when these last Gems consume all their energy, it will come to the end of all our activities, so it will be a matter of time before we suffer from hunger, diseases and without mention the attacks that may occur... my people don't deserve to suffer in advance for this... we are a race with dignity and we will die if need be with such dignity....

Affirming these words without leaving room for answers Yityot asks permission to leave:

-With your permission my lord...

The king waves with his right hand, as if he doesn't care, and goes back to looking at the paintings from before.

The low elf breaks into a cold sweat, he knows that everyone in the kingdom is faithful to the king's decisions, and any conversation that mentions his leader's decisions would mean conspiracy and he would be sent to the gallows. He doesn't know what to do to warn the people, he doesn't know if he should take such a risk. Your mind boils like volcanic lava, and your thoughts travel so fast that you can't build a connected idea.

After calming down with 4 or 5 glasses of wine, he cries in despair alone in the dark of the staff kitchen.

-Because this King is so... so... without compassion..., what should I do?... give me a light.

Goddess of Waterfalls, I need you....

Praying hard and intoxicated, he leans over the white marble table in front of him and a bolt of thought instantly shakes his mind.

-I will warn the Princess so that she escapes, she will be able to pass our lineage forward, and she will not be contaminated by the ideas of the old conservatives.

He drops his glass halfway through and goes in search of the Princess.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------

A month had passed and everyone was happy, having won the war against the Tarsost who tried to invade the Dwarven city. In this way, the Dwarven people came together to rebuild the destroyed parts of the city, and for that, they all worked with pride of having overcome this great evil that tried to ravage them. Its king, a man with a relatively short beard compared to other dwarves, was a pacifist and kind man, who was satisfied with the peace among his people, although there was always a fight or another, due to excessive consumption of alcohol, everyone did the same. peace in the presence of the King, who quickly resolved conflicts. His name is Gloneidon, and he was with his escort checking the productivity of the magical gems mines, after all after this economic blow they suffered it was the king's duty to do business with other kingdoms in order to get resources for the reconstruction of his empire.

-Good morning King Gloneidon.... everything is great here.... we are filling an average of 6 bags a day.

Said one of the dwarves who was hitting the rocky walls of the cave with a pickaxe.

-Hmm.... it seems that we are reducing then hem.... last year there were 10 bags, what do you say about that?

-Well... my King... the sales were quite high, and I believe that the mountain is not supporting production long enough to satisfy the next sales.


Scratching his short beard, the king comes to the following conclusion:

-Give the order for everyone to start accumulating them, our kingdom is growing fast and we will depend even more on gem magic, we won't have enough to sell as we used to...

-Yes sir....

Making a bow, the dwarf waits for the king to leave to go back to work.

After about 15 minutes of constant blows applied to the wall of the cave, and already quite tired, the dwarf looks to his side, to which he had the opening of the cave that was in a mountain of about 20 meters above the level of the city, and with that privileged vision he sees something he cannot conceive of as real, he refuses to believe:

-There's an army marching towards us....

He gave off the screams as he ran warning all the other worker dwarves.

Before he reached the stairs that gave access to the lower part of the cave, he hears a pop, looking to where the sun penetrated the closed place he was in, he sees the wall being torn down. It wasn't all, just a part, but it was no less astounding due to such magical resistance to which its walls had.

Several skilled warriors stormed the entrance created by the blast, leaping over the roofs of houses and firing arrows with deft hands on their bows.

Dwarf men who worked with carpentry were hit hard, taking 7 to 10 arrows to the body, children playing in the street ran into the arms of their mothers which none were spared. After a few moments of trumpets sounding from the top of the walls, the dwarf army approached. Many let their hearts be shaken when they saw the pile of bodies that formed in the streets, but most remained steadfast in order to destroy that enemy that was in front of them.

-Damned elves.... I never liked them.... I always knew they were the incarnate demons....

One of the little men exclaimed.


With a scream of leather, they departed with their axes and great hammers towards the Elves, to which they returned to compose themselves in a defensive formation.

Elf Archers gave way to Initiators who had 2-sided swords in hand and Elves Tanks, who held waterdrop-shaped shields. Upon closer examination one of the dwarves noted:

-Training 2.....now....

He had noticed that the elven shields were actually Dragon scales, and would completely block any physical attack. the dwarves didn't stop the fast march, they just made formation as they ran, they surrounded the elves to keep them from escaping. With the circle formed, the General of the Elves who was wearing a green cape said:

-You can hear that noise.....

And before the soldiers' answer could be heard, the dwarves use all their strength

on their legs and jump high, under their feet Giant Armadillos run past.

Not that they were huge, but they were much larger than normal Armadillos, measuring about 1.8 meters tall. They pass by, emitting their characteristic rodent sounds, and collide their large claws with the elves' shields, rendering this attack useless. The animals had a certain intelligence of action, and soon they shrink into a rolling ball at full speed, which, when turning further away from the Elves on guard, return to the collision that is now successful. The blow was vicious, crushing hit elves.

-Impossible... these scales completely block physical attacks....

One of them muttered as he fell to the ground....

-Idiots... Armadillos feed on gems, it is obvious that their hooves are magical attributes, you have no way out, you will die here and now....

replied one of the dwarves leading the charge.

Quickly the Elf Archers fired at the dwarves and Armadillos simultaneously, but without effect, being defended by the small men and blocked by the animals' carapace.

With this, the Elf archers drop their bows to the ground and draw their swords from opposite sides. The fight begins... the grinding of metal on metal was audible from the castle in the background, the King seeing everything from afar while being dressed by 2 royal maids despairs:

- Get rid of these bastards.....

he shouted, hoping to be heard. Despite their clumsiness, the subordinates ignored such words, for their anger at the Pointy-Eared Men was the same.

-You are ready my King....

-Now yes.... I'm going to rip off the heads of these miserable people.... see what they did to my people.....

Pointing at the pile of bodies of children, women and the elderly, the king leaps from the 7th floor of the castle, falling with all his might below. The impact cracked the ground beneath his feet, but his armor with Gold and Silver parts protected him from the damage of the fall, and allowed him to increase his leg-pull strength, making him run faster than any Dwarf.

The battle is intense, Elf Archers deftly dodge the rough blows of the dwarves, they dance among the little bearded ones as they deliver accurate blows with the sword from opposite sides in hand. Shwin..... a blow thrust under the armpit of a Dwarf.... blood spurts on the face of another..... Plints... Another Elf deflects the movement of a large Hammer that was coming towards his face , he clashes the blade of his right sword and the spark indicates that the Dwarf in question missed.

Another Elf further behind his General is distracted to look towards the spark that raged in the smoky air, and ends up receiving an ax in the knee, breaking his leg off.

The blows were frighteningly fast on the part of the Elves, the Dwarves relied more on the weight of their blows which would easily dismember the bodies of beautiful beings.

But the General of the Dwarves, Fridulov, had a more analytical view of the situation. He saw clearly that for every Elf killed, there were 4 casualties on his side, and even though they were outnumbered, they would lose the battle if it went on....

He looks at the movement of the Armadillos, which were trained to attack only the enemy, but in the midst of all that shuffle, to which the Dwarves were very close to their opponent, the earth rats stood back observing a clear opportunity to enter the combat.

Fridulov holds tight to his leather bridle, making a creaking sound that his personal guards hear and look at him. His expression was one of anger, and he was grinding his teeth.

-General, what should we do? apparently we're losing, or is it just me?

This was obvious to Fridulov who had more experience in battles, he didn't know what else to turn to, he knows that dwarves still had an ace up their sleeve for desperate situations, but he accepted the risk.

-"Damn.... if we release the Vampire he will not only destroy the Elves but also the rest of the kingdom, this isn't even a secret weapon.... damn... what the King was thinking of trying train these demonic creatures...."

he thought as his teeth chattered from so much force.

When looking back, to see the direction of the castle and wondering where this mystical creature was in the tower, he sees something yellow glow against the sun and come like a cannonball towards him:

-Give a pass...

shouted the King who ran at full speed, making the General move away from the main street and his guards.

-Thank the Gods the King will participate in the fight.....

Quickly exclaimed the General, letting out his concern at the current state of the war.

The king enters the battlefield with everything, not wanting to know who was ahead, he delivers a frightening blow with his Royal Hammer, which with the strength of the artifact itself and the speed at which it was, makes the energy released to be multiplied.

Several Dwarves and countless Elves are thrown into the air with the strike, and the king continues to penetrate the crowd. After a few meters it stops when it collides with a giant spider.

-Motherfuckers.....so they still intended to enter the land of the dwarves with these beasts?

The spider raises its very sharp paws, as if prepared for war, and makes a swift blow towards your majesty. With the Hammer held back by the Spider's other legs, the King struggles to pull and try to defend himself, but he can't make it in time.

Blood gushes and pieces of the Dwarf's beard, who threw himself in front of the leader of this people was his General, he is snatched by the spider's paw that looked like a blade, and falling to the ground with his chest bleeding he says:

-My king....croft (spitting a ball of blood)... save our people.....

The king, still desperately pulling the Hammer, finally succeeds.

-I will honor you, my great General....

cried the king, while the Spider skewered the General's body by the foot, and lifting him, it swallowed his entire body.

The king furrowed his brows, with a huge anger, and delivered such quick blows on the spider's legs that everyone wondered how he manages to handle something so heavy as if it were nothing.

The Giant Spider falls to the ground while its paws fly destroying houses around with such violence to which it was applied.

The hammer continues uncontrolled hitting Elves, and after stabbing about 7 approximately, the King stops when he feels a blow on his back. He drops to his knees to the ground and then lies down to a quick death. His back was with a very deep diagonal slash, and behind him an Elf with blue and white armor and an immense sword, begins to clean the blood from his blade.