
Skill Proficiency Booster System

Just read it before you judge.

Charlottes · ファンタジー
2 Chs


From this very moment, his life became hell on his first day of prison he was already being beat up by his fellow inmates.

However it was only the start, Chris already regretted his mistake however there was no medicine that removes regret.

In his cell, he thought that he'd at least have a peaceful moment but he was wrong he wasn't assigned to a single man cell but a cell for a group instead.

There he was brutally beaten once again, his fat body was filled with blood, though it wasn't enough to kill him it still made him faint, however even after beating him to this state, the group of inmates that did this to him didn't feel guilt nor pity at all instead they were enjoying this.


6 month has passed,

To him getting beaten up is a daily occurrence, and during that 6 month his fat appearance was nowhere to be seen as Chris lost more than 100 kilo of weight do to stress and not getting enough food.

At this point he gave up resisting to any kinds of violence, his dead eyes still remained the same he had long given up in life.

During those 6 months, he tried to completely seal his emotions, but he couldn't. It was simple, he is just a human almost every night he'd been crying alone.

He hated himself, because of one simple incident a pretty stupid reason why he became what he is now, he thought that he probably deserved this a human trash like him should live life like this.


It's been an entire year since he arrived at this place. Chris thought that this day would be the same as usual getting beaten up, being treated as a punching bag rather than actually human being.

He already has gotten used to the pain, his endurance has grown to the point that an ordinary person couldn't hope to achieve.

Chris was ready for whatever kind of beatings that he would receive today, however he never once thought that this day would be a turning point of his life.

At the prison basketball court, Chris was dragged by the person who beat him ever since he arrived in this place. Blake.

He was a piece of shit that enjoys beating anyone, he loves to see their pained expression and despair. He's a perverted maniac that enjoys others misfortune.

In short he was more of a human trash than Chris, his crimes were many and it was already a miracle that he didn't get a execution sentence.

His crimes are, murderer, stealing, carjacking, kidnapping and r*pe, this bastard doesn't know what is guilt.

But either way even though Blake is a bigger scum than him, he couldn't do anything to him, it wasn't because he is strong but because he had lackeys around him and they were the strong ones.

However today he wasn't the only one who got dragged by Blake today, it was an old man in his fifties, Chris recognized everyone faces in this prison and this was the first time have seen this old man.

"Chris my personal punching bag, are you happy that you're not alone today?" Blake laughed and his lackeys did the same.

Chris was already used to this, however he stared at the old man beside him, he was a bit worried by this because he is already very old, the old man might die after getting beaten up.

He knows that this was disgusting to be a hero at this point, but he couldn't just let this human scum beat up this old man, he gritted his teeth and nervously said. "B-blake, w-why don't you leave the old man alone? Y-y-you can just beat him up as you like, but spare him h-he is already old!"

Blake glanced at him with a blank look and then, he suddenly kicked his stomach.


"Cough- cough-!" Chris coughed blood due to Blake's kick, however this was nothing he was already used to it, but still it hurts like hell!

Blake approached him, and grabbed Chris messy hair, he stared at him with his terrifying eyes. "Bitch, did I give you permission to talk?"

Slap! Slap!

He slapped Chris' face repeatedly while saying. "Tell, me did I? Huh?! Huh?!"

Chris' face was already beaten to black in blue, since Blake didn't hold back with his slaps.

While getting repeatedly slapped by Blake, in Chris' mind. 'I'm tired of this shit…..I'm tired of getting beat up...I don't care anymore..'

Blake temporarily stopped slapping Chris, then he suddenly heard Chris saying.

"Do I need your permission to speak, you son of a bitch!"

Blake and his lackeys were surprised to hear Chris saying that they never expected him to speak like that, then Blake started to laugh. "Hahahahaha!"

After a full minute of laughing, Blake finally stopped and he started to grip Chris messy hair more tightly to the point that they started to bleed.

"Bitch, have you finally gone crazy? Talking to me like that." Blake glared at Chris with his bloodshot eyes.

However Chris wasn't intimated anymore, he stared back with his dead eyes, and smirked. "So what if I am? Fucking bald donkey!"

Then he spits his saliva into Blake's face, he endured being treated like this by Blake for an entire year, and finally today all of his restrained emotions burst out as he has enough, he is tired if he were to die today then..he doesn't care his life was good as over anyway.

Blake veins started to pop out on his face, the thing that he hated the most is being called bald donkey, cause he was bald and looked like a donkey, yet this weak little bitch insulted him plus spitting saliva on his face?

"You little bitch...you really want to die that badly?"

"So what if I am? You bald donkey face!" Chris smirked mockingly at Blake, he is prepared to die at this moment.

"You fucking bitch!!! I'll kill you!" Blake suddenly took out a sharp object from his pocket.

The lackeys were shocked to see that Blake is really serious on killing Chris, however they didn't stop him, they don't really care as it was Chris fault for provoking Blake

As Chris saw the sharp object that is on Blake's right hand, he thought. 'Ah...I'm really going to die today huh...I guess this is it...mom and dad I'm sorry for being a failure of a son. Miller, Ashley I'm sorry for being a terrible friend. I should have been more supportive than being jealous and that girl who I assaulted even though I don't know your name, I'm sorry I regretted doing such actions..'

Closing his eyes, preparing for the pain before dying however suddenly he heard the old man voice. "Young man, isn't it too early to give up?"

Suddenly he could no longer Blake feel Blake's grip, he slowly opened his eyes only to find out Blake and his lackeys laying in the ground.

He looked at the old man in disbelief, and suddenly he heard a dinging voice from his head.

Ding! Congratulations You Have Completed The Special Activation Mission [ Repent ]

Ding! Activating The Skill Proficiency Booster System!

Ding! You Have Received 10 Booster Points As A Starter Pack!



Chris was dumbfounded by the chain of events that he experienced in one go, and from this moment his life changed.

( End- )

So yes, I decided to continue this although I would be only updating 2 chapters a week or so.