
Skill Creator God

Jake was a normal guy who played the wonderful game of league of legends, he always thought to himself: "Man! These skills are overpowered! If I had the ability to make and balance skills I'd do it much better", usually after dying for the 12th time and having 0 kills. One day he died in this game and as he was raging in real life, the sword struck him through his monitor, killing him! He awakes in another world where he was chosen to become the Skill Creator God, his job is to balance and provide skills to a normal fantasy world without skills or jobs prior to this. Will he prove himself as the all powerful skill creator? or will he just create an unbalanced mess?

Salisbury_Steak · ファンタジー
18 Chs

War between the two societies

A/N: was unable to do a 6k word chap. sorry. work called me in for today

A man with smooth skin and moon-white colored long hair appeared on a throne chair. The man had a uniform on that was black and white, it was a traditional cultivator's uniform.

The man appeared shocked and looked at his own hands before settling his gaze in front of himself.

With his eyes he met a group of 100. All of them were currently kneeling with their heads down, both fists touching the cold stone floor.

The white haired man appeared confused and looked at them all with shock in his eyes.

"Where am I system? Also, how are cultivators already this prominent?!" He spoke to the system in his mind. This was Jake.

"Whenever you choose a job in the mortal realm you jump to a part in history and things affected by the job. Like this you will mold the job's class, you can turn this function on or off." The system replied shortly after.

A bald man closest that was kneeling suspiciously put his head up and met his eyes with the white haired man.

When he looked up their eyes met and the bald man immediately put his head down in worry. Sweat formed onto his head.

"F*ck the patriarch noticed I was looking up! Maybe I should have not looked at him, being closest to him and all. But.. he just looks so cool!" The bald man shook in his heart. He was excited and scared at the same time.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?" Jake said to the bald man. He attempted to act the role without drawing any suspicions.

The bald man kept his head down and said. "Lord Patriarch, forgive me. I was just excited for the upcoming war, you always devastate the enemy forces!"

"Hmph. Just don't do it again. You know the punishments for those types of actions." Jake looked as he sneered at the middle aged bald man.

What a weirdo.. He still has these types of thoughts at his age..

Jake shook his head in disappointment. "Cultivators. We will win with ease! Do not worry, your predecessors will remember you if you die! Your ancestors will honor you when you reach heaven!" Jake, like a man with a normal IQ, deduced that there was a war. He never understood why protagonists in novels were so stupid sometimes.

"YES LORD PATRIARCH!" The cultivators all screamed in unison and hit their hands on the floor. They did it just hard enough not to cause any damage.

"Continue your duties. If there is anything you need, tell me.. If not continue your day. The war plans will be explained at a later time." Jake finished saying then the cultivators all left lightning fast.

"Might as well see. Status!" Jake yelled out in his head.

"Status loaded!"

"Name: Lil Xan.. error.."

"Name:Lin Xan

Age: 30

Race: Human (Divine)

Skills: Cultivation Mantra of the Sky (Master)

Qi Manipulation (Expert)

Sword Technique (Advanced)

Sword Basics (Master)"

"Interesting. This man preferred to master the sword basics over the sword technique. Well, his foundation should be quite stable based on how cultivators are." Jake spoke to himself.

Jake exited his throne and left the large room. Outside was a small garden with a pathway that lead up to the main path of the sect.

Growing were rare materials that any cultivator would kill for. To regular jobs these materials would be used for antidotes, but they were also used for pill crafting and poisons.

Jake looked at a few before continuing onto the pathway.

Outside of the patriarch's hall was a large man with spikes protruding out of his head. He had no hair as well.

"Is my sect a bunch of monks? No.. I have hair. What's with the fashion in my sect? Was the previous body a weirdo?" Jake thought to himself as he looked at the bald man as if he expected something.

Jake, using his brain, knew that the man wasn't just waiting there for nothing. And him doing so, and his looks, tells him that he must be an important character in the sect.

"Lord.. Patriarch. Can I get an autograph?" The bald man asked with a shine in his eyes.

"What. You're kidding right?" Jake responded. Was this guy serious?

"I.. I've always just admired you! Even when I was a kid.." The man began to go on in his deep voice.

"I know I'm not that important in the sect and have only reached beginner in my cultivation, but I just need to work harder!" The man was practically at tears at this point.

".." Jake was at a total loss for words.

"Main character my ass! What's with this sect?! Did the old patriarch have a weird fetish or something?" Jake yelled internally.

Jake sighed aloud and then engraved the word "Patriarch" onto the man's arm.

"Enjoy the tattoo" Jake said with a smile. Now the man wouldn't bother him anymore.. right?

"Thank you my lord! I will cherish this arm and protect it in battle! When I die... it will be my family heirloom!" The baldy then ran home in a hurry.

"What a sect this is.. Time to find out what this war is all about." Jake walked off to one of the more prestigious quarters in the living quarters section.

"How convenient that all of the sections of this sect have signs and are divided.." The old patriarch may have been a creep, but he sure had organization skills.

Jake knocked onto the door of the living quarters and a man came out.

A man with spiky hair in his 50's came out of the door. ."Yes my lord patriarch?" He said.

"Uh.. I was wondering if you made any changes with the plan and I wanted to go through it with you once more." Jake replied.

"Ah. I see. Well, tell me what parts you dont understand and I'll smooth it over for you, my lord." The man said and invited Jake in.

Inside was a couch and a nice kitchen. If Jake hadn't known he would have thought he was in modern times again.

"I guess the times updated after a while.. unlike in novels the cultivators have nice rooms. How fancy." Jake sat down on the sofa and kicked his legs back right onto the coffee table.

The spikey-haired man sat down on a nice recliner and kicked his legs out onto the bottom of it.

"Ahh.." The man moaned in relaxation.

"Sorry patriarch, if I had known you were coming I would have brewed some tea or coffee." The man spoke respectfully.

"It's fine.. just explain the plan once more please." Jake replied, trying to get to the crux of the situation.

"Ah yes. Currently the plan is to ambush these barbarians at the Canyon of Death. Lord Patriarch will command a group of soldiers to attack them, as a firing squad of cultivators will shoot down attacks from above the canyon." The man explained. He used much more words, but this was the summary.

"Ahh.. I see. Tell me more about these barbarians." Jake replied.

"They call themselves things like Paladins, warriors, mages, things of the like. They confuse qi for mana.."

"Oh.. I see." Jake nodded his head.

"How are they the barbarians if they came first? Whatever.." Jake shook his head internally.

He then got up out of the comfortable sofa and thanked the spikey haired man for the conversation, and then let himself out the front door.

"What a nice guy.." Jake said quietly as he began to get acclimated with his surroundings.

Five Hours Later..

Jake was currently sitting on a chair at the beach. He sipped out some orange juice and watched his sect members enjoy themselves in the water.

Tits flopped everywhere but Jake didn't give it any mind. He was a man of culture. He preferred league of legends tits.

"Ah.. though this new life is fun, I do miss league.. Oh and I have a question system" Jake spoke to his imaginary friend in his head.

"What type of question could you possibly have host? With you being so smart and all.." The system replied.

"I don't remember you being this.. spicy. Whatever.. if this is the future would it include the future items I would have created as well?" Jake questioned. This was something he was curious about for a little bit now.

"No. You are on another plane of existence when you are in your separate dimension. The jobs, items and skills that you create are all added into every timeline." The system attempted to explain.

"Okay.. Welp I should probably hold this meeting now." Jake sighed. He had to get to work now.

During this time he had a good time with his sect and got to know his sect members..

The spikey-haired man was named Bob Xin and the cultivator with his title as a tattoo is named Long Dong. He also met a number of females, being the patriarch and all.

"Hey! Gather the rest of the sect guys!" Jake yelled out to the cultivators. They were currently in an action-packed game of Marco-Polo. They appeared dejected once they learned they had to go back to work now.

The group walked out of the water with their heads down and appeared visibly upset. But, they knew when it was time to work or not..

Soon enough, the patriarch's hall was filled once more! As weird as that sentence is..

"Okay. Now that- oh yeah you can lift your heads up, its actually rude to put your head down when I'm talking." Jake explained to the group..

The cultivators just looked at one another, daring eachother to have the balls to look up. Soon enough, they were all looking fearfully at Jake.

Their eyes darted back and forth, sweat crept up onto their body and they began to shake.

"Actually.. please look down." Jake immediately changed his mind. These people were quite disgusting looking!

They all jolted their heads down and opened their ears up to be penetrated by Jake's sound frequencies.

Jake explained the plan with a smile. He was happy about this plan. For whatever reason. Then an hour passed. He wasn't very good, or fast at explaining things, he also forgot important details multiple times and had to restart from the beginning as he had lost his spot in the plan.

"Is host high?" The system questioned. By this point all of the cultivators present were sure that their patriarch was either getting older, or had gotten into some of the.. food that was ment for.. other purposes.

"Anyway that's how we'll snag em n tag em." Jake finished speaking.

The room was silent. Nobody understood the plan properly, and nobody understood the phrase he just said.

"Do you all understand the plan?" Jake asked for reassurance. It was a rocky explanation after all.

"YES PATRIARCH!" They all said in unison.. except for one person.

Long Dong spoke up in the back row. "HEY! PATRIARCH! WHAT WAS THE PLAN AGAIN?"

The other cultivators looked at the man angrily, they then looked at his stupid looking tattoo and promised to themselves.

If Long Dong were to die suddenly... nobody would report it.

"Come on, don't joke around, there is no way you don't understand the plan! I explained it like fifty times in great.. detail!" Jake replied.. then he sighed. Time for him to explain the plan once more.

By some miracle Jake was able to explain the plan on his third try!

Finally.. the army moved out! Their destination: The Canyon of Death! Right?

Jake looked at his map nervously as the entire group was walking. Sweat began to drench his uniform.

"Wait.. This isn't right. The landmarks that are supposed to be here aren't.. Is this the right map?" Jake then carefully read the map's name.

Jake had been heading to the location of The Crayon of Death. A location where there was a single crayon that was wielded by a powerful warrior a century ago.

".. Wait.." Jake spoke aloud.

The group looked at him and questioned why Jake stopped. Was it finally time for a break? They had already been traveling on foot for a day now..

".. J.. Just so you're all aware, we are first picking up a rare artifact I will be using in battle! aha.. ahaha" Jake had sweat dripping from his forehead. Thankfully, it was a hot day out and they were in the desert.

The group closest gasped. A man spoke out, he had nice glasses on and a full beard. His nose was red. "Wait a second.. I recognize that purple cactus.. are we.. picking up the crayon of death?! I happen to be a historian dedicated to those events!

"Uh. Yes. You're so smart." Jake clapped for the man and forced the surrounding people to do so too. He wasn't going to look like an idiot by himself.

"Legend has it.. this crayon was wielded by the legendary warrior Pen Ise, he defeated his foe with this crayon by repeatedly jamming it up his nose. This all happened when he was at the age of 3 months old, his opponent was also the same age.. he only became a famous warrior 20 years later. Are you sure you're going to use a normal crayon as a weapon?" The historian questioned.

"Uh.. Yes! I will embarrass our foes by devastating their numbers with a simple normal crayon!" Jake replied with fire in his eyes.

The cultivators were shocked. Has their patriarch gone to the point where he had returned to the basics and went above and beyond.. he would be able to kill anything with even his fingers if he wanted to!

The army then wasted another 5 days on the journey to a normal crayon.

Finally.. a crayon was in sight! The location was quite an interesting one.

It was in a coffin, inside a skeletons eye. It appears that it was never recovered from the child's skull.. Not many would want a random crayon afterall.

With the advanced technology in this new age, they totally could have saved the kid's life, but unfortunately, he was ugly. Nobody cared. So he died.

Jake yanked the crayon out of the eye socket, breaking the entire skull in the process. Outside of the hole in the ground, the historian read the note in engraved in stone in front of the coffin.

"Here lies Pen Ise the Legendary Warrior. Killed by the same crayon he had used to take his first life, quite poetic." The historian said aloud with sincerity on his face. He looked up to this man afterall.

"Wait what?" Jake then looked at what he had just done.

The entire skull.. was in pieces.

"Create skill mend." Jake quickly said.

"Skill created!"

Jake then pressed his hand onto where the skull was and used the skill, the skull then reappeared.

Then skin.. blood.. organs.. the man woke up..

"I'M ALIVE!" The man screamed..

Jake quickly slit his throat and burned his skin and organs away. Only his bones remained.

The group looked down at Jake.

"Did you say something Patriarch? Also, I recommend some lotion." Bob spoke down to Jake.

"Ah.. Haha no I'm fine I'll be up in a second.." Jake then deeply inhaled and exhaled, then left the grave site. He couldn't reveal he was a god to these men.

Soon enough.. they were finally, truly on their way.

12 days passed. Everybody was in position. The average jobs frequented the area due to a monster that occasionally spawned throughout the day. It was a large snake that gave a lot of exp and was very weak.

Soon enough, a party of adventurers entered the canyon.

Jake approached the warrior that was in front. Two of the cultivators then shot warning shots at the party, totally not following the plan.

"Enemies! Attack!" The warrior shouted and the group readied their weapons

Jake sighed. Did they really not understand the simple plan I explained?