
Skill: Absorption(Hiatus)

Reh and his whole section got summoned to the otherworld, namely Deimos. The world of Deimos was engulfed in war, and the humans were pushing back, and on the losing side, that's why they decided to try the summoning ritual to summon the heroes from the other world, which was Reh and his classmates. Each in the section got their own class and ranked and skill, whereas Reh was classless and no skill, what's more, he's ranked lowest amongst them. That's why Reh was bullied intensely and later on cast aside for being a dead weight in the whole class. Experiencing being bullied in his entire high school life and now being cast aside as if he was some kind of trash. With that, he promises and swears in all the gods that if he survives in the situation, he will surely get back to anyone who harms him and to the one he loves. Betrayal, getting stronger than anyone else, revenge, fighting for his love ones and on what he believes was right, building a relationship and getting back to Earth that's what Reh wanted to do. *** Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are all used in fictitious way and products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. *** Photo was not mine. From pixabay.com and credits to the rightful owner.

ddraigg · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Zelarya Virdi

"O-one hundred thousand gold coins?!" Even the auctioneer was shocked at the price Reh bid.

'I-in my s-seventy years of holding an auction, this the first time someone bid that huge amount! Seriously?! Is he a prince from a Kingdom? No! Maybe he's from Zagon Empire!' The auctioneer thought while having a greedy smile on his face.

100000 gold coins. That amount could be considered as the entire treasury of one small Kingdom. And Reh was bidding it as if it was a silver coin.

The entire auction room fell into silence. Like them, it is the first time they hear someone bid that enormous amount for a slave. None of them speak nor bid to battle Reh as they don't have a capital higher than Reh's bid.

At least not for one specific individual.

"200000 gold coins..."

Then the crowd changed their attention towards the direction of the voice. It is from a man sitting in the front row.

"D-don' tell me..."

"H-he's the son of Duke Cleph Raspe! The heir of Raspe Duchy, Lord Clepher Raspe!"

Someone in the crowd loudly said, which in turn surprised all the people in the auction room.

"Oh? It is great that someone recognized me here." Clepher calmly said.

Clepher have a brown hair and eyes, a pointed nose, a fitted body, and average height. He's the same age as Reh. 21 years old. Aside from being an heir of the Duchy, Clepher was known for being a maniac and pervert. He has a vast collection of slave women. He likes to torture them while assaulting them sexually.

"That Elven slave is gone for."

"J-just don't bid! We can't afford to offend the son Duke Cleph!"

"But... I really want that slave..."

There were various reactions from the crowd. However, all of them were in a weak voice so that Clepher would not hear them. One thing is for sure they were all scared of this so-called heir but not Reh.

'Raspe Duchy? Where the fuck is that? And the son of the Duke? Tch... As if I give it a damn. That's I needed someone who would help me when I ran a situation like this! Being naïve is my strongest enemy...

"500000 gold coins." Reh, double the bid!

"GAH!!" The crowd once was shocked and looked at Reh. It's natural who the fuck in their right mind would go against and battle the heir of a Duchy?!

"Hmmm??? Who's that?" Clepher asked his butler on his side.

"I-I don't know, young master... This was the first time I saw his face. And I'm sure he's not from Nobility because I could easily recognize him if he's a Noble. at the same time, he would tuck his tail when he learn that you are the heir of Raspe Duchy." The butler replied.

Clepher didn't reply but bid higher, "600000 gold coins."

"700000 gold coins."

This time, a vein popped in Clepher's head, and he forcefully looked at Reh! "How dare this insolent bastard stands his ground against me!" Clepher's angrily said.

"900000 gold coins!"

"Y-young master! Duke Cleph will be furious if he learns that he bid that insane amount of money for a slave!" Butler.

"SHUT UP! YOU STUPID BUTLER!" Clepher said while still looking at Reh. As if he challenges Reh to bid much higher than him.

But Reh just looked at him with a bored expression, 'Heh! Looked at this clown...'

"2000000 gold coins." Reh bid casually.

The people who were drinking spewed their drinks. And others stopped moving on their chairs.

"2-2-2-2000000 g-g-gold coins!" Auctioneer.

"THIS FUCKERRRR..." Aleph strongly mumbled under his breath. Then he looked at his butler. But the butler shakes his head, pointing that they could no longer bid higher. Cipher's face became red because of anger!

"A-any other bids?" Then the auctioneer glanced at Clepher, and when he ensured that Clepher could no longer bid. He announces the winner.

"The Elf were sold for 2000000 gold coins!

All the bid winners, please go to the backroom to receive the slave you won.

And that's all for tonight's auction! Once again, thank you for joining us tonight! Have a good night's sleep, everyone!" The auctioneer said, then he left the stage along with the Elven woman.

As for Reh, he immediately stood up and went towards the back room. Disregarding the chaos he had at the auction.


"Lord Clepher, thank you for attending and purchasing in our slave house. I hope we can see you again."

"Tss... Do you who won the bid for that Elven slave?"

"I'm sorry, Lord Clepher, but like you, we don't know who won the Elven slave." The auctioneer said then he handed the slaves Clepher won.

"Tch.." Clepher just threw the spacial pouch on the auctioneer, grabbed the slaves, and then walked out of the room.

"So... It's my turn now?"

The auctioneer jolted when he heard a voice at the corner of the room. Then he looked who it was, only to see Reh leaning at the wall.

"H-how long you've been there?" He asked.

"The moment you start... Anyway, where's the Elf?"

"W-what? The moment I--Sighed... The youngsters now are truly different..." The auctioneer said, then he clapped his both. After he clapped, two men entered the room, and along with them was the Elven woman. "There's she is..."

Reh looked at the Elf. Her eyes still had a vengeful look, but there was no fear or any sign of nervousness on her expression. Look like she accepted what was going to happen to her.

"Here it is." Reh handed the spacial pouch. "Do I need to wait before you confirm if the amount inside were correct?"

"Hahahaha... No need to do that. My instinct was telling me that your not that kind of person." Then the auctioneer flicked his finger. At the same time, the men pushed the Elven slave towards Reh. "Enjoy your time with her."

Reh just nodded his head before heading out of the room.

The moment they step out, he looked at the Elven woman from head to toe. Then Reh took one of his spacial pouch and took out a cloak and footwear.

Reh didn't know why he did this. He just felt that he needed to because of the connection he feels towards this Elf.

"Wears this..." Reh said. The Elf immediately followed Reh and wore the cloak and footwear.


"Skill - Camouflage." Reh uses one of his Skills.

All this time, his Skill - Sense were activated, and while he was inside the back room, he sense that there was a lot of individual outside the slave house, and they were waiting. Reh was no fool, and he knew what they wanted and who ordered them. He could instantly kill all of them, but that was the last option. He caused an uproar at the auction, and he didn't want to increase it even further.

'All of them were weaklings. So, even this simple trick could work.' Reh thought. Then after casting the Skill, his body, along with the Elf, the two began to blend in with their surroundings.

Reh just signaled a silent motion on the Elf, and the Elf just nodded her head. Out of instinct, Reh grabbed and held the Elf's hand. Then they began to walk toward the exit.

After the two got out, what was exposed to them was a lot of numbers of soldiers clad in swords and armor. They were all looking at the slave house and waiting. But due to their Skill of Reh, the soldiers didn't notice them.

And Reh felt that the Elf tremble but it was immediately stop.

Using his Skill - Infrared Sensing and Echo Location, Reh saw a two-person inside the carriage that was parked a few meters away from the slave house. The two were talking to each other, and Reh heard it all.

"Wait for them to get out! And the moment you see them, kill the man and take the Elf! Understand?!"

"Yes, young master. I understand. I will relay it to our soldiers outside."

After that, Reh stopped using his two Skills and just focused on the front. 'Well, they could wait there as long as they wanted.'


After a few minutes of walking, the two reached the tavern where Reh currently staying. Reh just stopped using the Skill - Camouflage, when they entered the room. After making sure that there were no shady things inside the room, only then did Reh lax a little bit.

"What's your name?" Reh asked.



"Zelarya... Virdi..." The Elf said, and now, Reh could see that she was trembling.

"Please..." Then Reh changed his attention towards her face and saw that she was about to cry.

"Please! I-I don't care what do you do to me... On my body! But please... Help me... Help me get my revenge on my traitorous Aunt!" Zelarya said while on her knees and crying.


Somewhere on the Elven Queendom.

"What did you say?!" A high pitch tone voice of a woman resounded.

"I-I sold her on slave merchant... Because that was your order to me!"

This fucking Elf! Didn't get the notice I send?! Instead of being a slave, just kill her!"

"I-I didn't... I was on my way when the notice arrived here... So, I-I don't know that you changed what you wanted to do to her!"

"Tch! You fucking idiot! Go and bring her back here! You better do your job properly this time!"


"Unlike her mother, she was a threat even after she became a slave! So, it's better to silence her so that I could become a Queen peacefully!"

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