


Start of the S1

House Godric

Year later.....

This year will be the start of the show and I've been thinking about what to do, I came up with an idea that I will not budge to some major events that will change the storyline just small events.

This past year I dealt with some villages and houses that were somewhat traitors and wanted to kill the Starks. My knights grew to 45 thousand to 50 thousand while my fleet grew to 2 thousand ships to 2.3 thousand.

My business still continues to grow and the demand for my products has doubled meaning me having more riches. Some do not care as they are rich while some houses are jealous that why a 17 years old richer than them who is old.

Tons of assassination attempts have been neutralized, for now, thanks to my shadow assassins who protect me. Poisons seem like the people wanted me to die too but of course, I used magic.

Last year I summoned a book where I could learn magic, here in Westeros magic is acceptable but it is rare. As of now, I know powerful magics that could kill an entire city but are not as big as Kingslanding.

Currently, my 10 thousand knights and I are marching towards Winterfell as the king just arrived. I am going there to just show off my strength and probably go fuck the queen in secret as I will use my charm and lust magic to seduce the queen.


1 day later...


"Is this what people say about a kid up here who is powerful enough to become a kingdom?" Tyrion Lannister said.

"So the rumors are true" Jaime Lannister said while her sister Cercei Lannister looked bothered about the 5 thousand well-suited knights standing in front of the gates of Winterfell.


Pov change

The gate opened and I have welcomed both the kings family and the Stark family. I then signaled the carriage that carries goods to offer to the king such as clothes, alcohol, swords, and many more goods.

I then unmounted my horse whose all the king's family seems surprised same with the king himself. The goods then got dropped off in front of the king. I then kneeled down.

"Allow me to give these goods your grace"

"Hmmmm..... did you put my favorite alcohol in there?"

"Of course your grace"

After that weird moment from the king, we went inside and just drank alcohol even tho it was just after noon. Of course, I will do the side quest of mine fucking the queen. After the drinking men started to disappear same with the king as they went to their rooms while the queen and I still signaling each other.

Using my charm and lust magic is somewhat simple to me as I have tested it on some people in fact men and women. Meaning seducing the queen is just as simple, after using it I asked the queen to follow me which of course she listened.

Upon arriving unto the storage room I locked the door and just start undressing same with her. After that, I kissed the queen using my tongue and my hands to play with her boobs.

"My queen seems like your pussy is ready" I played with the queen's pussy and fingered it.

"Drop the queen call me Cercie Ahh~~~"

After that, I then grabbed the queen's head and put her down till she squatted and faced my 8 inches cock.

"Suck it"

"Do not command your queen" After saying that I just grabbed her head and pushed her mouth into my cock as she gog.

"From now on you'll be one of the ones following my orders" Tho I didn't use my spell as I do not want her being my mistresses in the future.

"Yes, Uck~~~"

After 10 minutes...

"I'm gonna come," I said as I grabbed her head and pushed deep as I come inside her mouth.

"Your cum tastes sweet ehehehe" Cercei said as she swallowed my cum.

"Clean it up"

After that blowjob, I then taste her pussy until she cummed into my face.

After 20 minutes...

"Do it inside"

"As I said do not command me"

*Pa Pa Pa Pahh Pahhh*

"I'm gonna come"

"Agh~~~ Yes Yes Yes inside Agh~~~"

I then exploded inside her I then hugged her and just catch my breath. After a few seconds, I pulled out my cock and just saw my cum dripping from her pussy.

"It's the best sex I've ever had," Cercei said as she played with her pussy dripping by my cum.

I just chuckled.