


2 years later...

House of Godric

It's been 2 years since I have summoned 5 thousand knights and since then it has just kept growing and stronger. Now I have 45 thousand well-suited knights and now have 2 thousand ships.

I became famous all around Westeros as the riches and wisest kid to ever live. This is true as I am currently 16 years old and can wage war to any houses in Westeros and come victory but of course, it is not certain.

I build my castle bigger than Winterfell and bigger than High Garden thanks to the gold from my business from alcohol, clothes, weapons and etc. My house becomes the riches lots of people wanted to leave their city and villages to just live in my land but of course, I denied them as if I keep them I will probably gonna be a bigger threat to the whole realm which I am but still not the right time.

For summoning my dragons they are now fully grown far stronger than the dragons of Targaryen, I can summon 10 dragons minimum for which enough to conquer this continent.

Though my name and stories spread around the continent some wanted me dead as they see me as a treat. I have also gained the attention of the king and I went to the capital last year to meet him.

I didn't visit any houses since then except going to Winterfell and having fun with the Starks. Of course, I haven't forgotten Margaery as we still talk through ravens.

"My grace Lord Stark said we should start going to Winterfell," Augustus said as he gave the letter to me.

"Prepare Night and our men will be marching to Winterfell again to go hunting" Night is the black horse that I summoned which is far stronger, faster, bigger, taller, and more loyal horse than any other horse.

"Yes my grace" Before leaving my office.

While scrolling to the summoning shop menu I came across these shadow assassins who can hide into someone's shadow and kill their target without being noticed which is the perfect weapon for me.

I then summoned the 10 shadow assassins and they were kneeling in front of me.

"We saw the king," The 10 said at the same time.

"Rise my shadows and stay in my shadows to protect me at all cost"

"Yes, my king," They said as they turned into small shadows and combined to my shadow.

With this, I cannot be assassinated while sleeping or any unpresidential attacks.


3 days later...


"I like your horse lord Godric," Jon said while caressing Night's nose.

"Do you wanna try riding it?"

"Lord Godric are you sure?" Ned asked.

"He is after all my friend My lord"


After riding Night

"This is the best horse I have ridden Lord Godric," Ned said.

Ned ride my horse because Jon just enjoyed and bragged about it from his father Ned.

"How about Lord Robb?"

"It would be an honor, Lord Godric"


After a little bit of fun riding my horse Night, we then departed to the forest after saying farewell to Bran, Sansa, and Arya. While Ned, Jon, Robb, and I went to the forest to go hunting while I brought 2 guards just in case.

We're currently standing and quiet as we are surrounded by bears in fact 5 bears. "My lord, can I start?" I asked Ned, Ned looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and just rushed to the bear in front of me and swing my spear to the bear's head so fast that the bear couldn't even react or roar.

I then moved to the next bear and killed it by slicing his head off. After that, I went to the third bear and just put my spear to the top of his skull to his ass. After there were only 2 remainings I left it for the Starks.

"It's yours, my lord"

"You really are a monster Art," Ned said as he rushed to the bear while Jon and Robb go with the other bear.

10 minutes later.....

"It takes longer than I expected my lord" As I started butchering the bears that I killed.

"Art teaches me how to fight," Jon said. "Me too!!" Robb said at the back.

"You okay with that My lord"

"You can do whatever you want with these two but just don't kill them from trying too hard"

I chuckled.

"I will make sure they will not die my lord"

"Drop the lord thing Art"

"Yes m----"

The two of us then laugh.

"Now we feast to the beast that we slay"