

IQjfjwefn · ゲーム
8 Chs

Chapter 6: Three Years

The calls of birds filled the air while the sun started to rise up and spread its low light onto the land. Pallet Town, a small town in the Kanto region, started to be covered in this warm light that embraced all life.

This town was filled with buildings made out of stone and wood, materials that the town obtained by trading with surrounding towns and cities.

My house was in the southern parts of the town, and thanks to my mother's obsession with cleanliness and professionalism we had a nice green garden with a clean stone path that led up to our doorsteps.

The house was two stories tall and had a modern western-style design to it, with two bedrooms and five rooms. It was outfitted with nice furniture and an overall beautiful interior design, which was once again due to my mother's desire for a clean house.

All of this was supported by my father's job as the owner of multiple stores in this town. He made a good amount of money and was probably one of the most successful people in this town, which wasn't too impressive compared to some of the business giants but it was more than enough to support us in this small town.

In an 18 by 16 room with clean white walls and fully furnished with basic furniture like a bed, a drawer, and a closet was me.

I was laying in my bed sleeping peacefully, in my own room where I could sleep by myself.

Why did my parents allow me to have my own room?

Well, over the years of me being in this world I had not tried to lie to my parents and act like a child— instead, I showed my clear maturity and intelligence.

This didn't bring any of those stupid consequences that other reincarnated MCs think about like being kidnapped or something like that. All it did was make my parents think that I was more intelligent than other children.

They let me be more independent than most children and gave me more responsibility, which I found satisfying. After all, I didn't want to be treated like a child when I was mentally in my early twenties.

Suddenly, a loud beeping came from the alarm clock standing on top of the cabinet next to me.

I immediately woke up and opened my eyes wide open, my body filled with energy and my eyes more clear than most people who had just woken up. This was a cool gift that I found out I had ever since my childhood, where I always had a good sleep that seemed to always fill me with energy. Sometimes I would sleep late and not get the right amount of sleep, yet even then I would wake up with my energy levels full.

I threw my covers off of my body and reached over my bed to turn my alarm clock off, my gaze glancing over the time displayed on its digital screen.

"5:00 AM"

I turned the alarm clock off and got out of my bed with a sigh. Today was my birthday, and to others, it was an exciting event that deserved to be celebrated with friends and family. But to me, it was a huge waste of time, just like every other holiday.

Every holiday took up an entire day that was used for 'celebration,' which to me was basically a bunch of failures stuffing their mouths with food and beer to forget about how they wasted their lives for just a single day before inevitably going back to their pointless lives.

This not only harmed their bodies which would accumulate over the years, but it also wasted a precious 24 hours. Maybe those who don't know what success feels like wouldn't feel like 24 hours was a long time, but those who are successful and wish to be successful know recognize that their time is limited and every second should be spent carefully.

Normally I would skip over holidays to do something productive or take it as a rest day if I have reached a limit where working would be harmful instead of beneficial. But now I was in possession of a few things that got in the way of me skipping over holidays, dumb things like having emotions and a loving family, ugh.

I walked over to my closet and put my hand on the closed sliding door, and glanced to the mirror on the sliding door.

Standing there was me, a three-year-old boy who was, in reality, a man in his early twenties,

I had smooth black hair in a long comb over skin fade with a messy textured top. The clean-cut contradicted my childish face, but it blended in a bit when placed next to my mature and calm expression-- a harsh change from my indifferent expression back on Earth.

Speaking of my face, my facial hair was clean-cut and my facial characteristics displayed that I would be the bane of women and the enemy of men.

Sigh, which benevolent god made me the most dashing man in my past life and a lady killer in my current one? I must have been a saint in my last life!

Looking down from my godly face that the Devil himself would envy was my four-year-old. I was four feet tall; a height well above the average for a four-year-old male-- and had a well-defined and toned muscle build.

This body was due to my strict training regiment where I trained my body to its limits so that I could attain the absolute apex of strength a human could accomplish.

In my last life, I had not started training until my teen years. Although that was considered the best time to train because it was assisted by the natural stages of puberty that would boost muscle growth, I still felt that I could have obtained more strength if I had trained a bit earlier; no matter how minuscule the difference.

There was a reason I was training so hard, and that was because I was aspiring to be a Pokemon hunter.

"Wait, a Pokemon hunter? What's that?" You think to yourself questioningly.

Don't worry, the benevolent me will answer that question flooding your tiny pea brain's neurons.

A Pokemon hunter is a type of job that hunts Pokemon and captures them, selling them to new Pokemon trainers who don't want to go through the hassle of capturing a Pokemon.

Yeah, I know right? I was also surprised when I read that in a book, as I had believed that new trainers would get to choose their starter Pokemon from a lab like in the Pokemon lore.

After researching it, I found that one had to be registered with the Pokemon Trainer Guild to receive the benefits of an "official" Pokemon trainer. These benefits were a gift package consisting of items like Pokeballs and healing potions, a Pokemon trainer license, and a starting Pokemon.

However, some people didn't register with the guild for a multitude of reasons. Some didn't want the organization's help, some didn't want their personal information to be displayed to the guild, and some may harbor negative feelings toward the guild.

These people would go out and try to catch a Pokemon by themself, which was much easier said than done.

To catch a Pokemon you needed the consent of the Pokemon or it would be pointless. For one, if the pokemon resisted its capture it would be extremely difficult to get it in a Pokeball. That's because a Pokeball is merely an item used to store pokemon, and it doesn't force obedience on the inhabitant inside of it.

It was like kidnapping a human and putting them in a cage, but the cage had no lock.

Even if you did capture the pokemon against its will, it was still stupid to do it. After all, once you let the pokemon out it's not like it would obey your commands and fight for you! It would probably just run away, and you would need to go through the arduous process of capturing it again.

Luckily for trainers, the pokemon follow a rule similar to the beasts where power trumps all. If you can successfully defeat a pokemon then it will bow its head and allow you to capture it in a pokeball and it will fight for you.

There were other ways of capturing pokemon like forming a bond with it before capturing it, but the most common way to capture one was defeating it in battle.

Obviously, most humans pale in comparison when in a fight with pokemon, and that's why the guild gives starter trainers starter pokemon to help them defeat pokemon. But some people feel like they can defeat a pokemon by themselves, and they fight against them with their bare fists.

In a large majority of the cases the people who do that end up unconscious and injured, and some even die. The only people who actually manage to defeat pokemon are those with either a strong body or a good skill in CQC, but not many have either of those qualities; which is where pokemon hunters come in.

Pokemon hunters are like human traffickers, except they work with pokemon, They usually get jobs from clients to capture a specific pokemon, and they go out to hunt that pokemon. If they win the battle then they force their dominance over the pokemon and hand it over to the client for money, and if they lose they can simply try again.

The profession was extremely lucrative and paid well, and because of humans and pokemon having some sort of unspoken law where they don't kill each other even though they could, it was a pretty safe job as well.

There really weren't any consequences that came with the job, except for the whole breaking the law thing; but who cared about that-- right?


A/N: I am going to try posting two times a week but I'm a busy dude so I don't know if I will be able to.

If you are enjoying the novel please give me a comment and/or send me a review of the novel. I love getting your guys feedback and want to improve my writing skills as much as possible. It's also fun just talking with you guys!

This chapter was kind of just an info dump about how my Pokemon world will be like. The real Pokemon stuff will be coming in the double digit chapters so if you want to skip over our protagonists childhood and go to the action I recommend waiting until twenty chapters are out.