

IQjfjwefn · ゲーム
8 Chs

Chapter 5: Newborn

Where is this?

Where am I?

Am I dead?

But then how am I thinking?

I tried to survey my environment, though I felt my movement was severely restrained. My knees were up to my chest and my arms were resting on them, while my upper body laid straight against some sort of surface.

It felt like I was trapped inside a confined box, except the box was made out of a slimy and squishy material. It was similar to the texture of a person's gums.

But this wasn't the first thing I noticed. Instead of noticing the fleshy box that I was trapped inside of, I noticed that I couldn't breathe and that I was drowning.

Panic immediately filled my brain, and I flailed my limbs around in chaos.

A few seconds later, I calmed down and noticed that even though I couldn't breathe I wasn't dying or showing the signs of suffocation.

I also found that my limbs felt odd. They seemed to contain no power as if the muscles I had obtained after years of training had disappeared.

I started to roam my body with my hands, and to my shock, I felt that my entire body was much smaller than usual.

What the hell is going on? Why am I so much smaller than before?

Wait, I'm in a small and confined area that feels like flesh, this area is filled with some sort of fluid but for some reason, I'm not drowning, I don't need to breathe at all to survive in this area, and my entire body has shrunken down to a tiny size.

Am I a god damn baby in a womb?!


"Congratulations, it's a boy!" The woman said, who was standing over the bed that my mother and I were laying down on. She had bright pink hair with two pigtails that went down from her head and back up to its base, creating two circular tails that somehow didn't droop down. Perhaps there was a wire holding it in place or something?

She had fair white skin and small yet perky curves while wearing a pink dress with a puffed-up open skirt that went down to her knees and a white nurse apron over it all.

The entire look reminded me of the famous video-game character Nurse Joy, except there were clear facial characteristics that were different from the Nurse Joy in Pokemon. It instead looked like a cosplayer trying to imitate Nurse Joy's entire look, going so far as to put blue contacts in her eyes.

"Thank you, Nurse Emma! Here, this is your payment. I added some extra Pokedollars as your tip!" A man said who was standing next to the Nurse Joy cosplayer, aka Nurse Emma. He had his phone in his hand and had the top of it pointed to the nurse, perhaps he was completing a bank transfer?

Nurse Emma smiled sweetly and brought her phone out before connecting the top of her phone with the man.

"Oh, it's no problem, Mr. Ford! I'm just happy to make Pallet Town a little bigger, it has rapidly grown ever since I used to live here!" Nurse Emma replied.

Soon, a ding noise came from both of their phones. As if that noise signaled the completion of something, they disconnected their phones and started talking.

Nurse Emma and Mr. Ford kept conversing with each other while the woman I assumed to be my mother kept her attention on me. The conversation between Nurse Emma and Mr. Ford was a bit flirty and they would occasionally feel up each other in inappropriate ways, actions that weren't noticed by my mother. However, I was ignoring all of this as I was too busy analyzing the copious amounts of data entering my brain.

First of all, I had been murdered on Earth by a man who was most likely sent by the organization belonging to the VIP that I disgraced, but after that, I woke up in the womb of some random woman I don't know.

Soon after that I went through the process of birth and was cared for by a woman named Emma who was dressed as Nurse Joy and finally put in my mother's arms.

'Is this a second chance?' I thought to myself, with determination filling my eyes.

I wouldn't mess up this time. I will make meaningful relationships, live a good life, and die knowing that I was able to experience love!

After these thoughts passed through my mind, my stomach growled and I was overcome with a feeling of hunger. The sound was audible enough for the entire room to hear, and the conversation between Nurse Emma and Mr. Ford took a stop.

Nurse Emma chuckled and said; "I think he's hungry, you should start breastfeeding him, Mrs. Ford!"

Mrs. Ford smiled and pulled her shirt up, showing that she was wearing no bra. This caused her breast to pop right out of her shirt, revealing D cup breasts akin to a cantaloupe. They showed no signs of sagginess and had a much more refined shape than the many breasts I had seen in my past life.

Yeah, I've had past experiences with many women in my past life, so what? Underworld boxing is pretty stressful, and the second-best way to relieve stress is sex-- surpassed by a loving relationship of course.

Mrs. Ford lifted me closer to her breast so that I would start sucking on her nipple to satiate myself, but I was a bit hesitant.

Yes, she had the best pair of breasts I had ever seen accompanied by perfect areolas and beautiful nipples, but I was still hesitant. It wasn't because she was my biological mother, because I would never look at her like that, it was because I would feel like a creep.

Right now I was inside of a baby's body, and my mother thought I was an ordinary baby. But I wasn't an ordinary baby, I was a grown man. If she knew I was a grown man, would she allow me to do this? That's why I felt like I was taking advantage of her, and that didn't seem like a smart step towards my goal of establishing healthy relationships.

It seemed that she noticed my hesitation and sweetly smiled at me, before pushing me closer to her breast.

'I have no other choice. I'll explain it in the future!' I thought to myself to make me feel better as I brought my mouth to her teat and started sucking out the milk.

'It's going to be a long day.'


A year has passed, and I have learned many interesting things about this new world I live in.

My family lives in Pallet Town, which isn't famous to the inhabitants of this world but to me, it was a famous name I would recognize from anywhere.

After all, Pokemon had been the first game I had ever played and the first show I had ever watched! I had been introduced to it when my coach showed me it and told me that I could play it whenever I had free time away from training, and ever since then I had been hooked to it. Whenever I had free time I would either be playing Pokemon or trying to get laid, and sometimes I would be doing both of those activities at the same time!

Pallet Town is the home of the great Ash Ketchum, a boy who dreams of being the world's greatest Pokemon master. He is the typical shounen protagonist who wins battle through plot armor and the power of friendship, using the same Pikachu to defeat some of the strongest Pokemon in the world!

To my surprise, I found that although the characters are still here the world has dramatically changed from the Pokemon games and anime. It has the famous Ash, Gary, and Professor Oak, but it also has much more houses and buildings than shown in the Pokemon games. It isn't just two houses and Professor Oak's laboratory, it has hundreds of houses home to hundreds of families.

Of course, its size is still small and suitable for the title of a small town, but it is drastically different than the videogame version of Pallet Town.

This wasn't the only change made to this world, in fact,, the entire world had been shaped into a much more different concept than the Pokemon games.

In this world, the regions were vastly different. There was only one continent on the map and the landmasses surrounding it were nowhere to be found, due to some sort of war that I would need to do more research about. On this continent were two sides, the human territory,, and the beast territory.

The beasts had claimed the upper half of the continent while the humans claimed the lower half, which they made three regions out of. The Kanto region, the Jhoto Region, and the Kalos Region. All three regions had different purposes that were all important to human civilization, and although there were some territories not affiliated with these three regions they were much smaller and not many involved themselves with them. They were isolated, similar to native tribes back on Earth.

The Kanto region was like a starter region where citizens all made their homes. It was the safest region due to them being on the edge of the coast and therefore being very far from the beasts, and it was inhabited by low leveled Pokemon that ranged from level one to level 20. This made the Human Alliance dub the Kanto Region as the region where new Pokemon trainers would start their journey, before becoming strong enough to claim all the badges and gain the right to enter the Jhoto region.

The Johto Region was exclusive to Pokemon trainers. Although it still did have citizens, every citizen was a retired Pokemon trainer who had at least made it to the Johto region. This region had higher leveled Pokemon ranging from level 20 to level 60, and only the elites could defeat all of the gyms and move to the last region, the Kalos region.

The Kalos region was used to house the soldiers who defended against the beasts. They were the first line of defense and the strongest line of defense, due to only the best of the best living there. In this region, you could find Pokemon ranging from level 60 to level 100, and the goal of every Pokemon trainer here was to push back the beasts and reclaim the lost territory.

Both sides of the war held 50% of the territory of the land, but the humans weren't as united as the beasts. The humans only have 30% of their territory under control, while the other 20% was under the control of foreign powers. The beasts followed a law where the strong stepped on the weak, and this was why they were much more united than the humans. After all, all they needed to do was find the strongest beast among them and they would follow the orders of that beast.

But this didn't mean they were peaceful. They were far from it. Their territory had no technology or buildings, they lived in the wild and they fought each other every day. It was a kill or be killed environment, and the only times they would fight together was when they were under the leadership of a stronger beast to attack the humans. This made their growth speed faster and their overall combat strength higher, however it lowered their population and created a rocky leadership.

After all, ruling with an iron fist was one of the easiest yet least effective ways to rule. It was easy because all it required was power, but it wasn't very effective because all of your subordinates are forced to be under your banner.

I had learned all of this by reading the books at the library. Everyday I would walk to the library and turn in the books I had read on the previous day for new books that I didn't know of. Because of the large amount of free time I had and my mentally gifted mind I could read multiple books everyday and accurately process it all as new data for my brain.

On my walks I would usually be accompanied by Mrs. Ford, also known as Lacy-- but to me, she was mother. In this short time of one year, she had already become one of the most important people in my life. She was caring, nice, and gentle-- the perfect image of a graceful woman.

She was the first meaningful relationship in this new life of mine, and hopefully she wouldn't be the last.