

IQjfjwefn · ゲーム
8 Chs

Chapter 1: Ender King

(A/N: Prologue is four chapters long, feel free to skip it if you like.)

The sun rose from the equator, starting a new morning for this side of the Earth. Its warm rays of light hugged the ground, and plants started to bask in a new day of food and energy.

It was around this time where some people would wake up and get ready. These people were usually the ones drowned in work and filled with stress, their jobs of working in cubicles and reading pages filled with data not being too entertaining to them.

These people were strict with their schedules and were usually not the most outgoing people in the world. They were harsh, strict, and cold, the perfect image of a white-collared worker.

It was a few hours after this when the ordinary people would wake up. These could be adults getting ready for work, parents getting ready to take care of their babies, or kids getting ready for school.

They were less strict with themselves and lived an overall stress-free life compared to the white-collared workers, but neither could compare with the life of Ender King.

Ender lived in a less than lawfully abiding neighborhood filled with thugs and gangbangers. His house had a cracked stone path that leads up to the steps of his house door that was surrounded by an unkempt lawn and a small mailbox that was overflowing with mail.

At this time the sun had yet to rise, but his old and neglected house was in plain sight. Its roof was cracked and covered in bird droppings, and some of its support beams seemed to be on the verge of breaking. The windows were dirty and broken, the inside of the house covered by blinds, while the walls were cracked and dusty.

Just from the outside of the house, one would think entering this house would be a death trap. It was practically a fire hazard waiting to happen!

But if somebody were crazy enough to enter the house, they would find a shocking scene. In contrast to the decaying outer look of the house, the inside was squeaky clean as if it was brand new.

The living room had a fur carpet with a couch and a table on top of it. In front of the couch was a cabinet with a small TV perched on it, and a vase of flowers in the corner of the room.

The floors were all swept clean and spotless, the walls were as polished as the plate of a fat kid who licked his plate clean, and the ceiling was supported with beams that look firm and stable, a polar opposite from the outside beams.

In the kitchen was a marble tabletop with a pot of flowers against a white pillar that went through the tabletop and to the ceiling. The tabletop had white cabinets below it, and next to it was an oven.

Above the oven were rows of wood cabinets painted white, and a microwave in between them. There seemed to be some sort of bowl inside of the microwave that wafted a cinnamon aroma in the air, while on the marble tabletop was an unpeeled banana on a cutting board.

Walking down the hallway there were two rooms, a bathroom and a bedroom. The bathroom was as pristine as the other rooms, its interior seeming to be cleaned by a person with extreme OCD problems.

The bathroom was big and held multiple useful facilities. The sink had a granite tabletop with a small cup holding a single electric toothbrush, while the cabinets were filled with various hygiene supplies.

There was a small separate indented area of the bathroom that held a rack that stored towels, toilet paper, and other such things.

Next to it was a washer and a dryer, that seemed to be cheap yet kept in good condition.

The only other facilities in the bathroom were the bathtub and the toilet, but I don't feel like you want to read about me describing what our protagonist shits in, other than his future enemies.

Entering Ender's room, one would be greeted with a pitch-black setting. There was a small drawer in the room that held Ender's clothes, with a picture frame of a small and malnourished boy standing in front of a building called Ben's Orphanage.

The child had a maturity in his eyes unusual for his age, and his posture was like a soldier's. However, his expression was that of sadness and betrayal, and looking closer one would realize the similarities the boy held with Ender…

Suddenly the excruciatingly loud beep of an alarm sounded off in the room. The sheer sound of it would give most people headaches, and one would felt pity for the neighbors of Ender. Who would want to be woken up so early because some jackass has an extremely loud alarm?

Right as the alarm went off Ender's eyes opened wide, as if he had never been sleeping in the first place. He immediately grabbed his phone and turned off his alarm, before he got up from the bed wearing just a pair of underwear.

If a man saw the sight of Ender getting up from his bed with only his underwear on, I would fear that I was accidentally writing yaoi. If a woman saw the sight of Ender getting up from his bed with only his underwear on, I would think they would immediately pounce on him and go for a long and passionate round in his bed.

Just his face was more than enough to attract women. His facial features were a perfect example of the modern beauty standard, and the symmetry made his face look like he had been carved by the gods. Both of his eyes were black, but they contained rounded darkness akin to an obsidian stone, not to mention the soul-sucking gaze his eyes seemed to possess that would attract any woman.

Ender's hair was black, in a long and messy comb-over with a skin fade. His skin was rough and tanned, which was the only physical characteristic that could possibly make him lose attractiveness points. But even then, many women didn't care that much about rough skin, and some may even have a thing for it!

Not only did he have the facial features of a god, but he also had the body of a bull. His tall height of 6'2 and his big muscles was on par with a professional NFL linebacker. Along his body were multiple scars that showed the tough life he had lived, and his callused knuckles showed that he was a fighter.

Yawning, Ender got up from his bed and walked to his drawer, and started to apply multiple skincare products like moisturizer and lotion, while also putting on hygiene products like deodorant and perfume. Ender was a man obsessed with cleanliness, organization, and progress. He felt that those three things were the factors of reaching the pinnacle of perfection, and perfection was part of his dream, the dream of breaking the chains of humanity and transcending this meaningless life.

Once he was done applying the products to his body, he put on athletic nylon shorts and a cotton T-shirt before walking out of his room.

He walked into his bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush out of the cup, and opened a drawer to get his toothpaste. He applied the toothpaste onto the toothbrush's bristles, used the sink water to lightly wetten it, and then started to brush his teeth.

There were six sections of your teeth, three on the bottom and three on the top. Those sections are the back left molars of the teeth, the teeth in the front of your mouth, and the back right molars. These sections have four areas that needed to be clean, the back of the tooth, the front of the tooth, the top of the tooth, and in-between the tooth.

The front, back, and the top could be cleaned with brushing and mouth wash while cleaning in-between the teeth required flossing.

Many health sites state that two minutes of teeth brushing is fine, and using fifteen seconds on each section is the best way to make use of the time, but Ender disagreed with that. He spends exactly four minutes brushing his teeth and uses thirty seconds on each section of the teeth to get every nook and cranny where plaque could be hiding.

He was aware that brushing for too long could in fact harm your teeth instead of clean them, so he always made sure to be as gentle as possible while still being as efficient as possible. He also always counted the seconds in his head for four minutes, and right when that countdown ends so does his teeth brushing routine.

Four minutes later, Ender spits out his toothpaste and washes his toothbrush bristles. Then he opened up a cabinet and gets out his mouth wash and toothpaste, and used the mouthwash first. He filled up the cap about halfway and put it into his mouth, and moved it around his mouth for a minute so that it could wash every part of his teeth and gums.

Once a minute finished he gargled the mouth wash to clean the very back of his throat for ten seconds, then spit it out and started flossing.

Flossing was the most time-consuming part of Ender's mouth cleaning routine because it required much more precision and required many strokes to fully clean the side of a tooth, not to mention the process was extremely boring and it was weird to see the floss go in-between your gums when getting to the very bottom of your tooth.

The entire process took about six minutes, adding up to an eleven-minute tooth washing routine.

Ender washed his mouth before walking to the kitchen and making himself breakfast. He had absolutely no idea how to cook, so to make breakfast he poured cereal and milk into a bowl and ate it with a spoon. The cereal he ate was high in fiber and healthy fruit contents, and it promoted a healthy body.

He carried the bowl to his couch and sat down with a relaxed sigh, and turned the TV on. He rested his legs on the couch and started eating his cereal, his thoughts lost in last night's fight…


"Ladies and gentleman, tonight we have a special event in honor of our VIP guests that have attended tonight's show!" The announcer shouted into his mic, causing an uproar in the crowd. The announcer sat in a casting room above the stands, while the crowd sat around in the stands that surrounded the boxing arena that was covered in dried blood.

"You know his name, you know his call, and you know his style! His fists are fast as lightning, strong as a bull, and as accurate as a sniper! With a record of 50-0-0, I introduce you to The King!" The announcer shouted into his mic.

The crowd went wild upon hearing his name, and the VIPs in the front of the stands showed amused expressions. The arena was filled with whoops and cheers, with people already walking towards the betting stands to cast their bets on him. Every time he attended a fight, the crowd would make money, because he had a ridiculous win rate of 100%! It was impossible to lose a bet when the person you bet on is guaranteed to win!

Ender walked out from the curtains and walked along the stage that acted as a pathway to the boxing arena, and he was followed by his crew. He wore a black and gold robe with black shorts, and a crown etched with gems and diamonds on his head.

His appearance caused another burst of cheers, but this time it was much louder than the previous one. The VIPs looked at him in interest, but one of them gave Ender's coach a knowing nod.

Ender's coach nodded back to the VIP, and he whispered into Ender's ear; "Remember, you need to let your opponent win. You do that and we're getting a huge payday, understand?"

Ender nodded to his coach, and soon the announcer started calling out his opponent.

"His opponent today is a boy striving for greatness! He has been training under some of the best fighters in the world, and today he is looking to carve a name for himself by taking the king down from his throne!"

The crowd cheered for him, but the cheers were nowhere near as loud as the cheers for Ender. In fact, the only real reason people even cheered for the unknown kid was that they thought he was about to make them some free money by getting his ass handed to him by Ender.

Ender walked to the edge of the ring and took off his robe before giving it to his coach, and he stepped into the ring at the same time as his opponent. He looked towards his opponent and was startled, how was this kid even allowed in the ring?

The boy looked to be the same age as Ender, near his early twenties, but his body wasn't even comparable to Ender's. The boy had the body of a track star, not a boxer! It seemed the crowd also noticed this, and they all started laughing and hollering.

"Who is that stick? Get him out of here!"

"Fucking scrawny white boy, you think you're tough?"

"Kid, you're in the wrong spot. You're supposed to be attending your next beauty pageant you fa****!"

Many of the spectators jeered the boy, but the boy ignored them and smirked at Ender.

"You dirty fucking commoner, you think you can lay a hand on me? Just take my money and get on the floor you poor trash," The boy with an arrogant expression.

Ender looked at the kid like he was a retard and sighed, did he really have to lose to this kid?


A/N: Did you enjoy the chapter? I hope you did, because there are many more to come! The overall start where the protagonist goes on a Pokemon adventure filled with action won't start until the early tens of the novel, so feel free to wait until those chapters come out.

If you want me to continue writing this novel than support me by voting your power stones on this novel and adding it to your reading lists so that you can be notified of new chapters releasing!

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