
Sixth Sense

Ghost, spirit, demon, whatever you called them I can see them clearly when normal peoples can't see. It's already hard enough to deal with "normal" ghost, now I got dragged into this mess. _______________________________ "Wha-what is the meaning of this? All this time you're the mastermind?!" _______________________________ "Hah... Why am I still alive Nico?" _______________________________ "Yuu! Stop harming yourself! Everything is over right? What should I do to make you stop?" _______________________________ "He may already heal but not his mental and emotions, after what he has gone through, he might try to kill himself." _______________________________ "Ah~ who would think that two kids are exorcist and they're on high staged. This definitely be interesting~ I wonder which one of them will find out about me?" An eerie laughter fill the air as if agreeing the person statement.

Kylerien · ホラー
1 Chs


*A little quick note. Some of the scenes will be blood-gore and disturbing.*



I groaned tiredly before turn the alarm off, then stretch my body that feeling sore because I fell asleep while studying and completed the assignments yesterday. I sighed heavily, thank goodness all the work already done.

I turned on the phone showing now 5:00 A.M. "It's still a little early" I mumbled to myself as I fully woke up from sleepy mind. Hmm... The schedule going to start at six in the morning, means I still have one hour left. I grab my towel and took a bath, refreshing my mind and tense body. After 10 minutes, I walked out then wears black slacks and black-blue striped hoodie, I brush my black hair to the side and closed half of my right face.

I took my headphone and hang it on my nape, picking up the phone then put in my pocket. I packed my assignment in the bag and walked to the kitchen, putting my bag at the chair then making breakfast; bacon and eggs since I too lazy to cook. A loud screeching at my back almost makes me wanted to shout shut up to 'it,' because it's getting annoying. I'm not surprised anymore since I already get used to these, as if it's a part of my routine life.

I put my breakfast in the plate and starts eating after sat on the chair. I forced myself not to snap because it starting to observed me again, he observed every single movements I make. Don't make an eyes contact. Don't make an eyes contact, or else it's going to be more troublesome to fight him. He barely standings because he only standing on one feet, he's legs are twists brutally. While his face looks like being thrown by acids, the eyeballs are out of eyes looking like a string, his body looks like being cut into several pieces while he's stomach is opened revealing organs that going to fall anytime soon. If normal people saw this, they already faint. Blood wash over his body, not only that, his arm's also twisted as if being forced to stay put.

I sigh as took the phone from pocket and look at the time, trying to act normal. As NORMAL as POSSIBLE. I really didn't want to deal with it. Now the time is five thirty, I guess it's time to get going. Washing the plate and glass, I took my bag and slung it over my left shoulder. It's still watching me but I ignored it.

It's have been two years since I decided to continued study in university because I wanted to be a writer. Within all these years I gained some friends. Since I look gloomy and unfriendly, not many students want to hang out with me. But it's fine by me, I'm not feeling lonely since I preferred to be alone more.

My eyes avert around the college, some of the students already there talking and laughing in theirs own groups. This university is quite huge, they even divided different rooms for each students to stayed. There is four blocks, Block A and D are boy's dorm, since I stayed in Block D it's a bit far away from here than Block A. Meanwhile, Block B and C are girl's rooms they didn't separated like boys dorm. I turned to the left of hallways where all the students put their stuffs in lockers. There's 5 different floors, the first and two floor are seniors classes, the third floor are pre-senior class whilst fourth and fifth are juniors. The library is on the third floor while caffeine at the base of bottom floors.

I stopped at my locker, their voices around me makes me starting to feel daze. My sky blue eyes become gloomy a little when remember that everyone called me 'freak' or 'monster' every time other kids playing with me, they'll got hurt or appears missing into thin air. The next time, they found the missing kid, they already dead. It must be because of those ghost. Everyone started to drove away from me... Let's concludes that to bullies, I of course wanted to defend myself, but those bullies will hurt themselves and accuses me. Saying I'm bullied them instead.

"Yo! Yuu! What are you thinking huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned towards Nico who slung his arm on my right shoulder. "Nico... No, nothing." I muttered, he then look at my blue eyes for a moment before sigh softly.

He stared at me deeply, "are you still remember about the past again?" His questions made me slightly stiffened, I looked away from him. "No" I answered softly. "Come on, Yuu. How many years do you think since I be your friend? We've been friends since we are 11 years old, I know something off even when you tried to hide it." I smiled grimly, he is actually the only person who wants to be my friend, even though I have pushed him away in the harsh way.

But still, he always there defending me when other students sneered towards me. In the end, I became his friend until now and it has been 7 years, who would know that he is exorcist? He is also the one who save me (bunch of time) back then, unlike the others every time I made new friends, they will hurt or kill them. Until now I didn't understand why those spirits do that? They doing it as if having a grudge on me.

"Sorry. I can't help but feel guilty, if only I didn't-" he put his finger on my lips stopping me from continued talking. He stared at me, losing his smiled. "Stop blaming yourself. None of it is you fault, futhermore I already said it's all in the past. They must have forgotten about that, you need to move on." I stared at his golden eyes for a moment before nods with a small smile. His goofy smiled appears on his lips again.

"Good, that's my lil'brother." He said as he messed up my black lock, I can't help but pout, "stop messing my hair. It's hard to tamed it back," I slap his hand; but not that hard, away from my hair. "Sorry~ Sorry~ You look cute when pouting like that," he grinned as I arched my eyebrow. That's actually sounds gross.. but whatever I dismissed the thought of it.

"I'm not cute, and P.E about to start now." I said leaving him behind with that he quickly catching me up. The others students already gone to their own classes, only some seniors and teachers came across the area. As soon as we arrived, the instructor's already there ready to go to training field along with the students.

"Sorry we're late." I said in monotone while Nico a bit anxious, some of the students chuckled while the boys sneering at us. I look at them blankly, since I already get used to these kind of treatment, it's nothing compared to back when I'm younger.

"It's fine. We just about to go there, next time make sure you come earlier." He states and Nico sighed in relief, "yes we not going to be late again." We said in sync and everyone gone to field as the sports begin.