
Sixth Sense Reincarnate

Zeek wakes up to find himself severely convulsing. After some time somebody comes picks him up and he feels being carried away. He passes out from all the convulsions. Almost a month later he realizes he has been reincarnated. The place is earth. But everything is not it seems at first. He is not the same here. He is sick. But is he? Join Zeeks journey to find out!!

intriguedwolf · ファンタジー
1 Chs


As a person who was a major procrastinator Zeek kept on doing it till it become a way of life. A distinct memory of his first lazy streak was embedded in his memory as early as the age of eight years old. It was during summer vacation of his early years of elementary school. It was also the year he relocated to his native after his father decided to take a voluntary retirement from his job.

That relocation changed his life totally. Maybe he would have become a vibrant young man if they had stayed at that place instead of relocating. His parents had even considered settling down there. But all that was a distant memory.

Now Zeek was someone who had a mundane life and little to no experience in maneuvering through the visctitudes of life. He had just completed the internship at a prestigious company which he got placed into through college placements. This was probably the biggest achievement in his life and career. It was also the biggest failure in his case as he was the only person who did not get placed at the company and was let go after his term ended.

Everyone he knew blamed him for missing this prestigious opportunity both directly and indirectly. Even Zeek thought at moments of contemplation if there was a possibility he could have done things differently. Everything could have led to a bright life unlike his past.

The perks of being a procrastinator was that he had lots of time to contemplate and contemplate he did. At times he could overthink to no ends about how bad his life was and how he could have done better.

It was during one such instance of overthinking that he got so tensed that he forgot what he was doing. The basic brand of smartphone that he was using was put on charge and he was laying on his bed thinking of when he could start applying for the next job. It was raining outside his home and lightning struck a nearby electric post. Zeek didn't have time to even realise what happened before he was electrocuted through the phone due to the sudden power surge. He convulsed and passed out. He passed out almost immediately. If it had been any other day or any other person they would have died. But fate had a different plan for Zeek.

Zeek woke up much later. He was in bed but it felt unfamiliar and he could still feel the convulsions passing through his body. It was sometimes so severe that he would go in and out of consciousness.

It had been a month and the convulsions had not stopped though they were weaker now. When Zeek gained his wits sometimes he could remember being in a green field of grass and someone picking him up. Then he remembered being taken care of in the same room he found himself in. But it was not his room and neither were the people looking after him his mom and dad.

On the mark of his one month of convulsions, he imagined hearing someone speaking in his mind. It was not his voice, and his voice could never be so monotonous.

HOST ACCLIMATION 75% Successful...

New energy system discovered....

Estimated time of recovery remaing: 3 days based on the Host's mental strength.