
sistema ilimitado

you have the strongest akuma mi ... the system measures the akuma no mi that can destroy this world with a snap of a finger. I am a cosmic existence. A e and i'm a god. see mc destroying who gets in your way. [author] If you don't like "mc" stronger than usual, I am sorry that this is not for you, but if you do, welcome. worlds through which mc will pass. (one piece, Marvel, DC and Lucifer Series). This is my first novel and English is not my first language.

Daoist113507 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

saving billions of people cp1

--Inside a room decorated with gold--

"I don't even know how long I've been here, I don't even know who brought me here." He speaks with his head against the sleepy table.

his name is oliver queen, from what he remembers he's 25 years old has dark hair and dark brown eyes 1.79 tall.

It is inside a very large room with a huge table in the middle of a long time, the room is decorated with a lot of gold the whole place is decorated with gold that gives a very bright and divine luxurious look.

He's sitting in a chair sipping tea, he doesn't even know how many cups of tea he's had but he's in the millions.

His reason is here is as follows.


Inside a room many people were discussed.

"How did that happen"

"We have to get it now"

"We don't know who got it, but they're working on it."

"Yes, but we have no idea who is ...."

The people in that room are all the presidents of every country in the world, from the smallest to the largest.

They are discussing a theft of a nuclear bomb, but not just any nuclear bomb, but a bomb called the ztr-200 if it explodes will kill billions of people.

This nuclear weapon was being developed since World War II, but not in order to use it in this war, but in another war that humans from augus countries were waging on the drom planet in the galaxy.

Mankind was waging a bloody war against a race called zentures, this race has the appearance of a reptile, they want to destroy any planet that is in their path and kill any race other than theirs for no reason, they have grayish-skinned eyes. Blacks that look like a black hole that only from you look had a feeling of sucking your soul, they are 2.85 meters high.

People pension that there is no life in this vast universe, but this is where they are wrong, they are out there in this universe waiting for you to give a vacillation to destroy or take over your planet.

All the military forces in each country are trying to find the people who got the ztr-200.

Someone broke the news that a nuclear bomb was stolen, and could explode in any country, anytime. Everybody in the world is in a panic waiting for the end.

One less person he is of course our mc, who is at the military base airport in a helicopter without knowing what is going on.

He is a military helicopter pilot.

He who is distracted hears gunshots.

"What the fuck was that?" He who did not understand anything heard several shots, and saw fifty men entering a spacecraft, which there ship and last generation, can carry 60 people and can carry up to 900 tons of cargo.

AT: Think of the guardian-style ship of the galaxy.

Poooon !, poooon!

The next moment he hears the alarm, this alarm only turned on in case of attacks.

He who heard this already drew his gun and fired at the men in black, but the bullets did not hurt them because the clothes they were wearing were bulletproof.

They who saw Oliver firing, fired at him, but it wasn't bullets but laser beams, there were several military men at that time shooting at people in black.

A military man was hit by the laser and that person got a hole in his chest but not a bullet hole, but a hole like a human combustion, he died without a chance to be rescued.

"What the hell is that?" Oliver who saw that was terrified, he looked at those people who were boarding the ship, and went towards the Captain.

"No. 22 if presented sir." Oliver spoke to the base captain.

"Rest probed" Maike speaks to Oliver.

Oliver: "sir what is going on"

Maike, who heard that, didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Maike: "You don't know what's going on?"

Oliver: "no sir".

Maike: "I sigh. Whoever stole a nuclear bomb and is going to explode somewhere in the world, the whole world knows this news." Maike spoke with a tone of panic, anger, despair, and sadness.

When Oliver heard that he was in shock, and remembered his family from his friends, the innocent people.

Oliver: "This world is full of people, but that doesn't mean everyone should die" so Oliver looked at that ship coming up and made a decision to save people.

{upstairs he's thinking}

Then he ran to the ship.

When the aircraft is five meters tall oliver jumps in the door where the bomb is.

The captain who saw him hopping in the back of the aircraft tried to stop him but it was too late now he can only prune his hope on him.

--Inside the ship--

No. 3: "We did it."

No. 5: "Great, now just take the bomb to the zèntures."

No. 4: "Wow, this gun is fucking awesome, with that gun our spectre organization would be one of the best in the world."

Oliver who was hiding behind the bomb, heard all that, and was in shock, he knows the spectre organization

And you know what this organization and covers.

Oliver: spectre organization. wait for zèntures ?, but what the hell is zèntures ?, now is not the time to think about it.

He who was plotting a plan to defeat these fifty men saw something shining.

Oliver: So this must be bomb.

Oliver who is thinking of a strategy has found one.

No. 1: He will throw smoke grenade and then one stun.

No. 2: Then he will get the gun that one of the guy left moscando.

No. 3: And lastly it will prevent the pilot's door from locking because locking is gone.

Then he prepares, and throws the stun grenade.


N. 40: "what the ... shit .... is that

The next moment everyone is stunned.

So oliver plays smoke

Then he picks up the leser gun, and goes off shooting everyone.

He shot at practically everyone left with only 10 people left, but unfortunately his stun effect


N. 1: "who .... it's you" he says a little tired.

Oliver: "Corpse doesn't need to know."

No. 1: "RUN." he was very angry at this guy's boldness.

No. 8: "Boss we can't shoot, he's after the bomb.

No. 1 when he got a pound he took a grenade and was going to play oliver.

Everyone seeing that can't help thinking.

"This guy is crazy, he wants to kill all the world."

Oliver, seeing that, shot him.

But it seems that luck is not on the side


The grenade No. 1 was holding exploded.


Then the right part of the ship exploded damaging a part of the ship.

Oliver seeing that took advantage of the distraction and shot the rest of them

Oliver seeing that can't help thinking.

"Hahaha. Saved by a bomb."

So. Door of the cockpit opens, the pilot left because he heard the noise of the grenade explosion.

The pilot seeing all those bodies already took what had happened… ..

The next moment he hears a "click" on the right side of his ear.


So Oliver shoots the pilot with a huge hole in his head, so he goes to the cabin.

Confirmed, the goddess of luck is not with herself, the right part of the ship that the grenade exploded damaged ship to prevent her from landing.

"Mayday, mayday, here and soldier 22, in charge of the ship, which was stolen, someone listening ...

In listening. this is from military base, you dis….

The tension, here who's talking and the army general, you said you're inside the stolen ship?

Oliver: "Yes, sir.

General: "And the bomb is with you?"

Oliver: "Yes."

General: Who Stole the Bomb

Oliver: "An organization called Spectre."

General: "You can land the ship."

Oliver: "No, sir, the right part of the ship has been damaged preventing it from landing."

The general hearing that cannot but be angry and desperate.

That conversation was being broadcast all over the world.

people hearing that will go into despair, but to their happiness.

Oliver: "You have a way of blowing up the bomb without killing billions of people."

The general and the people hearing this have had a little hope.

General: "How, probed?"

Oliver: "Taking the ship into space and exploding there sir."


General: "Soldering, you are prepared to do that."

Listening to that, Oliver didn't stop laughing.

Oliver: "haha, sir, by the time I boarded this ship I was ready."

So. Oliver leads the ship into space, when he was about to explode he speaks his last words.

Oliver: "Sir?"

General: "soldier?"

Oliver: "In my entire life I never imagined I'd be in space with a bomb."

Oliver: "haas" <sigh. "I thank my family for all they have done for me, my friends."

Oliver: "So. I wish you all a happy Christmas."


The moment the ship exploded, I could see the explosion of the earth.

{creation: 21/12/19}