
Chance was given

He had left his dagger in the boat which meant he was bare-handed against all those creatures whom he couldn't even see properly. They were probably sharks or some other killer fishes that got attracted to his blood. It was possible that they didn't attack them if they stayed still, however his wounds were a problem and also the Miss Trouble behind her.

Anyone who were to look at her could never tell that there is so much mischief hidden behind that innocent face of hers and he had been fooled as well. He was also worried about the ship which was just moving on its own with Victor sleeping. If they wasted more time here, it was possible that they might lose it forever.

He needed to act fast thus he gripped her wrist and started swimming upwards. Seeing the prey moving, the creatures came into action as well and now that they were close to sight his suspicions were proven incorrect. They weren't fishes but a strange kind of snake. Their long bodies were like snakes but their mouths were bulkier and rounder, their teeth uncountable and pointed like needles.

With their mouths wide open they lunged towards them from all directions. Aurora had frozen completely out of fear, however, Eric acted right on time and pulled both of them down. The creatures crashed into each other and let out a strange noise which wasn't audible to Eric but Aurora heard it.

She remembered that sound. She has heard it many times and it was associated with one of the most deadly creatures of the Blue Ocean. It was also the reason why Siren's weren't allowed further and deeper. They have been taught about them in Ms Gevhran's class.

They were called the sea snakes. Their bodies appeared smaller than their mouths but they are very elastic and stretchable, capable of holding a whole Siren's body in there. Their teeth appear ordinary but are poisonous which has the ability to paralyze its victims in nanoseconds. Their red eyes are a result of the poison that is stored in their brains which they utilize to decay and digest the body of their victims once swallowed whole.

The only way to kill them is to burst their eyes but as soon as the poison is released in the water, it can have the same effect as it has inside the sea snake's body thus one needs to escape as soon as possible and should never come in contact with the poison. It might be possible if it was one but at this time there were many. Even if they burst their eyes, how were they going to run away from the poisonous water without getting in touch with it?

The only sane option was to run and never look back!

As if reading her mind, Eric did the same. He started swimming forward and upward with her wrist in his hand. The teeth of the sea snakes have stuck together due to bursting into each other while some of them were paralyzed and fallen down due to being stabbed by the teeth of their own companions during the process. Still quite a lot of them were left that were following behind them. Aurora tilted her face to look at them. They were fast and it was close that they reached them because Eric was very slow compared to earlier. His force on her wrist was also noticeably lesser now.

'Human slowed down when he was supposed to be faster.' She thought in her head and rolling her eyes, she took the lead.

Eric was on the verge of giving up as his body desperately needed oxygen. As much as he tried, his muscles were unable to pull him any faster because he was already doing more than his body could endure. The last thing he saw was Aurora swimming past him and then his vision started turning black, eventually the darkness taking over him as his body fell limp in the water. His fingers let go of Aurora's wrist and their hands separated.

Aurora glanced past her shoulder.

The attackers were close.

He was falling back towards them.

But more importantly, her hand was free.

She was free!

He couldn't stop her anymore.

It was the best chance she could ever ask for!