
Hell Bound

The sun lit up the edges of the leaves above them as the wind created dances upon the ground from the fallen ones. Emily stared at him intently. Impatient, he began towards her, fists still clenched from adrenaline and stance still hostile. As he stepped forward, he saw her take a step back in fear, unsure of his intentions. He paused his steps and looked up at the trees, sighing heavily before taking a seat on the ground, legs crossed, and finding Emily's eyes with his own.

He spoke roughly, "I'm sorry I scare you. I won't go near you if you don't wish me to, Emily. I'm not used to..." his face twisted as he struggled to find the word he meant, "Look just...ask me whatever you want, I will try to explain. Jared would rather I didn't, but he doesn't make the rules and I've made my decision with you." He picked up a leaf and began turning it around in his fingers, examining it as the light hit it different ways, avoiding eye contact with Emily in hopes of making her feel less intimidated.

After a few moments, she took a couple of steps closer to him, resting her hand on her chest nervously, as if trying to hold her heart in, she spoke, "Azazel...yes? What exactly are you, or you and Jared, how is this possible? The two of you are really not the same person, are you? But then how are you both in the same body? Why are your eyes different colors? How do you..."

He cut her off, realizing her curiosity was getting the best of her and laughing at her barrage of questions, "Slow down, dear. I promise I will answer what you ask, but slow down. Also," he glanced over at Ray, finally regaining consciousness and groaning in pain, making Az smirk, "we should really find a better spot to have this chat." He stood and began walking along the river before turning to look at Emily, "Follow me? Or are you scared I will hurt you?" His eyes were sad as he asked, but Emily felt safe with him, albeit very confused still, but she had decided he wouldn't hurt her. She closed the gap between them and followed him as he turned and continued on.

"Now," He spoke calmly as they walked, looking around at the birds as they followed the river deeper into the trees, "Jared and I are...nearly twins, I suppose you could say. Our father was a ruler of the demon realm, but after centuries of serving, he decided he wanted to change things. He chose to visit the human realm, accepting that if he stayed too long his immortal blood would begin to change and eventually he would be mortal as you. He fell in love with a human named Aurelie," He paused momentarily and glanced back at Emily, making her blush, "and he chose to stay".

Coming up to an opening on the woodlands, Azazel sat against a tree and continued as Emily came to sit beside him, still keeping a space between them, " When they chose to have kids, they assumed that the strength of his demon blood had faded and diluted enough for them have normal children. But, his genes were still demonic, regardless of how much power he had lost, and in her womb she carried twins. Myself, and Jared. But I was struggling to thrive, my body was in a realm it didn't entirely belong in, and my disconnection from the demon realm caused me to grow weaker everyday."

He paused, closing his eyes in contemplation, he had never shared this story with anyone and he doubted any of it sounded believable to Emily. Still, he thought, she had wanted to know the truth, believable or not, so he continued. "My parents soon learned of my weakening, and the doctors had no explanation. Our father decided to take a chance, and he cut his arm to give his blood as an offering to call upon an old friend of his from the demon realm. He begged him for help, begged him to save his children. But Rognal said he could not save us both safely, not without breaking some rules, and with those broken rules came consequences. He explained to my parents that the child with the demon blood flowing strongly through him must join with the other to live." He turned his head to look at her, speaking softly now, "You see, as an infant I would not have survived your realm. And so Rognal used his magic to make us one. Two minds, to souls, two personalities... trapped in one body. His strong human blood and his body were able to keep me safe, and in turn my stronger demonic traits could reside within us safely. We became one, " his voice grew quieter and was thick with sorrow, "all to save me."

He hung his head shamefully, "Jared...resents me for this. Jared blames me for what he considers a stolen life, but it wasn't my choice, you see? Our parents chose this over losing me entirely. It was all they could do." He stood, stretching his arms and legs, and Emily stared up at him, blushing at the way his muscles tightened and defined when he flexed them. He continued casually, lightening the mood, "As for the eyes changing colors, my dear, well...you know they say you can peer into ones soul through their eyes? Perhaps there is truth to that. Now, is your curiosity satiated?"

He held out a hand to her and she took it, standing as he pulled her up. He pulled her close and cupped her chin in one hand gently, staring into her eyes before smiling warmly and whispering to her, "My father was told I may one day be able to be my own self again," he slowly traced her lips with one finger, grinning as Emily shivered in response. Her lips trembled to his touch, but he knew it was not fear that caused it this time and so he continued trailing his fingers over her skin. "All I have to do, is find something, or someone, that is strong enough to bind my energy to your realm...someone, like you". His smile was gentle, he didn't want to tell her what would happen to Jared if he were to separate, so he showed no signs of concern. It was better that way, he thought.

He kissed her then, his lips hot against hers as he rested a hand on the back of her neck and pulled her against him firmly. She felt her cheeks burn as his lips parted hers and his smooth tongue found her own, tasting her deeply as he now wrapped his fingers in her hair, pushing her against a nearby tree, soft sighs leaving her lips as his sweet taste surrounded her. He pulled away briefly to stroke her cheek, "Ah, so the lamb has now fallen for the lion." He smiled with his words, staring deeply into her eyes making her blush and turn her head shyly.

She murmured, "What a stupid Lion it must have been...." And Azazels lips spread to a smile as he ran his fingers through her hair gently and replied, "And what a careless little lamb", and brought his lips back to hers, kissing her passionately as they became lost in each others embrace.