
Give me Fuel

Emily slowly released her arms from around Azazels neck, looking around the room at the warmly flickering candles before turning back to see him wiping his lips clean with a grin, she asked slowly, "Was that...just a fancy trick or something? The candles, I mean, not the..." She cut herself short, her cheeks burning red already at the thought, she had only just experienced this and he had left her wanting more, "That was..impressive too, I mean..." She looked down in embarrassment.

He chuckled to himself and separated from where she sat on the alter, walking slowly around the area aimlessly, he spoke calmly, "It was a power surge, I suppose you could call it. Your doing, actually, and I should thank you. Your screams for me did their job wonderfully" He paused his steps and glanced at her, a wicked smirk now playing on his lips, "And now I get to spend more time with you, you see."

He waited for her response, but was met only with a face of confusion and pure curiosity, so he continued, happy to indulge her with who he was. He felt no need to lie to her anymore, he didn't think she would leave in any case. "You see, there are many ancient demonic rules that still hold power over the realms, but were simply lost over the centuries. Many demons enjoyed their own space, apart from the people, but also enjoyed having some power over the humans which could be of use to them in certain ways. Trading slaves, Giving them some under the table political power, making them financially powerful, things of that sort.", He paused, closing his eyes in thought before opening them and continuing.

"But certain information began to be omitted from the demonic teachings, as part of certain, larger political agreements. We were led to believe that our time outside of the demon realm was vastly limited, and would kill us over time. This still allowed officials to make trade connections and meetings, but they returned back to their realm shortly afterwards. It worked for both sides, generally speaking. It meant the demons could stay to themselves and out of the humans drama, which they found to be repulsive, while still holding some control over that realm."

"However, this information wasn't entirely true. They had removed the explanation of Earthly power through name. If a demon can make their name known and be spoken with either need, or great fear, their power in this realm strengthens. In my case, I try and use that wisely. I instill fear in those that do wrong, and kill some to instill greater fear at the sound of my name. And..," He shrugged, smiling mischievously, "I obviously made a few women beg for my name. It keeps Jared dormant for longer and gives me more of my appropriate form and ability, moreso if I've managed to make them sin in my name. Adultery is an easy one "

He watched as her eyes narrowed in understanding, but he quickly explained, "Don't worry, now that I have you, my dear, the women won't be necessary, Ive chosen you. I will still kill, of course. But only the bad ones,", He smiled, standing proudly with his hands held behind his back, formally, like a man with great power and privilege.

Emily simply stared, captivated, intrigued and absolutely infatuated with him and somewhat amused by his nonchalant attitude over the matter. She wasn't just the lover of a demon...She was his power source.