


Cause and Effect-01


/"BROTHER, you don’t seem happy of me being here, do you?/" My brother, Clyve frowned after we settled at the backseat of the company car.

/"Why’d you say that?/" I wanted to ignore him, but I couldn’t get rid of him easily. He had to stay with me in my apartment, and the thing was, we had a different lifestyle.

He was a marathon type of guy while I was an indoor type, using a treadmill. I could live with sandwiches while Clyve ate veggies all his life. He listened to classical music, and I went for the rock. He played piano and violin while I drummed. He liked the colorful environment while I chose a boring black, white, and gray. And Clyve was an old fashion and dreamed of a white picket fence one day. But I loved my annoying brother to kick him out, and I missed him being a nosy bastard than letting him stay at the hotel room of this city.