
Sin Archbishop From Common Place To World's Strongest

One day you get Isekai'd into the world of Arifureta with the power of the Witches of Sin from Re:Zero. ------ [First 12 chapters are very cringe so just bare with it or you can skip them] [Just to be clear this is not a story where 'Regulus’ takes the spotlight and outshines the Original MC, yea he will have his moments but it's mainly 'Regulus’ just tagging along as a Secondary MC, so don't expect him to lead the way or anything.] (I do not Own Arifureta / Re:Zero) (Story Belongs To: Aleiisekai (On Wattpad)) (I have permission to Repost and Edit this story)

Gentinon · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Chapter 18 "The Town of Perverts, Morons and Right Violator's"

The Brooke adventurer's guild's door opened with a cheerful clang. Four people walked inside. Regulus, Hajime, Yue, and Shea, who had grown famous around the town.

As always, there were a few people sitting around inside the guild. A few of them raised a hand in greeting as the quartet walked by. Many of the guys still gazed at Yue and Shea with longing, and glared at The two Males with burning envy, but there was a distinct lack of malice in their stares.

In the week they'd spent back in Brooke, countless scores of men had tried to profess their love to Yue and Shea, but they'd all been shot down. Some of them still remembered Yue's ball crushing incident, so instead of going to her directly, they had tried to get on Regulus's good side first.

Regulus had, of course, taken their prying as a violation if his rights. The truly desperate ones had tried to challenge Him or Hajime to a duel, only to find themselves on the receiving end of Regulus [Melancholy] or Hajime's rubber bullets. Many an unfortunate soul had found themselves spinning through the air and kissing the dirt before they'd even drawn their weapon.


Receptionist: "Oh, all four of you are together today?"

The reason for the Receptionists surprise was that this past week, Hajime had either come alone, or Yue and Shea had visited as a pair.

It only added to her surprise that Regulus finally decided to show up, as the main reason for the others to go here on quests was to train and level up which for him for obvious reasons was a useless thing to do as he was a "Satisfied being" (Brokenly OP)

"Yeah, We're heading out tomorrow, but we wanted to come thank you for everything you've done for us first. Oh, and to see if there's any requests related to our destination."

That "everything" had included lending Hajime one of the guild's rooms for free. He had wanted to see what kind of stuff he could do by combining his newfound gravity magic with his creation magic, but he'd needed a wide open space for that. When he'd come to The Receptionists to ask where he could find one of those, she'd offered to let him use one of the guild's rooms for free.

In the meantime, Yue and Shea had been spending time outside the town training their gravity manipulation abilities.

And Regulus and Victorique... were Satisfying their sweet tooth with the Sweet cakes and other delicacies from the Cafe that was stationed in the middle of the city.

Receptionist: "I see. Leaving already? Guess it'll get lonely here again. The town's been a lot livelier since you four returned. I am sure the Cafe will miss their best customer."

Regulus: "Give me a break. I've had enough of peeping perverts, clothing store perverts, perverts begging Yue and Shea to step on them, perverts stalking them and calling them 'onee-sama,' and idiots challenging me to duels... This town's full of nothing but them. Seventy percent of the people I've met are perverts and Right Violators, and the other thirty are idiots... There's something seriously wrong with this place."

Regulus's complaints were more or less on the mark. Sona was one thing, but every time he'd gone to Crystabel's shop, he could feel a hungry gaze devouring him.

There were also three factions in Brooke that were constantly feuding with each other. The first was the

"I want to be stepped on by Yue-chan" - Faction

The second was the

"I want to be Shea-chan's slave" - Faction

and the last was the

"I want to become Onee-sama's apprentice" - faction.

Their names were rather self-explanatory, and the three factions were constantly competing for members.

Hajime and the girls did their best to steer clear of all of them, not including Regulus as in a couple of times people tried to approach him after a couple of hours of ranting they gave up.

Yue was already having nightmares about all the guys that prostrated herself before her, begging her to step on them. And Hajime had no idea just how some of the other guys had come to the conclusion that they wanted to be Shea's slave. Beastmen were supposed to be discriminated against, and it wasn't clear how becoming her slave would help their chances with her, but trying to understand their motives was more effort than it was worth, so Shea just eliminated them.

Meanwhile, the female group's primary objective was trying to remove Hajime. One of them had even tried to stab him with a knife, saying

"How dare you leech off of Onee-sama, you parasite! I'm gonna cut your balls offfff!"

Obviously killing a young girl in the middle of the street would've led to some complications, so Hajime had just stripped her naked, tied her up bondage style, and dangled her from the roof of the tallest building in town. To top it off, he'd stuck a sign to her that read "I'll kill the next person that tries that." That managed to scare the girls into submission.

Hajime grimaced as he thought back to his time in this town, while Catherine smiled sympathetically.

Regulus: Yes that certainly reminded me of a certain H-manga.

Receptionist: "Now now, you can't deny things were interesting at least."

Hajime: "Interesting in a bad way, maybe."

Receptionist: "So, where are you headed next?"

Regulus: "Fuhren." They continued chatting idly while Catherine (Receptionist) rifled through the requests, looking to see if any involved Fuhren.

Fuhren was the independent merchant state Regulus had 'Politely' asked Victorique to tell the group about the Grand Gruen Volcano, which was located within the Gruen Desert. As the desert lay on the western edge of the continent, the quartet had decided to make a quick stop in Fuhren, as it was on the way. Once they cleared the volcano, their next destination was the labyrinth located at the bottom of the sea, the Sunken Ruins of Melusine. Those were even further to the west, past the desert.

Receptionist: "Hmmm, oh, here we are. Found something. There's a merchant convoy looking for guards. They've got room for one more person... What do you think? Want to accept it?"

Hajime scanned the document Catherine handed to him. Like she'd said, it seemed to be an escort mission. His job would be to escort a medium-sized caravan, and it looked like they wanted around 15 guards. As Regulus, Yue and Shea still weren't registered adventurers, having one slot open was just perfect.

Hajime: "It's fine if I bring these three with me still, right?"

Receptionist: "It should be alright. Bringing a large crowd with you would be a different story, but most adventurers bring along a porter or slave to carry their luggage anyway. Besides, Yue-chan and Shea-chan are quite strong. They're getting a steal, hiring all of you for the price of one. I'm sure they'd happily let them tag along."

Hajime: "I see. Hmmm, what do you guys think?"

Regulus: Ok first why are you implying that you are bringing me huh? Wouldn't that be like forcing me to do someth-

Hajime turned around, seeking help from the two girls behind him. He'd personally been hoping that Regulus wouldn't do the ranting act with them, but I guess that won't happen. He was also hoping for a delivery quest that way he'd be able to use his magic Jeep to get them to Fuhren way faster than any caravan could. Purposely slowing down his pace just for a quest didn't really sound all that appealing.

Yue: "We're not in any hurry." Said Yue as she pinched Regulus so he would shut up. Which he did.

Shea: "Yeah. Besides, it might be fun to travel with other adventurers for once. Who knows, some of the veterans might be able to teach us a few things."

Yue then looked towards Regulus, who put on his #6 face of "Fine Whatever i'll allow you to violate my rights just this time" was what she named it.

Regulus: "I suppose it's true we're not in any real hurry, and it might not be so bad traveling with others..."

Hajime nodded pensively and accepted the request. Like Regulus had said, they were in no rush to conquer the labyrinths. Hurrying too much could lead to a fatal mistake in the time line, and Shea was right that some of the adventurers might be able to teach them useful tricks for the road ahead.

Receptionist: "Very well. I'll let them know, so make sure you're at the main gate first thing tomorrow morning."

Hajime: "You got it."

While Hajime was filling out the paperwork, Catherine shifted her gaze to Yue and Shea.

Receptionist: "Make sure you take care of yourselves, alright? If these brats ever makes you cry, then make sure you drag them back here. I'll wallop them good for you."

She said while giving Regulus and Hajime and eye.

Regulus: "Huh?!? Whats that supposed to mea-"

Yue: "Okay, we will. Thanks."

Shea: "Bye, Catherine-san. Thanks for everything!"

Yue and Shea smiled at Catherine. Shea's smile especially was dazzling.

The way the Guild and the people of this town had treated her had almost made her forget how beastmen were usually treated in human settlements. Naturally, not everyone had been so accepting, but Catherine, Sona, Crystabel, and even her fans had treated her like a normal girl. She wasn't sure whether more tolerant people just gravitated toward this town in particular, but to her this place had felt like a second home.

Catherine: "You two better not do anything that'd make these girls cry, you hear? Even if you two manage to escape my wrath, God will surely punish you if you do."

Hajime: "You sure like lecturing people. Don't worry, I know."

Hajime smiled wryly. While Yue was pushing Regulus away from them.

Catherine handed him a piece of paper. Puzzled, Hajime took it.

Hajime: "What's this?"

Receptionist: "It look like you four have got a huge burden to bear. Think of this as my apology for all the trouble the townspeople caused you. If you ever get into any trouble with the guild branches in the other towns, just show that letter to them. It'll help you out."

Catherine winked conspiratorially at Hajime.

Hajime's Thoughts: Just who is this lady? One letter from her and even the adventurer's guild's upper management will fold?

Receptionist: "Oh, and don't ask me why. Every girl's entitled to a few secrets, don't you think?"

Hajime: "Haah, alright. Thanks for the help."

Receptionist: "Girls like an obedient man. I don't know what your future's got in store for you, but you better not die on me."

For an old guild receptionist working in a small town in the middle of nowhere, Catherine sure had a lot of mystery surrounding her. A contented smile split her lips as she watched The quartet leave.

Next, they went to visit Crystabel. Hajime and Regulus had been staunchly against the idea, but Yue and Shea had insisted, so they found themselves tagging along as they went to say their goodbyes. But when Crystabel learned it was their last day in town, he turned into a monstrous bundle of sadness that tried to attack Hajime, which resulted in an odd situation of Hajime trying to destroy Crystabel with his wave motion cannon while Yue desperately tried to hold him back Regulus from using his authorities. and Shea desperately tried to hold Hajime from killing the man. Needless to say, the goodbyes were completely forgotten.

Lastly, when Sona had heard it was their last night there, she had pulled out all the stops in her attempt to peek on Regulus in the bath [AN: Yes even tho he doesn't need one he still did it because I needed it for the plot] and in his room. When she'd eventually been turned over to her mom, instead of a spanking she was strung up in front of the inn all night, tied up in grand bondage fashion. Why Sona's mom knew how to make those knots, no one could say.

The next morning. Reminiscing about the "pleasant" memories they'd had in this town, The Quartet made their way to the main gate. They found the caravan manager waiting for them, along with the other adventurers who'd accepted the request. It appeared they were the last to arrive, so when they got there the other adventurers all broke into a clamor.

"H-Hey, don't tell me the smashers are coming with us!?"

"No way! Man, I don't know whether to be happy or terrified."

"God, my hand won't stop trembling."

"That's just your withdrawal symptoms, man."

Some people were happy to see Yue and Shea, others reflexively covered their balls, and yet others tried to blame their alcohol addiction on Hajime. Hajime frowned as he approached. Once he was closer, the caravan manager called out to him.

Manager: "You're the last guard, right?"

Hajime: "Yep, here's the request paper."

Hajime pulled out the form he'd filled out. The caravan manager glanced at it, nodded, and introduced himself.

Nos: "My name is Not More. I'm the leader of this expedition. I've heard from Catherine that you're a very accomplished adventurer even though your rank is still blue. I'm expecting good things from you."

Hajime: "More Nos? Must be exhausting work, managing a caravan..."

The caravan manager's name reminded Hajime of a certain energy drink. More tilted his head in confusion, but then replied with a smile.

Nos: "I suppose, but I'm used to it now."

"Well, I'll try to live up to your expectations at least. The name's Hajime. The two behind me are Yue and Shea. And the white haired is Regulus Corneas,"

Regulus: Now Listen Here- mmhfhmfhm!"

He was being held back by Yue

Hajime: *Whishper: Please don't try talking to him he takes it very hard when someone interrupts or doesn't agrees with him"

Nos: "Glad to hear it... By the way, that rabbit girl of yours... you wouldn't happen to be interested in selling her, would you? I'd be willing to pay more than a fair price for her." More looked over Shea appraisingly. Not only did she have pale hair, a rarity for the rabbitmen, she was quite the beauty. As a merchant, it was in his nature to try and obtain rare goods whenever possible. And he was quite the excellent businessman, discerning instantly that Shea must have been Hajime's slave and moving right into negotiations.

Shea scowled unhappily and hid behind Regulus. Yue glared daggers at Nos. While Regulus looked confused for a few seconds before gaining a look of 'Ahh right this was supposed to happen!' But from an objective viewpoint, More was simply doing what was natural for a businessman. Normally, one would assume any beastmen living outside the sea of trees had to be someone's slave. More wasn't to blame for his misconception.

Nos: "Oh, she seems quite attached to you... I see that you must treat her well. I promise to treat her just as nicely, so what do you say?"

Hajime: "You look like a shrewd businessman... I'm sure you already know what my answer is."

More tried to press onward, his hungry gaze fixated on Shea, but Hajime curtly turned him down. A good judge of people, More could already tell Hajime wouldn't part with her, but the thought of the profits he could reap made him unwilling to give up so easily. He thought frantically for anything he could use as a bargaining chip.

Hajime could see where he was going with this, and repeated himself more firmly.

Hajime: "Even if the gods themselves asked, I wouldn't part with her... Understand?"

Nos: "...Alright, I get it. I give up. Still, if you ever change your mind, please come to Nos' trading company first. Anyway, it's about time we set off. Ask the adventurer over there to fill you in on the details on the way."

Hajime's words had been quite dangerous. Had the Holy Church heard his declaration, they would have branded him a heretic. Technically, even the Holy Church admitted there were gods other than the supreme ruler, Ehit, and that the demons worshiped a different one, so simply mentioning that there were other gods wasn't a heretical statement.

But the way Hajime had phrased it, that all the gods were somehow equal, was borderline at best. That was why More had realized Hajime was serious about never letting Shea go. But his enterprising spirit led him to still try one last futile attempt, and he urged Hajime to come to his business first if he ever changed his mind.

Hajime trudged over to the wagon where all the other adventurers were gathered. They were all watching him in awe as he approached. [AD-Adventurer]

AD-1:"Amazing... to go so far for one girl... That sent shivers down my spine, man!"

AD-2: "I see now why everyone respects you as the duelist smasher. You won't forgive anyone who lays a finger on your girls... Heh, what a man."

AD-3 "I hope someone says something like that to me one day."

AD-1 "Come on, you're a dude. No way anyone's gonnaaaaaa! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Regulus could feel a headache coming on and he tiredly rubbed his temples. Everyone living in Brooke is a right violating moron.


End of Chapter.