

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · ファンタジー
30 Chs


This time he brought her ass into the air and took away most of her leverage for this round of pleasurable oral torture. He started slowly as her clit which was swollen to three times its normal size already. He brought her up to the edge as her hands dug into his arm. She went off, "Oh god that you Elebrin."

He returned to his firm kisses and fast tongue attacks to keep her riding that wave. She shrieked Thankkk yooou Vannnddddrrrriaaa."

Which was followed by gasps and she mumbled, "breath, breath, breath..." Then shrieked, "Thaaank you Solonorrrr." Followed quickly by "Thank you fucccckkkkinggg Seeehhheanineee Moon BOOW!"


The Lady of Dreams smiled, "No, it is Eldar who is going to be fucking you and giving you my next Grand Cleric to carry. He got her through all of them and he had her save me for last. She has not had an anti-fertility item in a long time and she has not even thought about using one with him. Not that it would work on this night."

The other Elven Gods chuckled except for Erevan Ilesere who still rolled on the floor laughing at it all. He thought to Corellon, "He is mischievous. I will give him that. I wish you had allowed him to be a full-up gestalt but he is making progress into those abilities without formal training."

Corellon looked over and nodded at him.


Eldar backed off. She looks at him with sweat pouring off her body and his. He grabbed them a couple of water skin. He looked at her and whispered, "You know what the count is?!"

She huffed loudly, "Thirteen to three and I have thanked all of the deities now."

He paused while he finished drinking, "Let me know when you are ready. You look ready."

She laughed and grabbed his cock, "You feel ready."

He told her, "Good news, I won't touch your clit on this one, alright?"

She sighed, "Thank the Gods."

Eldar smirked, "You already have!"

He stayed on his knees and pulled her into his lap. He allowed her to guide him into her pussy; she was soaked but still tight because he did not spend much time inside her pussy, yet.

She realizes this and looked just a bit scared. "Are you sure about this?"

As she debated the consequences of the 'wager.' He smiled and brought his hands to her ass. He started lifting her and she rolled her head back with a small growl and then looked him in the eyes with a smile. Knowing you love someone and announcing it to everyone were two different things.

He wanted her to announce it to everyone. She was ready to announce it, even with the chance it would break her heart later. He started lifting her up and down. He stood straight up onto his knees. He moved one leg forward and got one foot up. Eldar pushed with his legs and lifted her to a standing position with her arms wrapped around his neck.

Charlie leaned back a bit to take the pressure off of her battered clit. He leaned her back at an angle against the cargo in the wagon with her ass just on the edge of a crate. She was still in his hands though to keep her from slipping away. He stared into her eyes and sped things up. He whispered to her, "I love you with all my heart. You know, no matter what happens, you know that I said this first."

He increased speed and her breathing became erratic. She clamped down on him so hard that he could not move. She fought it, just like she tried to fight how she felt about him but knew it was no use. She did love him, even more than her late husband and she loved him with all her heart. She loved Eldar with her entire being.

Charlie screamed out, "I love you Eldaaarr!"

Followed by his aching balls that begged for release. He pumped one more time and shot off into a quivering womb what felt like a flood of seed into her. He screamed even louder, "I so LOVE you Charlemaaagneee!"

He lowered her back down and stared into her eyes as he pulled out over the chamber pot for her. "We got about another 10 minutes before we should get some sleep."

She looked at him and asked with a note of concern, "What do you have in mind?"

He smiled, "Maybe a short little stroll into camp to get some food and water, once we put some clothes on first."

She looked down and realized her legs did not want to work. As her pelvic region ached from the epic pounding she just got. Charlie's clit was sore to the touch. Eldar's warning to her was more than that.

It was a promise that he fulfilled and she just realized it. The tingling fireworks within her pussy's walls told her she wanted him even more. Just not right this second, "I don't know if I can walk!"

He got dressed quickly after cleaning them both up. He thought to himself. "I wanted her more than anyone and don't want her to feel anything right now but my love for her."

Eldar smiled, "I'll carry you out to the fire if you need me to. I warned you about not being able to walk."

Charlie sighed as her stomach grumbled loudly as if it agreed with him.

He winked at her, "Alright, you get dressed and we will see if you can stand on your own or not."

As Charlie laughed at him, she leaned over and kissed him. Eldar pulled back and smiled at her, "Remember this day, because for the rest of your life no man is ever going to come close to what we just did together!"

She smiled and lowered her legs and bit her lip to keep from screaming. She did find it nearly impossible to stand without leaning on something. He helped her into her clothes. He gave her weapons just in case, while he did the same. He exited the wagon first and helped her down as she almost fell, she held onto him tightly.


The entire company starred as they made their exit and saw the state she was in. Eagle-eye wanted him in her pool of lovers but knew better. She had had relations with Charlie and her former husband years ago. After his passing, she occasionally shared Charlie's bed and occasionally other women but no other men. That had tapered off over a year ago to nothing.

She had added Fireball into her group a year ago when he joined them into her circle of lust-filled lovers. Charlie wanted nothing to do with the men in her company until now it appeared. The company she had inherited from her dead husband. She wondered if Eldar knew of him yet?

Eldar only seemed to have eyes for Charlie and Eagle-eye was not spending her nights alone as she shared many beds, except for Hunter and Charlie now for over a year. That occurred over a slow declining period.

She suspected part of that was because of Annette, though she threw that at her involvement with Fireball. Eagle-eye would never ask her that question. Eagle-eye liked being in other people's business but she cared for Charlie like a sister.

She did not want to upset her by getting into that aspect of her life. It did not stop the group from speculating about Annette and Charlie being involved. Just not to her face. Hunter was worried about her, but she seemed happy in his arms.

Hunter never pursued anyone in the group as his heart still ached for his late wife. He was a 1-woman kind of guy and the group sex scene that permeated his company was not his thing.

He did not want to force a woman to choose him over another or others if her heart was divided. Yet, he did worry Charlie was setting herself up and would talk with her about it. Doc knew he'd have to do a lot more healing in the coming days.

Just not all from battle wounds if the two of them kept up that pace with each other. Still, he admired Eldar for getting to Charlie's broken heart and getting her out of her depression. The first male to get in her bed since their former leader died years ago.

Yet Doc worried it could be broken just as fast if what he suspected of Eldar being an 'evaluation target' was coming about, because of Jarron and Eldar's occasional prick of a father. Eldar was a legacy and it was not far-fetched to bring in legacies. He did not hate Heliar'vasius, but he was in a mess of his own making.

Heliar'vasius reflected that onto others he worked with, within this group, and others in the organization. Heliar'vasius kept it out of his work with other nations from what he could tell. Ever the diplomat with them. He knew Heliar'vasius hated his wife, it was a loveless marriage, and it showed.

Tranosa had enjoyed the company of all the women in the group except Charlie. He waited for someone special and exotic to take his heart into monogamy. He was very horny after tonight. For now, it was lust and release as he had it available to him. The ladies, Eagle-eye and Cook, often offered him release.

Tranosa had made it clear to both Fireball and Skinner that he was not bisexual. Though both of them were at times experimental. There were times he took them up on the offer, even working to double or triple penetrate both women on occasions. It was a diversion to him, and a release as they both carried potions to keep from getting pregnant.

Until he could find what he was looking for in a wife he had those 2 on occasion. Cook was tri-sexual and had married her husband because he was just as adventurous in bed as she was. They often shared partners or had affairs with others that they talked to each other about those conquests.

They worked the lust and love between them to a boiling point and kept things fresh between them in their eyes. She wanted a shot at Eldar but she could see it in Charlie's eyes. Charlie loved Eldar as she just professed, as they just professed to each other.

She would never let him get involved with the rest of the group sex scene if Charlie had her way. She had left her bed when Fireball joined, as Charlie wanted no man in her life for the longest time. Now if the rumors around Annette were true, then Charlie had other issues to work through on that front.


Eldar held onto her as they walked toward the fire. They got to a log near the fire and Cook handed them a couple of bowls of stew each and brought over a few water flasks. Cook looked into Charlie's eyes, "You did not fake that did you?"

Charlie started to look like she wanted to cry. Instead, she smiled and shook her head, "No, not even a little bit."

The two ladies started clapping. The guys just started joking with Eldar about how bad he made the other males look. Eldar looked over at Hunter, "Did anyone have a bet going on this one, and who won?"

Everyone started laughing. Eldar looked at Charlemagne, "You got a nickname for me yet?"

Charlemagne laughed in her head as she faced this question again so soon. She looked up, "I think 'MY STUD' would be too blatant."

That got another round of laughter even from Eldar. At least he was not mad at her for saying that. They finished the food and Eldar helped her back to her wagon. They curled up together in their clothes. He woke several hours later and Charlemagne was still out. He studied up his spells, stripped down, and got his armor back on and then fresh clothes. He geared up and dropped out of the wagon.

He looked to see who was up. "You need to be relieved, Hunter?"

Hunter shrugged Eldar off, "Not yet but you could saddle up those 3 horses and drag back as much firewood as you can find. Then when Charlemagne is up, she can call out guard switches..." As he chuckled. "Probably sometime tomorrow!"

Eldar rolled his eyes and reminded him, "Keep an eye out for her. She is not exactly steady on her feet at the moment."

He shook his head at Eldar and smiled.


Hunter woke Charlie after Eldar left. She looked up at him, "I know, I am breaking so many rules with him. But the heart wants what the heart wants."

Hunter nodded, "I was not going to bring that up. Jarron will give you enough shit about that. We need to figure out what we are going to do about this mission."

Charlie sighed, "We need to get the package delivered. My communication crystal got crushed by a sword blow. Trust me I got the bruises to prove it. It was supposed to be communication silence on this unless of an emergency because of the evaluation. Now we have all this intelligence, a mission that has gone to shit, no guards, and our crew make-up is probably known by the enemy. An enemy we know nothing about."

Hunter looked at her, "Send it off with Eldar. He played it as him being an unknown. It was a smart call on his part. They don't know him and probably don't know his abilities as we just added him. You put him on the payroll and the guy is talented in a fight and your bed, apparently."

She punched him in the arm and he chuckled. "The call is yours Charlie, but we have a mission that has to get completed above all else."

Charlie nodded, "I know. I will put together a note and send Eldar off with the package. Get the best horses together for him to ride through the mess ahead. I just got to get him to get there and try and ensure Jarron will listen to him.

While getting Eldar to take things on faith from me. The final test if you will. I want him, for our group, this unit, and my bed. I am not arguing those points with you. I just hope it does not break us."

Hunter knew more about Charlie than anyone, "What about Annette?"

She sighed, "It will come up eventually but until I know of his willingness for the first 2 it is one secret I am keeping for now. I don't want him to know until I have an idea as to how he will respond to that issue. Please back me on this."

Hunter nodded, "Too many secrets can hurt. Work to open up with him before he is face to face with her."

She nodded, "Alright, I appreciate your advice, my friend and I will work toward that."


Eldar returned an hour later to find Charlemagne sitting on the edge of the wagon while he led 3 horses that pulled copious amounts of dead trees and logs to start a burial pyre.

Hunter called out, "See to those 4 horses, including Flanning's former horse. Ensure they are loaded up with water, a bucket, and feed bags. Then see Charlie."

Eldar took care of the horses and checked over things. He cleaned and changed the bandage on Flannings horse, still the best of this bunch, even wounded.

Charlemagne waved him over and the 2 stiffs slept now. She invited him into her wagon. He gave her a wet slow kiss. Hunter joined them unexpectedly and Eldar realized something more was going on. She looked at Eldar, "I need you to do me a huge favor without many questions. Take this bag and put it into your backpack.

Get onto one of those horses and ride ahead to the next village, called Junction it is a trading hub. Switch horses every 2-4 hours. Feed them every 8 but don't wait long or give them too much. Two water skins per horse and half a pouch of oats each. Stable the horses for a week.

Here is some gold to cover that. Go to the Sleeping Spell inn. As soon as you enter, walk over to the corner booth to the left and ask the lady sitting there if you can sit down. It is always a woman. You should get there in 16 hours if not sooner. You understand?"

Eldar replied, "Yes, but you are scaring me a bit."

Charlie sighed, "I know but when you see the lady tell her 'It is sad to see the nightingale sing after the dawning moon.' She will invite you to a room and it would be best if you have your hands out to the side facing her or held up because she will pull a weapon on you. Give her your full name, tell her Charlemagne Silver sent you to make a delivery.

She will take you to another location. You will meet some more people who will ask you questions. Ask for Jarron Silverleaf! Release the package only to him! He will help you from there. I will see you in a few days. My guys are too well known to travel alone.

I cannot trust the other two, while you have more than proven yourself to me and our guys. You have a known reputation and name from the Capital. They will talk with you, but only to a point until we get there. Your pack is ready, keep your cloak up."

She looked him in the eyes, "If you run into any trouble jump on the black horse and ride like the wind. Look over the gear we found. Fireball will tell you what he knows."

Eldar left and looked through the mundane pile and groaned. He pulled out five rings and stuck them in a pouch. He looked over the magical stuff, an enchanted boot dagger and a ring of fire resistance were the only things that jumped out at him.

He looked at Fireball, "I figured the bracers worked better for you?"

He shook his head, "My set is better."

Eldar shrugged, "Pass them along to Doc, tell him in case he cannot get into his armor fast enough he has some protection when he sleeps."

Fireball nodded. Eldar headed back to Charlemagne, "The mundane rings I picked up are not mundane. If I had to guess they came off of the hands of some of the real Iron Bar group as they are all Blade Singer rings. 2 Grand Masters and 3 Masters! You are trusting me. I have all the faith in the world in you."

He kissed her and headed to the horses. With one last note from her, "No journal entries until I see you."

She smiled at him. He got onto the gray gelding and with the others in tow. He set off at a good clip. He followed her instructions and encountered no problems in his journey and arrived in 13 hours. He stabled the horses. He told them, "Tend to the wound on the black from running into a rope. Check over the others for any injuries."

The stable boy nodded as Eldar gave him some more coins to cover those things. He headed to the inn. Just like she said a lady was sitting at the corner booth. He stepped outside and brushed some of the trail dust off of himself and stepped back in and walked to the corner booth, "Can I join you?"

She looks up at him and she was a human with some of the fullest lips he had ever seen, and her chest was about to pour out of her outfit. Double D cup tits at least.

She had her hood drawn up and simply said, "Sit."

He told her, "It is sad to see the nightingale sing after the dawning moon."

She replied, "Yes, it is. Why don't you join me in my room?"

He took off his gloves and stowed them away and followed her up. Once they entered, she asks him, "Close the door." He closed the door keeping his hands up as he turned around. Sure enough, she has a bastard sword ready to strike.

He looked at her, "Charlemagne Silver sent me ahead, my name is Eldar Silvertree."

She looks at his cloak. She was told to watch for his arrival with Charlie and what to look for in his gear, just in case he came in without her group for some reason, "You are not wearing a Silvertree pin."

He sighed, "I stored it in my backpack when trouble arrived. We tried to not advertise my skills to the mercenaries we did not trust, that would stick out. The Silvertree logo is stamped on the outside of my sheath." She grabs the handle of his sword with a few fingers and turns the sheath to face her then pulled his weapon up slightly and pushed it back down.

She shook her weapon hand and her sword disappeared. She glared at him, "Come with me we are headed to a small house just down the street."

They walked into the small home and she pointed him into a closet in the back. She told him, "Step inside and keep facing the wall."

He felt her ass press against his as she has obviously turned around and the door closes. "Stay facing the wall." The room dropped into magical darkness.

A few seconds later she opens the door they came in. "Come on out."

They headed down the street. They were in some sort of underground cavern but there was a hole up in the top of the ceiling and they could see the sky. She led him into a barracks room that looked like it was built for interrogations.

A man walked in and Eldar asked, "Name?"

The human male looked at Eldar, "I will ask the questions."

Eldar replied to him "No disrespect, but I was told to talk to only one man and he is either an Elf or a Half-Elf. Until he arrives, I will follow Charlemagne's request to me."