
Silva's Peak

An 18 year old named Silva inherits a puppy and an item from his uncle that grants him mysterious powers. Silva shares his uncle's ambitions to explore the vast lands of their nation, Instivale, to eventually reach the tallest peak in the world. The only climbers rumored to have reached the top of the tallest mountain were two brothers from the distant past. Can Silva become the first climber in thousands of years to achieve this? Genres: Action, Adventure, Seinen with Shonen attributes. (18+ Rating: Violence, Use of Tobacco and Alcohol, Mature Themes, and Profanity)

KnightFall · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Silva's Start

Three thousand years ago, two brothers reached the highest peak in the world. Their only mementos left are two flags rumored to stand proud atop the tallest mountain. Little did they know, their symbols of peace and freedom would inspire many generations of climbers willing to sacrifice everything to reach the top. This is the story of Silva's Peak!

September 3000

A rabbit hops around with its friend slowly after. They are scared away by a young boy nearly 10 years old and his 1 year old puppy named Oro are seen running through the forest. He is the kind of kid to proudly announce his name as: "Silva Belmonte, the boy who will climb the tallest mountain!" to anyone who greets him.

Lagging behind them is his uncle, Rob Baywest who wears a long blue coat with a fire patch on his left shoulder. His bald head reflects the harsh light of the fall afternoon as he struggles to match the young whippersnappers' energy.

They eventually reach the mountain just in time for the setting sun.

Silva: You wanna know why I'm smiling?

Uncle Rob: Why is that sport?

Silva: Cause this view is pretty great, but it is just a taste of what I will see when I grow up. Isn't that right, Oro?

Oro: Yips for a second, and then proceeds to place his head on Mr. Baywest's legs for a nice snooze.

Uncle Rob: I guess we are setting up camp here for the night. Anyways, you got a long road ahead of you, Silva. Becoming the best of the best takes alotta grit. But don't worry, I will train ya as hard as I can so that you can see all that this vast country has to offer. Now let's start with you helping me set up this tent.

Silva: Awww fine.

(Silva and Uncle Rob set up the tent efficiently and lay down with the soft texture of their sleeping bags soothing the aches and pains from earlier.

Silva: Hey Uncle Rob?

Uncle Rob: What's up?

Silva: Do ya think I will actually be able to reach the highest peak of the world?

Uncle Rob: If ya put in the work kid, the world is at your feet. Beware of the dangers that come with this dream of yours.

Silva: That sounds scary but I am up for the challenge!

Uncle Rob: Just remember Silva, even when the sun sets and the black of night looms over. There will always be light that comforts us even in the darkness. The stars show us the endless journey ahead does not have to be shared alone.

Silva: But I will have you, won't I, Uncle Rob?

Uncle Rob: When the time is right, you will stand on your own two feet and decide what path you take in life. Don't walk to follow, run to progress. But it seems like you are hell bent on the same dream as I was when I was your age. If you continue this journey, I have no doubt that you are gonna make a fine climber some day.

Silva: (Rolls over and tears up silently, pretending to sleep.)

Uncle Rob: You okay there pal?

Silva: (Silence)

Uncle Rob: (Thinks to himself and slightly shrugs) Hmm you must've fallen asleep.

(Uncle Rob falls asleep)

Silva: (Softly speaks) Thanks uncle Rob.

Night fades to pitch black.

Even before the farmers, Silva rustles out of his sleeping bag undetected and scurries off down the small mountain.

Hours pass by until Uncle Rob is finally sipping his mug full of black coffee in one hand and reading the latest issue of "Cimber's Weekly" in another. With the newprint shielding his vision, he calls Silva for breakfast. No answer. He asks again, this time with an "Oro?" to no avail. He then shouts. Nothing. Suddenly, the newspaper hits the dirt in an instant and Uncle Rob bolts faster than he has in years.

Prologue Arc Begins

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