
Silk And Lace

[WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT] To find a high-paying job, Lara is willing to do anything. Fortunately, the universe smiled at her one fine day and changed her fate, when she met the famous clothes designer in the city, Simon Hart. Her luck didn't end there. She also happened to save his precious little daughter from danger. This helped her to attain her dream job. Working close to Simon, Lara gets close to his daughter Lilly, the cute little angel who is Simon's life.

Cornflower · 都市
7 Chs

Getting the job

The committee members turned to look at each other impressed by both Lara's confidence and her CV. She becomes one of the top candidates for the job position.

"We're very impressed with your qualifications, Miss Marlow. We will contact you if you are chosen for the job." The head of the committee informed her.

"Thank you." With that, Lara left the room.

"She's a top candidate. I recommend that we hire her." The financial department manager said.

"I agree, but to be fair, we need to interview the rest who came for the job. We might find a better candidate." One of the committee members said, and the rest of the members nodded in an argument.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Stepping inside the elevator, Lara smiled to herself. Though she wasn't certain whether she would get the job or not, she was satisfied with herself. She believed that her CV says it, she had worked for a company that was near to collapse but in two years she managed to fix all their financial problems and make their income increase.


The door to the elevator opened and Lara was about to step out of the elevator but she stopped when she saw a man holding the little girl she helped earlier and he wasn't just any man, he was Simon Hart, the CEO of the biggest clothing making and shipping companies in the city. How did she not recognize the little girl from the news?

But he's hot and very tall. Lara thought to herself.

"Daddy. This is the nice lady who saved me." The little girl said.

Lara laughed nervously as she stared at the person who might become her future boss and said."I wouldn't call that saying. I merely bandaged her wound."

"Thank you for helping Lily." Simon thanked her.

Lara's heart skipped a beat when she heard his voice. She suddenly felt an unfamiliar feeling in her heart as she gazed at the man in front of her.

"It wasn't a big deal. Anyone would have done the same." Lara said with a small smile on her lips."Have a good day." She added and patted Lily's head before she turned around, making her way toward the company exit unaware of how Lily, the little girl, was staring at her.

"Do you like her?" Simon asked Lily as he pressed the bottom to the top floor.

Lily nodded her head as she rested her tiny head on her father's shoulder.

"I'm sleepy." Lily mumbled, yawning. She was tried from playing the whole day.

Simon kissed her tiny forehead as he rubbed her small back gently, small back. He understood what Lily felt right now, She always reacted like this every time she met a woman who had been nice to her. Not having a mother figure in her life affected her somehow and is something he blames himself for every day.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Entering her apartment, Lara closed the door behind her and walked towards the couch, throwing herself on it and kicking her shoes off. Her feet were killing her.

"You came back. Did the interview go well?" Melissa Lara's friend asked. She was sleeping in her room when she heard the door to the apartment being opened.

"Hmm. It went well." Lara replied as she took off her blazer.

"That's good to hear." Melissa said as she sat beside Lara."But you seem to be happy about something else." She added.

"Hmm." Lara hummed, running her fingers through her hair, thinking about her encounter with the handsome-hot man she met. She just couldn't stop thinking about him.

Was it love at first? Is it just an attraction?

She didn't know, but all she knew was that she couldn't stop thinking about him for the last sixty past minutes. Lara had dated before and met some guys, but she had never felt this strong attraction toward a man before. He's just different. That's all she knew.

"I met, Simon Hart." Lara finally spoke."And his daughter." She added, turning to look at Melissa.

"And?" Melissa inquired.

"Nothing. It's just that he's hotter in person." Lara replied. "Way too hot." She added with a sigh at the end.

Melissa chuckled, seeing the dreamy look on Lara's face. They had been friends for a long time, and this is the first time she saw this look in her eyes.

"Do I sense an attraction here?" Melissa asked.

Lara smiled and replied."Maybe."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Two days later.

It was in the morning, Lara was drinking her morning coffee in her favorite cafe, reading her new favorite book, which is a romance story. Her favorite genre.

Unlike Melissa, she's a morning person. To Lara, waking up early every day is an essential thing. It's been a habit since she was a kid and continued with her until now.

Suddenly, Lara's phone rang an unknown number.

"Hello." She answered.

"Miss Marlow, I'm calling from the Glamorous financial department. You have been selected for the manager department assistant position. Come to the company today at ten to sign the job contract."

"Thank you." Lara ended the call, not believing what she heard.

Lara wanted to do her happy dance right now, but unfortunately, she couldn't. Gathering her things, she paid for her coffee and left. She needed to go back to the apartment to change her clothes into something more formal.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Melissa, Melissa. Wake up, I have great news for you." Lara shocks her sleeping friend.

Melissa groaned in her sleep, refusing to wake up. Today was her day off. She's an intern lawyer, and it's not an easy thing. She wanted to continue sleeping, but her friend won't let her sleep.

"What?" Melissa shouted, finally deciding to wake up.

"I got the job. They called me." Lara said, grinning from ear to ear.

Hearing this, Melissa blinked all the sleep from her eyes."You mean that Simon Hart, the handsome-hot daddy is going to be your boss?" She asked.

"Yup. Now come help me pick something to wear. I'm going to sign the contract in less than an hour." Lara replied as she glanced at her wristwatch.