
SILENT WEAPON: Landslide Victory

Kamu and Lampa Kingdoms lived to fight all the time. Kamu was a land with no respect for human life and love except, for those with royal blood. Lampa, on the contrary, had a humane King hence was better. After the death of King Guantai of the Kamu Kingdom, the throne was taken over by his cruel son Prince Martin, who was far worse than his father. He challenged King Kang’ethe to take over the rule of Lampa too for its riches and for it having no heir to the throne. He tried but never succeeded until Jasper; a wizard of the first order arrived in the kingdom and warned him of his rule. Later, Prince Martin, now the King, fell in love with a Lampa girl, who happened to be the presumed-dead daughter of King Kang’ethe. She was found by the Kamu warriors in the forest during their patrols searching for an herb for her dying mother. She was accused of trespassing, and was meant to be executed being from the enemy Kingdom. King Martin’s heart was drawn to this girl and did not want her executed. He therefore escaped with her and gave up the throne to his sister, who was also after the power. After King Kang’ethe found out his daughter was still alive and in love with Martin, he passed on his throne to them. His dream had come true and the two Kingdoms found peace. Love became the Silent Weapon that found them peace with no more bloodshed in battle. The two Kingdoms ended up uniting into Kamulampa Kingdom but two territories under the humane rule of; King Martin and his Queen Catherine; King Joseph and his Queen Dorothy.

Mutuma_J_Karuntimi · 歴史
34 Chs

Chapter 31

Upon hearing this, Kang’ethe could not believe his ears. He thanked the gods much for this turn of event. The thought of Martin falling for a woman was hard to believe. Since the note said it and Martin had written it himself, Kang’ethe seemed convinced.

More so, Kang’ethe could not believe that Martin had fallen for his lost daughter. This was a sign that his dream for peace between the two Kingdoms was about to become true. There was to be no more fighting after this turn of events. Of all the possibilities that Kang’ethe had about this peace, Martin falling in love with Catherine was the least of all.

Dorothy was also very pleased and ran to hug Joseph, forgetting that their love was a secret all along. She requested him to rule Kamu by her side as the King. This got majority of the people surprised. It got those that doubted the existence of the gods to revoke their doubts.