
The sad tone of the heart

The next day.

The sun was slowly rising above the old city of London. Though summer was soon to let fall take place, it was already a bit cold in town. The city was calm yet people were already getting to their respective destination.

Most of the constructions were centralized in the middle of the city, but some rich folks owned mansions out of the city or at its outer edge. One of those particular families, was the great Harris.

Their mansion not only was the biggest but also the most charming one. Lands of the great Harris family covered several miles including a small part of the Highgate Wood they took as their hunting domain.

It was a pretty old mansion, in fact rumors say it was there before any other mansions. It was built by the first proprietor, Lyam Harris a staghound.

The mansion was made of black woods and recently some of the foundations were replaced with silvery.

The path leading to the mansion was structured by white paving stones. A delightful garden could be found around this path. In front of the mansion, a great golden fountain in the shape of an angel kneeling with her hands cupped, was sublimating the area as long as used as the center of a roundabout.

A prestigious carriage was waiting at the entrance of the mansion. Meanwhile, in one of the room of this fabulous mansion, a young talent who only ask to explode to his full potential, was sleeping. It was none other than Robin Harris. The room of the young dog was fancy. White walls edged by golden frames. A desk made of polished wood. All those were worthy of a king to say the least.

A young female dog yet older than Robin entered the room and opened the curtains, letting the warm light wake up the sleeping boy. Soon a sweet voice could be heard.

?: " Morning Roey...Sun is up, get downstairs as soon as possible, Mister Arthur is already here...weird it is pretty early for lessons, isn't it?"

Robin woke up and sat on the edge of the bed. He yawned and rubbed his eyes a bit then looked at the female. He took a Violin from beneath his bed. He began playing only some notes.

?: " yes, Mother is also up. Want me to help you with morning routine?"

He played some other notes.

?: "as you wish, I will be waiting for you with Mother and Mister Arthur. Oh and Roey please could you be a sweetheart and wake up Noah for me? you know how he is this early."

Robin frowned a bit and played some more.

?: " yes, I know you don't like that nickname I gave you but it all is suiting you. Well, be clean and decent. "

Turning to the door and leaving the young dog alone to prepare himself.

Robin put away his violin under his bed in its case. He reached the door of his bedroom leading to his personal bathroom.

Downstairs, Robin's mother was discussing with Mister Arthur.

Robin's mother: " so, there are all of his personal identifiers, as long as a fair compensation to Sir Belafont for taking care of him."

Mister Arthur: " All is set to our departure. The ship is supposed to leave in 2 hours. So you still have time to settle some points"

Robin's mother: " might them be?"

Mister Arthur: " telling other occupants of this place"

The young female dog from earlier was walking towards the table with some tea and some scones.

?: " ooo, is there something I need to know Mister Arthur?"

Robin's mother: " yes my dear Isabelle, but I will tell you when your brothers will be there"

Isabelle: " I don't mind waiting but you know how difficult it is to our kind to wake your son"

Robin's mother: " ask Robin to do it then, he is the only one that Noah does listen to this early. "

Isabelle: " Already Done "

??: " what's done?"

Isabelle: "Talk of the devil..."

Robin's mother: " my, my, what a surprise, you don't seem grumpy this morning, Noah"

A young Male dog was now walking towards the table, he was taller than his other relatives and was the first born. He had darker brown fur than his mother and sister.

He was 22 while his sister was 18.

One of his ears was folded, his eyes were clear brown contrasting perfectly with his fur darker tone while not being too antagonizing. He was not too muscular but was pretty defined. Despite being a half breed of a wolf and dog, he as long as his brother Robin had wolves facial traits.

Noah: " Mother, Mister Arthur, bee. (*slightly bowing*) where is Robin?"

Isabelle: " wait, he was supposed to wake you up. Didn't he did it?"

Noah: " no, I woke because of scones scent"

Robin's mother: " Isabelle, could you check on him and see if he is alright?"

Isabelle: " on my way "

Noah: " I will tag along "

Noah and Isabelle got upstairs and walked through the hallways to reach Robin's bedroom. Once there, Isabelle knocked gently.

Isabelle: " Roey, is everything alright?"

Noah: " Rob, I am getting in"

Noah opened the door to see his younger brother sitting on his bed crying.

Isabelle: " Roey, what's the matter? Why are you crying? Did you hurt yourself?"(*while sitting next to him while holding his head to her chest in a hug*)

Noah: " Rob, are you alright?"(*sitting next to his brother*)

Isabelle: " Roey, we are here, it's okay. You can tell us everything"

Noah: " she is right, don't worry brother "

Hearing all of that just pierced more Robin's heart. He hugged tightly his siblings then let them go to take his violin.

He began to play something he never played before, usually it was mere notes to communicate and when it comes to a whole melody they are pretty much all joyful or funny, but now it was a sad, really painful one.

Stunned by the sudden melody, neither Isabelle nor Noah could say a thing. Once Robin was done he looked at his siblings, ears down, wet snout and teary eyes.

Noah: " Brother...I love you too no matter where you are heading to"

Isabelle: " you will still be my Roey, and we will visit you"

Noah: " come here little Rob"

The three dogs hugged each other tightly. The elder siblings trying to comfort their precious little brother.