
Silent pain of love part 1

Emma woke up at morning at 8:20 am

As she wented down stairs in living room she sawed her auntie (sofia's mom) just as Emma was about to say good morning sofia's mom ( auntie sana) spoke

Auntie sana:go make me breakfast

Emma :o..ok

Emma goes to the kitchen to make breakfast

She started making breakfast she was so sad because she did got love from her grandma and friends but never a mothers love she was thinking how her life would've been if her parents were alive and how her auntie always physically tortures her

When she was busy in her thoughs

She was unintentionally putting salt in the tea instead of sugar

After she prepared breakfast she served the breakfast to her auntie

Her auntie started having her breakfast

While Emma was standing there quietly

As soon as sana tooked a sip of tea she spilt the tea out of her mouth

Emma was shocked cause of Sana's suddent action

Sana became really angry and grabbed Emma from her hairs

Sana:you little brat how dare you put salt in my tea

Emma:ahhh 😫I didn't do it on purpose

I am sorry

Sana:you liar

*sana dragged Emma to the kitchen and tooked the hot boiling water and spilled it on Emmas hands Emma screamed in pain

Sana:haha now don't you dare to do that again you brat get lost now

Emma ran to her bedroom and started crying sitting in a corner

She was continually crying her hand were hurting so bad 🥀

After a while she felt asleep crying

(Time skip) at 9:15 am

(Sofia, lena and grandma came home from park after jogging

Sofia came to the kitchen to grab some water she was going to her room when she saw the dishes on the dining table)

Sofia in mind:

*emma must have woken up by this time ahh my head hurts where are the painkillers let me ask Emma but we're is she oh she must be in her room I'll go ask her *

(Sofia knocked at the door but there was no reply so she went inside

She sawed emma sleeping)

Sofia in mind:

*Why is she still sleeping maybe she is tired or not feeling well now where are the painkillers* (she open the side drawer that was next to the bed)

Sofia:found it she tooked the , painkillers when suddenly she saw Emma mumbled something while sleeping

Emma :I.. I d.. Didn't. Do it on.p..purpose i sorry, plz leave me 😭

(Emma started crying in her sleep her tears were falling out of her closed eyes)

Sofia was completely shocked she woked Emma

Sofia:emma! Emma !!!! Wake up what happened Emma wake up

(Emma slowly opened her eyes she sawed Sofia in front of her she immediately hugged Sofia and started crying)

Sofia :what happened😟 (worried)


10 mins later Emma broked the hug

Sofia:what happened emie

Emma:(didn't say anything she was just looking at her hands)

(Sofia noticed Emma was looking at her hands Sofia looked at Emma hands)

Sofia :what happened to your hands

Who did this to you tell me!?

Emma:a..auntie sana... 🥺😭

To be continue....

Sofia loves emma like her own sis

Sunny_Sunsetshimercreators' thoughts