
Silent Nightmare

Do you know Kira Hyuuga? No? Shes the older twin of Hinata Hyuuga. Still doesnt ring a bell? Cursed? No? Since you still dont remember her it looks like I will have to tell you her story. The story of Kira Hyuuga the unfathomable and the unbroken.

Ashmulee_Mulee · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter Three

--- 9 years Later

A cloaked figure slowly made their way into a wooden house in the middle of the woods.

---Kyra POV

I made my way into my home, shut the door.

I sighed as I lifted a hand to rub my neck "This is to damn troublsome" I muttered as i unsealed a suitcase from my wrist and threw it on the kitchen table.

I then started stripping off my clothes from my cloak all the way down to the wrappings around my chest. 'Blood what disgusting substance' I thought disgusted as I see the blood that stained my skin once again as it had been for the past nine years. I slowly made my way towards the bathroom and entered it.

I then turned on the shower made sure the water was at least warm before I got under it, grabbed soap and started washing all of the dried blood off of me.

'Its been nine years already hasn't it?' I thought as I slowly washed the soap suds off of me as i lost myself within my thoughts.

'I wonder how they are doing? Better or worse? At least Hinata wont have the Caged Bird Seal.' I let out a light chuckle as I started remembering all that I had done these nine years all the people that I killed to keep myself alive. 'After passing out Nine years ago from running away from those Nins, I meet a person who taught and trained me without pause teaching me that a person who kills shouldn't have any moral because they will get in your way. Five years ago she disappeared after she told me that she was only a ghost that I stumbled upon and awoken when I was running and fainted.'

I looked at the scars that shown on my skin that was caused by the harsh training she made me do made me achieve. I smiled as I reached to get shampoo and wash my white hair. 'What shall I do next?' I mused as I then rinsed my hair. 'When she disappeared I had arisen as a mercenary killing and turning in missing Nins that I had captured.

I smirked at the thought I had 'Maybe I could go back to Konoha. They wouldn't notice me anyway not even because of the give away eyes. After all I can make an illusion appear over them and not even the Raikage could tell I was a Hyuga when I turned in a missing Nin for him.'

I then nod to myself 'Yes, and but I shall keep my name' I then mused 'They wouldn't be able to know by name.'


I now walked out of the bathroom with a towel in my hand as I dried it while I walked into my bedroom knowing that today will be my last day in this house. I looked over at the full length mirror in my room noting that I had changed to much in these nine years for anyone to even recognize a bit of me.

I now stand at the stature of 150.3 cm with pure untainted white hair, pale skin, dark blue eyes with illusion but without it, Normal Hyuga eyes but with a tinge of blue within them showing that they had evolved from the Byakugan into something more divine. She called it Reiki since with it I can see the Aura of a person and heal even the impossible injuries. Even my chakra had undergone drastic changes once it was light blue innocent and cheerful but now it's a midnight blue almost back color Dark, death but warmth is found within it.


And on the same day as it began five years ago Silent Nightmare has disappeared only to return again in a few more years to come.

----- 3 Days Later.

'Finally' I sighed as I looked up at the big gates of Konoha my home village. I smiled as I started to walk into the village only to be stopped by the gate keepers.

"Who are you?" asked a gatekeeper with a bandage over the top of his nose to the sides of his face with a light colored marking on his skin as he stared at me.

My eyes widen as I realized why he was suspicious of me, I mean who wouldnt be at least a little bit suspicious of a girl around the age of 13 wear a long dark green cloak, black gloves with a bow and arrow on her back.

"I am Kyra Vermillion" I said opting in using my Sensei's last name. Ths guard Narrows his eyes "What if your purpose in the village?" I flashed him a brilliant smile.

"I came here to speak with your Hokage about staying here and making this village my home." He didnt say anything else after that as he looked at me like he was trying to judge the truthfulness in my voice as he nods allowing me to go pass him.

And so with that I had made my way into the village that was once my home many many years ago, it made me feel nostalgic walking down these very streets like I did when me and Hinata was little with out mother. I smiled at the fond memories we had together as I made my way to the most familiar building of them all the Hokages office.


"May I help you?" The secretary asked as she looked up from the paperwork she was doing to me. I nodded "I will like to speak to the Hokage." She nods knowingly as she turns and points right "First door on the right, knock and get an answer before you enter the office. No answer come back here and wait." With that she shooed me off as she continued the work that was piled on top of her desk mumbling something about 'Damn Hoakge and his negligence'

---Hinata POV

I blushed as Naruto-Kun looked at me. He was being scolded by Iruka-sensei again for painting on the Hokage Faces.

"Hehe why should I care. I WILL BE HOLAGE BELIEVE IT!!" He yells at the class as he shifts trying to remove the ropes from around him.

I faintly smile 'I-I I believe you Naruto-kun' I said in my mind for I'm to scared to say It aloud.

----Hokage POV

I sighed as I stood up once again "Hiashi that impossible!" I said to the Hyuga leader.

Hiashi had an irritated look on his face before it went to a scarily placid calm. "Lord Hokage we both know that Kumo took my eld-" But I cut him off before he finished.

"We don't know that Kumo actually took her." Hiashi narrows his eyes "If they took her by surprise then explain the note and hair and Kunais missing?"

Hiashi was about to make a quick reply to me when we heard a knock on the door. I furrowed my brows as I said "Come in" The door the slowly opens and a little girl around 13 came in the room. She had white hair, dark blue eyes, dark green cloak with a bow upon her back.

I smiled at her as she looked around the room. "How may I help you?."

--Hiashi POV

I internally yelled at the Hokage but kept my mouth shut visibly.

'Does he not understand that my daughter and brother was taken by Kumi?' I thought as he told the person who knocked to enter. 'Different' I thought as I saw the bow and arrow on her back.

"What's your name?" The Hokage asks the girl as I scrutinized her some more, only to see her open her mouth and reply

"Kyra, Kyra Vermilion"