


Esther_Joseph_8742 · 都市
4 Chs


This was one hell of a meeting. The effrontery for them to even bring up the topic of replacing him. Who were they going to replace him with? For sure his younger sister wasn't going to accept the offer of replacing him even if she was fit for it. Who else did they have in mind because one thing is for sure that even if they were to replace him, it would be with an outsider. It should be within his family and no one else was fit to handle his company. Suddenly, his thought went to his step brother. The bastard who had collected everything from him. It's been long he heard about him that he even forgot he existed. Damn, was he the one behind all these? He should better investigate.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, he brought out his phone and emailed his personal investigator. 'check out what little Wilfred has been up to lately and every of the shareholders in my company" He sent it casually making it look like he didn't just order for his brother and shareholders to be be investigated and stalked, like it was a normal thing to do. Well, to him it was normal to check up on the well being of his people as he puts it.

He then went to his private wine cellar. He didn't appreciate going out to public places just like most public figures would. He would rather stay at home and work. Checking out his wines,he opted for Screaming Eagle Cabernet Suavignon 1992. Screaming Eagle was one of the most expensive wine he had. He had gotten it at an auction for five hundred thousand dollars. Alexander was a man of fine taste and high quality. Immediately he saw the wine, he went for it. Sitting down, he corked the wine open and didn't bother to get a wine glass, he took a swig of it, savoring its flavored taste. This particular wine was a top notch, too bad he only got two bottles of it. The taste was strongly addictive.

He sat down there sipping his wine and reminiscing on every thing that has happened in his life. Losing his parents love, bullying, building his company from the scratch, struggling hard to be successful, finally being at the top and now almost crashing down. Now wanting to be removed from his company for a reason that wasn't his fault was heart wrenching. Damn,the pain he felt. If he was any normal being, he would be crying. But he wasn't normal. He was a curse. Maybe he had committed a cruel crime in his past life and this was his punishment. To never feel love and always be a failure. That should be it. Instead of crying, he let out an emotionless laugh. Maybe they were right, he wasn't worthy of any good thing. The company wouldn't last long at the top if he continued as the CEO. He would step down and hand over office to his sister. This was only the right thing he should do.

By the time he had finished thinking of what to do, the wine in his hand was almost finished. He chugged down the rest and properly disposed the wine bottle before leaving for his house. On getting there, he found his sister at the gate waiting for him. He pressed the button on his car and the gate opened itself. He drove in and parked rightly at his garage before stepping out and acknowledging his sister. He opened the door to his house and let her go in first before joining her.

"Where have you been Alex, I've being calling you but you weren't picking up. Are you okay?" Evelyn bombarded him with series of questions. He could tell that she had been worried. Too much for a younger sister. He should be the one worrying for her but here she was doing the opposite. A smile threatened to appear on his face but his mouth just wouldn't move. He didn't answer her barrels of questions but signaled for her to follow him. She obliged and he took her to his study room where his tab was.

"No need asking me where I was, I went to think of a solution at the usual place" he wrote on his tab. He didn't need to mention the place because she already knew. To be frank, she had thought of going there when he didn't pick her calls but had restrained herself and waited for him. "And have you come up with a solution?" she asked him expecting a good answer as she waited for him to write in his tab but to her dismay, the answer he gave got her frowning.

"I'm handing over to you" he had written. She shook her head in disagreement. She wasn't going to take what doesn't belong to her. Even if she accepted, she would only bring the downfall of Tenscent. Even if it looked like she did all the work, he was the brain behind the wonderful ideas.

"Your solution this time is poor, brother. I wouldn't stoop low to taking what doesn't belong to me. I didn't strive for it so I wouldn't value it" She vehemently refused. Alexander looked at his sister with pride. She was just cooking up excuses to not take over being the CEO and he knew. "Okay,do you have another alternative?" he questioned her. A smile came to her lips and he knew that she had indeed thought of something else.

"Yes I have a better plan." she stated the smile never leaving her face making Alexander curious of what the better plan could be. He nodded giving her the permission to state her solution. "Brother, I think you should visit a therapist to help you out." Evelyn stated her alternative. She glanced at her big brother and saw the look of horror on his face. This was it, she knew that look and was determined to make him see a therapist. "Senior bro, I know what you are thinking, you don't need to talk. I'll just send her some info to get her prepared. Think of it this way, if you succeed, you start talking, you'll remain the CEO of your company and would be able to move your company forward. You would also be shocking those shareholders. It's all win for you" Evelyn persuaded. Alexander contemplated on it and finally gave in. His sister needed to live her own life and he couldn't stop her. It would be selfish of him to do that to her.

"Okay, do you have any therapist in mind?" he asked again on his tab. Noticing from his question that he had given in, she couldn't help but feel contented. It wasn't that hard after all. "Yes I already have one in mind. Stella Micheal. She's a good therapist and is private. Nothing can leak out you know" she said showing him pictures of Stella Micheal. "But she's in New Jersey, you'll have to travel to meet her" Evelyn continued.

"How did you find her?" Alexander wrote again on his tab and showed it to her. Evelyn was taken aback by that question. She didn't expect it. Should she tell him the truth or continue to keep it to herself? she thought.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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