
silent behind the dark

In her early 20s, Elina Wilson, a youthful and lovely lady, experienced the anguish of three consecutive failed relationships. Determined to shield her heart from further pain, she resolved to keep everyone at arm's length. Rather than succumb to the depths of despair caused by heartbreak, Elina declared, "I would prefer to undergo IVF and embrace a lifetime as a single mother than suffer a demise fueled by depression." Unexpectedly, she stumbled upon something she was never meant to witness, plunging her into an unfamiliar realm where time and reality diverged from her own earthly existence. Suddenly and without warning, she found herself ensnared in yet another complicated emotional web, all while adjusting to an entirely new existence.

Elistarkhan · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter six

Skylar's eyes slowly fluttered open, abruptly stiffening as she jolted out of bed. Hastily drawing back the curtains, a surge of relief washed over her. Glancing at the wall clock, she discovered it was already 5:20 a.m, sending a pang of fear through her that she might have overslept. It seemed she would forever be condemned to rise early without ever experiencing proper rest - what a pitiful existence! It was hard to believe she had managed to fall asleep so quickly, considering how stressed out she had been just the day before. Standing for nearly 12 hours straight, something she had never done before, she knew she would have to endure even more today. Opening the door that led to the bathroom, located in the corner of her room, she discarded her undergarments. Pouring a delightful rose-scented perfume into the bathtub, she blissfully immersed herself, feeling like one of those maids from the movies. She knew she was fortunate to not be treated as they were. After spending some time there, she eventually decided to cleanse herself and emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, ready to change in her bedroom. Heading towards her closet, she selected a light yellow dress, longing for the freedom it provided compared to the stuffy one she had worn the day before. Applying lotion at her makeup stand, equipped with a mirror, she finished just in time. Slipping on the gown, she meticulously arranged her hair into a messy bun, securing it with a vibrant yellow scarf. Glancing at her reflection in the mirror, she smiled, then noticed the clock - it was already 6 a.m.

"Oh my, when does his highness wake up? Breakfast is at 8 a.m, right? Perhaps I should check on him and prepare a bath." Exiting her room, she arrived at Ramiel's door. Contemplating whether or not to knock, she finally mustered the courage to do so.

"What are you doing?" a voice startled her from behind, causing her to jump. Turning around, she found Ramiel looking at her with intense, brooding eyes.

"Why were you wrestling with the decision of knocking or not? Or have you suddenly become afraid of me?" Ramiel questioned.

"No, of course not, your highness," she replied with a smile. "Good morning, your highness."

Ramiel merely nodded in response before entering his room, leaving the door open for Skylar to follow.

"I hope you don't mind my asking, your highness, but did you sleep?" she cautiously inquired.

"No," came his nonchalant reply as he avoided eye contact.

"Shall I prepare a bath for you, your highness?" Skylar offered.

"Do I really need to tell you to do so?" he countered, his gaze fixed on her. Instantly, Skylar averted her eyes.

"Please forgive me, your Highness," she apologized, bowing as she walked away.

The door on the right beckoned to her instinctively, prompting her to enter. The spacious and grand bathroom that lay beyond was truly captivating, with its pristine white tiles. However, she quickly shook off the admiration, realizing that this was not the reason she had come here. Filling the bathtub with water, she added soap, scented oil, and various other ingredients to create a soothing and calming experience. Satisfied with her preparations, she turned around to leave, only to be startled by a terrifying realization that led her to stumble back into the wall.

"Your Highness," she exclaimed, her fear evident. She berated herself internally for showing such vulnerability, as he stood there in a bathrobe, his broad chest partially exposed, showcasing his muscular physique. Shaking off her inappropriate thoughts, her gaze returned to him.

"I have prepared your bath, Your Highness. I shall take my leave now," she uttered, swiftly exiting the room. Ramiel sighed as he turned towards the bathtub. The lingering scent of her presence enveloped him, so familiar that it stirred up memories he could never forget.

Outside the room, Skylar pondered her unexpected reaction. It wasn't as if she was ill or suffering from hypertension. She knew she had to be cautious. Taking a deep breath, she seated herself on a cushion.

"Should I select an outfit for him? Yes, Princess Arya mentioned something about that. But honestly, this old-fashioned custom seems rather backward," she muttered to herself, as she opened the closet and contemplatively examined the array of clothes. The dominant hues were black, with few pieces in red and white - the colors he preferred. She decided on a pair of plain black trousers and a buttoned red shirt. Neatly arranging them on the bed, she closed the closet and left the room, granting him privacy.

A few minutes later, Ramiel emerged from the bathroom and surveyed the clothing she had chosen. He couldn't help but be impressed by her aptitude for this unfamiliar task, despite being a beginner.