
silent behind the dark

In her early 20s, Elina Wilson, a youthful and lovely lady, experienced the anguish of three consecutive failed relationships. Determined to shield her heart from further pain, she resolved to keep everyone at arm's length. Rather than succumb to the depths of despair caused by heartbreak, Elina declared, "I would prefer to undergo IVF and embrace a lifetime as a single mother than suffer a demise fueled by depression." Unexpectedly, she stumbled upon something she was never meant to witness, plunging her into an unfamiliar realm where time and reality diverged from her own earthly existence. Suddenly and without warning, she found herself ensnared in yet another complicated emotional web, all while adjusting to an entirely new existence.

Elistarkhan · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter fifteen

Ramiel's expression stiffened, causing Queen Diana and her sons to feel flustered. The intensity was palpable, but Princess Arya seemed unfazed.

"What splendid news, Father. Have you already engaged Prince Ramiel?" Arya asked pleasantly.

"Before you answer, I have something to add," the King interjected. All eyes turned to him, except Arya's, who remained unbothered.

"I have four eligible sons who are worthy of sitting on the throne when I pass away."

"Worthy," Ramiel muttered with a smirk.

"If any of you bring a lady whom you love dearly within three days, I will hand over the throne as the next King. Pass this message on to Damien, although I doubt he will be interested. I can tell the difference between love, lust, and pretense," the King declared as he stood up and left.

Queen Diana gave a signal to Derek and Louise before departing in a different direction.

"I am pleased that Father has made the right decision. You should give up, Ramiel. Don't waste your wishes on something you cannot have," Derek said with a smug smile.

"Don't be so sure, brother. Ramiel is something else," Arya retorted as she gulped down the remaining wine in her glass. She glanced at Derek before exiting the room.

"Let her be. She must be going crazy about her upcoming engagement," Louise said, trying to ease the tension rising within Derek

"Deep down, you know a cursed child like you can never sit on the throne. I suggest you give up," Derek spat, causing a sting in Skylar's chest as he referred to 

Ramiel as a cursed child.

"Look who's talking. You're nothing but trash," Skylar blurted out in a moment of realization, unaware that she had said it in front of Prince Derek, a devil in human form. His eyes were filled with murderous rage as he stared at her. Arya met his gaze with a smirk on her face.

"Nothing has changed about her," she remarked in a low voice before walking away. Ramiel's gaze shifted from Arya to Derek, the sly smirk still present on his face. He knew that Arya held some knowledge about Skylar or Elinas' existence. As his gaze returned to Derek, he saw the cold, murderous look directed at 

Skylar, who looked confused.

"What's with the look?" Ramiel said making Derek and Louise glance at him

"Kindly refrain from frowning at 

my maid, let us leave," he declared, shifting his focus back to Skylar before leaving. She swiftly trailed behind, refusing to meet his gaze.

Meanwhile, Derek's intense stare 

persisted until they were out of 

sight. In a fit of rage, he hurled his glass of wine, shattering it.

"Relax, Derek. I don't believe I've seen that lady before," his friend interjected, observing the stranger with curiosity.

"Is she the one you mentioned?"

When he received no confirmation, he continued, "I presume she must 

have been newly hired since Ramiel's arrival, but something about her seems peculiar."

"Let's go see our mother. We have more pressing matters to attend to. We can't let Ramiel and his insignificant maid consume our thoughts. As for the maid, she will be taken care of," he declared, striding out. Louise trailed behind, obediently following his brother.


Skylar surreptitiously trailed 

behind Prince Ramiel, determined not to be a nuisance to him. Her incessant talking had caused enough troubles already.

"Skylar," Ramiel called out, causing her to freeze in her tracks. Was he going to punish her?

"Your highness, I..." She trailed off as she noticed his index finger pressed against her lips.

"I didn't ask for your apologies. Have you spent a lot of time at the police station in Canada?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, I've been there once, maybe that's why I'm always saying sorry," she replied, tears welling up in her eyes. Ramiel removed his finger from her lips and continued walking, with Skylar following closely behind, trying to calm her emotions.

"Are you planning on talking that much? Be careful, you should probably stay on the top floor for a while. Derek won't just let you go, especially now that the devil  has seen you."

"The devil?" she stuttered.

"I didn't mean he's literally a demon, he's a monster. So you should be careful," Ramiel clarified.

Skylar closed the distance between them and gently touched his cheek, tears streaming down her face. He could see pain, love, and resentment in her expression.

"Do you still see yourself as a demon? That wasn't the promise you made. Everything considered evil, that wasn't part of the deal," she said, her voice laced with emotion and guilt.

"I don't intend to feel guilty, just emotions," she added.

"Who are you?" Ramiel asked, and she suddenly collapsed into his arms. He disappeared into thin air with her. Arya appeared at the spot where they were standing and let out a heavy sigh.

"She's finally here to embrace the darkness within you. You've been alone for so long, suffering in silence, with no one to share your pain. Instead, they were taken away from you," she smiled, pleased with this turn of events.


The unconscious form of Skylar lay upon Ramiel's bed, as he sat upon the cushion, his thoughts enveloping him in a deep haze. He pondered over the events that had transpired, unable to believe the reality of it all.

"It cannot be what I am considering," he muttered, his fingers weaving through his hair in frustration. "It is simply impossible. Someone must be toying with my mind."

Meanwhile, Skylar's unconscious mind was consumed by a dream... A vision of a stunning young woman, adorned in an elegant gown and adorned with beautiful decorations. The dress was a v-shaped, accentuating her exquisite figure.

As she stood, her long crimson locks cascading down her back, the sight of her was breathtaking. But suddenly, a man appeared behind her, his hand resting gently on her waist. Despite her longing to see his face, her heart ached and a tear slid down her flushed cheeks. She couldn't see the man's face, but she could see the garden around them - the once beautiful flowers now withered and dying, and the woman alone.

The pain in her heart grew as she glanced up to see Prince Ramiel staring at her with a worried expression. For a moment, she wished she could truly see him, but soon enough, her vision returned to the dark emptiness of her closed eyes.

She awoke, taken aback by her 

sudden appearance in this unfamiliar place - on the bed of a prince. Did something happen?

"Your highness, did I do something wrong?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear and confusion.

"No, it seems you are the answer to my question. Remember, you are indebted to me for saving your life," he replied, causing her throat to feel dry as she nodded in response.

"There is someone I have waited 900 years to meet and be with once again. Only you can help me bring her back," he begged, his eyes pleading with emotion. Skylar looked into his eyes and saw them filled with longing and love. She couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt, but she knew she had to help him. After all, he had saved her and given her a second chance in this ruthless world.

"Of course, your highness. You are my master and I will do anything to help you. I will protect you and help you solve difficult riddles, uniting you with your loved ones and gaining victory," she said with a genuine smile, causing Ramiel's hand to tremble in response.

Skylar smiled at him as she held his hand, making him look at her.

"You have waited all these years for the person you love the most. I will help you in every way I can so that you may be Ramiel with a smile on his face," she reassured him before he suddenly vanished, leaving her alone. She could feel the emptiness in her hand as tears began to gather in her eyes. She wondered if she said something wrong.