

please don't say that your hurting me"I said" really "said Hades" am sorry ,can we just go back to how we were No why cause this is who I truly am"he answered" am sorry but I can't live with you"I said as tears of sorrow treamed down my eyes Indeed i was hurt,am tired I've been played and hurt lots of time but his next words really hit the spot it's not a request it's a command,let's not forget am your God not your husband

Daoisthuhtiv · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Everything else went smoothly,as a new set of maids accompany me to pamper lady Lydia,her long blonde hair was dyed red and stretched till it full length, makeup was applied on her face which reflected her honey brown eyes, likewise the blood red short body hug dress she wore, which exposed most of her nice body,but did well in showcasing her curves which she matched with a pencil heel which made a clicking sound anytime it strikes the ground,and to crown it up she was adored with various diamond jewelries,indeed she looked like a goodess and was breathing hot.

Go get dressed up"commanded lady Lydia"

yes my lady

wear that,she pointed towards a short black dress on her wardrobe, indeed I was shocked , like why would she lend me her dress,but I knew better than to ask,so I dressed up without complain dou it exposed most of my thigh then I packed my hair into a ponytail wore the heel she brought for me and I was good to go ,even thou I looked like a whore.

As we entered into the dim party hall all heads turned and all eyes starred at us as if we were some meal to be devoured,I noticed that maids we're present and most of them were naked with just a few fabric to cover them up,there were strippers and men with liquor in there hands all around,it really did look like a brothel , but the question is what am I doing here??

greetings my Lord"said my lady from before whom I guess was Xavier and the third in command"

welcome I can see that you both made it to the welcome party"he said"

of course I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world"she said while flashing him a seductive smile as she made her way to his laps and relaxed in his chest, while roaming her hands in his lower part,and she earned a groan from him, before she motioned for me to leave with her hands ,but before I could move I was baffled by an unexpected question

Are you taken ,cause you look like a sucumbus "he said"

What the f**k is a sucumbus I asked myself, cause right now I was confused

well since you don't Know I wouldn't mind to have you to"he suggested to the disapproval of the woman in his arms ,but of course she had no right to control who he would be with,as she was just one of his sex toy,oh less I forget what's your name?"he asked"

"with the most honest voice I could muster I replieds " my name is not relevant,with t

I still,and the lights were switched on and everyone was ordered to get seated,at that request he sent me away with a note that I should be at his chamber by this time tomorrow, which I knew I was never going to honor is request ,wellbthat was the least of my problem , as I headed towards the door in an attempt to get away from this hungry stares , only to notice it was locked and heavily guarded,but luckily I noticed a dark corner at the farest side of the hall and I went in,it was so dark and carried a deadly aura,as if it was reserved for the devil itself ,but I cared less and went it,truth be told I blended perfectly with the darkness then I noticed a couch and laid down to rest,it felt so comfy and soon I was drifting to sleep,when I noticed someone touching my bath back and I hissed in pain cause of the lashes,but the pain was soon mixed with pleasure until I heard the deep masculine voice