A self insert story using CYOA (create your own character) template for the Witcher Series. If Geralt is a generalist Witcher then SI is wizard version. This Amazing Fanfiction belongs to massgamer please support him! https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/signs-of-destiny-the-witcher-si.817754/#post-64152479 again this fic is not mine I'm sharing it hear because of the better reading mode and to share one of the best witcher fics out there. again please support the author
I was expecting the rest of my week to be mostly mundane, all things told, thinking that I had hit all the craziness I possibly could in such a short time.
I spent my time in Oxenfurt going through their libraries to read up mostly on history and the geopolitical situation of the Northern Kingdoms. I attended lectures of the same and even a few other classes like alchemy, medicine, astronomy, etc to see if they would have anything of use and out of curiosity. The whole main belief that the sun revolved around the world was pretty weird to see in what was the highest learning institution in the North, but then again it could be the case for all I know in this universe since Elder Scrolls had even weirder cosmology going on. I even met up with Shani to learn some more comprehensive first-aid and just talk, along with getting updates on sulfa drug progress which sounded good.
I was making the most out of Sigi's suggestion to learn more about the world beyond what I knew from games, and in return I added knowledge back by doing a few more lectures alongside Ivar on more common monsters available to the academy like ghouls and drowners. Síle even showed up for a few and seemed honestly interested in some parts.
Knowing I was in some kinda relationship with such a powerful woman was honestly the most shocking thing to me personally, and the fact that she and I met up… regularly enough I barely used my room in the Alchemy only added to the sense of unreality.
Other than Ivar's teasing I found Oxenfurt rather peaceful and stress free all things considered.
I should have known that Destiny would take that chance to shit on me.
I had no idea what I was expecting when I entered the Alchemy on my third day in Oxenfurt for my evening meal, but the heavily muscled, face pierced and super scary sorcerer who swung around huge flaming warhammers waiting by my usual table was certainly not it, nor did I want it!
I was so glad that Ivar and Dogmeat were still at the academy and weren't here since I doubted I could protect them, let alone me, from who was now eyeing me.
Azar Javed gestured towards the meals on the table. "Good, you've arrived." Dear lord, I think I felt the ground shake. The man has a deep voice. "I trust you don't mind that I ordered your regular meal for you. My name is Azar Javed, and I have a job offer for you." He was dark-skinned, like I expected, with black eyes that glittered with intelligence.
Okay, not how I pictured my first meeting with the second in command with Salamandra going. I took the offered seat and tried to project calm.
"Nice to meet you. I'm assuming there is some big scary monster you want me to hunt down and cut open for whatever magical research you have going on? I think you're the third mage I've met here in this town who has made use of that so far." I tried to be casual and play dumb, which wasn't hard since most of the time people came to Witchers for only one kind of job.
Being this close to him my medallion was shaking a great deal like it had with Síle, maybe even a bit more if he wasn't scary enough. I even felt Coën's medallion doing the same from where it hung on my hip. It doesn't look like he's doing anything overtly magical-CRAPISHETRYINGTOREADMYMIND?!? Dimeritium cap, do your thing!
The giant mage chuckled, a sound that reminded me somewhat of a rockslide. "You might say that. Please, eat - it's always best to discuss business over food." Taking his own advice, he placed a napkin in his lap and began cutting into what looked like lamb kebabs, albeit with potatoes and cabbage instead of what would normally be peppers and onions. My own plate was laden with freshly made bread, some fried fish from the Pontar, some raw veggies and of course some cider. I sniffed. How did he know I liked having pepper on my food?
...he's been spying on me, hasn't he. Double crap. WHY ME?!?
"I never say no to free food. It also helps that no matter who offers it to me that poisoning a Witcher is a very hard thing to do, so I don't have to worry about dropping dead when I do so." I joked as I dug in. I did know full well however that there were magical poisons out there that could lay low a fucking dragon, so it paid to be at least a little careful when in a hostile environment like right fucking now. Nothing smelled off to my enhanced senses at least.
Another saving grace was that Azar was the type of guy that liked killing you directly, not subtly.
As we ate our food I tried to gaze around the common room to see if Azar brought any 'friends' to assist him, and either there were none or Salamandra elites were very good at blending in. I also didn't see Azar himself being heavily armed (he had a large dagger on his belt, if that counted), but being a mage meant he was always armed and dangerous so that didn't count for much. From all appearances Azar was pretty calm and laid back, even his heartbeat was even, so at the very least he wasn't expecting to start a fight in the next few minutes.
What in the world did he want with me though? Was this a Berengar situation? Any further mental musings of mind were cut off when Azar spoke up again.
"Heard about that manticore corpse you brought in. An impressive feat, even for a Witcher." He swallowed a mouthful of beer to chase down a bite of his kebab.
"It was much younger and less powerful than what can be found deep in the mountains and I cheated a lot. Playing fair is for chumps, especially for Witchers."
Azar nodded in agreement. "A wise attitude. If you're not cheating, you're not really fighting. You acknowledge the need for every edge you can get when faced with an overwhelming enemy. I can respect that - it's quite similar to my own philosophy, after all."
Compliments from the madman. Great, now I feel like I need a shower. "It's honestly just a hard reality one needs to acknowledge in my business. So, now that we ate a little what do you need me for and how much are you offering?" I asked, trying to move the conversation along.
Azar chewed one final mouthful of potatoes and a massive chunk of fat, grease rolling down his chin and into his beard. He took a moment to take the napkin and wipe it clean before speaking. "Straight to the point. I understand - time is a precious commodity, after all. I represent an organization that is preparing for a great calamity. You are aware of Ithlinne's Prophecy?"
"About the coming White Frost destroying the world? Who hasn't? Pretty sure that is why the Eternal Fire is such a big thing. I personally don't like the idea of predetermined fate but only an idiot doesn't prepare for the worst."
Azar chuckled. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Truly the best of compromises between cynicism and idealism. I certainly hope that Ithlinne's prophecy never comes to pass - but only a fool refuses to acknowledge the possibility. Imagine - a world consumed by the White Frost. Snow piling as high as mountains; temperatures so cold that you instantly freeze on exposure. No plants, no animals - just a vast, empty, desolate frozen wasteland. My organization has plans to survive what comes and it will need many skilled people to lead what remains in this cold, dead world. You could be one of those people, Markus. In joining, you would have access to nearly any resource you ask for as long as you further our interests in the process. I myself have benefited quite well since joining while at the same time putting my expertise towards this noble goal. So, how does it sound?" He steepled his fingers and gazed at me expectantly.
Wow, was he actually giving me the 'join Salamandra' sales pitch to become one of their "chosen" leaders or something? I always wondered how deeply Azar drank the Grandmaster's kool-aid, and to be totally honest I don't think he really cares about Salamandra's goals beyond what the organization could offer him personally. Either way, my answer was pretty clear.
"I will admit that it sounds tempting for a variety of reasons, but sadly I have to turn down such a position. Witcher neutrality means we can't really become committed to any singular organization because it would be bad for business if people thought we swung one way too hard. Not to mention I would hate to get involved in any messy politics such a position would no doubt bring. Still, thanks for the offer and if your group does just need me for one-off jobs in the future I wouldn't say no." I said as politely as possible.
The only hint that Azar was irritated was a slight narrowing of his eyes; outwardly, he seemed resigned, yet disappointed. "I understand. I'm disappointed, but I understand. I can only hope that your 'neutrality' doesn't end up dooming us all. A time will come, Witcher, when all men must choose a side. When the day comes, my prayer is that you will choose the correct one." Azar stated. Draining his mug of beer, he stood up from the table and began walking off.
"Perhaps. Till that day though I hope we both make the best choices we can." I said in farewell and waited till I saw the man exit out the front door before frowning.
'We both know you won't though, don't we Azzy?' I mentally mocked once I was sure my medallions stopped shaking with his leave. 'If he was here I better check out why… and there is only one person I know who might be aware.'
That is how I found myself knocking loudly at Síle's door and waiting a little impatiently before the woman in question answered.
"Oh, Markus. I was not expecting you. You look troubled. Is there something the matter that has you pounding at my door at such a late hour?" she asked curiously.
"I just had a run in with a powerful sorcerer - Azar Javed - who asked me to join his organization." I said, perhaps a little too bluntly but I was rattled.
At the sound of his name Síle's eyes narrowed and I even saw her look around before leaning forward a bit. "Come inside. This is not the best place to speak of such things." she said. She ushered me inside.
I did just that since I was pretty sure that Síle had warded her room or something from eavesdroppers at the very least, if not more potent protections. Though I was surprised to find someone else inside besides her sitting on a chair and drinking a glass of wine.
"Oh, this is a surprise. This is hardly the time to bring in your pet Witcher, Síle. We were in the middle of an important discussion." Fringilla Vigo teased the sorceress in question as she came out from behind me and took a seat herself.
She had close-cropped black hair and green eyes that complimented her natural grace. Like most sorceresses she was very beautiful and had no issue wearing clothing that showed it of, especially in the chest area. I swear, get more creativity in how you flaunt it ladies, there are men out there that like more than just boobs. Although those are some pretty nice ones… Stop! Focus! -On her face, not her chest!
Still, I was kinda concerned that I had apparently walked into a personal meeting between two members of the Lodge.
"Get your mind out of the gutter, Fringilla. Markus here has had an interesting run in with a colleague of ours. Azar." Síle said; Fringilla's brows show up in surprise, and she put down her drink. Síle turned back to me. "Now, Markus, would you please share with us the details of your encounter?"
"Not much to tell. I assume he was watching me a bit before he approached me with an offer to join his organization, of which he gave no name, which he says has the goal of preparing for the coming White Frost. Being a Witcher with rules against that kinda thing, I turned him down, which he took well all things considered since he doesn't come across as particularly diplomatic. All I know is that he set me off a bit so I went to the wisest mage I knew to get more info and ask if I should be concerned at all. Anything you are willing to share on your end about him and whatever he works for?" I asked, wanting to see just how much the Lodge itself knew and was willing to share.
Síle gave me a look of grave concern. "Consider yourself very fortunate that Azar did not press the matter. He is a sorcerer both powerful and cunning, with a very short temper. He was exiled from his own school in Zerrikania for reasons that are unclear, but what details that are known paint a very disturbing picture. I have met the man a few times in my life and each time I came out of it feeling as though I needed to wash myself. He is a man who is both sadistic, driven, and as ruled by personal vices as he is powerful and intelligent. However, in recent years he has been seen less and less in public for reasons that have remained hidden to many, only coming out like he has done here to do his business before disappearing again." Síle explained before Fringilla jumped in.
"There are rumors that Javed is interested in mutations; specifically, those involved in the creation of Witchers. He is as skilled in alchemy as he is in controlling the Power and much of his published research in the last few years is centered around his search for documents and mechanisms that were lost in the destruction of the main Witcher keeps. He's been rather quiet as to why he is interested in those fields of study. His manuscript on controlling and channeling fire magic was considered ground-breaking in both insight and innovation. There is a cunning and intelligent mind behind his barbaric demeanor. Do not underestimate him." Fringilla expanded on what Síle had revealed.
Huh, so either they weren't telling me everything, very possible since they were both Lodge members and I was a stupid non-mage man, or they were honestly in the dark about most of Salamandra and the depths of Azar's mechinations. I think Triss said she didn't recognize their symbol in the first game and she is technically a part of said Lodge.
I have to think that they know that Jacques is a Source since he didn't hide his magical abilities at all, but maybe not his own goals at all or the connection to Azar.
"So it's a good thing I turned him down. I have an annoying enough time scaring scholars off who are interested in just my body. Last thing I want is a guy like that inviting me into what shady interests he likely has. Thanks for the heads up." I was genuine in my gratitude.
"It is no trouble. I imagine Síle would be quite jealous of you offering your body to other mages so easily after all." Fringilla teased her fellow who only rolled her eyes at the jab.
Good to see the power hungry sorceress can still be human to each other at least… Hmmm, I think I could offer something to them if nothing else and if the Lodge focuses a bit more on messing with Salamandra in the process that is only good news. Enemy of my enemy and all that.
"There was one thing I noticed when talking to Azar. He was wearing a brooch, one that had the image of a salamander on it. Does that mean anything to either of you?" I baited with a lie that was still technically true.
Síle responded to that question. "A simple matter, my dear. Within the study of magic, the salamander is the symbol of fire. For a man such as Azar Javed who specializes in the study and practice of it, it only makes sense that his attire would reflect it."
"What if I said I spotted two random men in the common room as well that were wearing the same symbol, and left not long after Azar did?" I baited.
Oh yeah, that got their attention. Sure it was a total lie, but at the same time it wasn't outside the realm of possibility. I never saw any Salamandra members, but that doesn't mean they weren't there.
"That would be… unusual, and would imply that at the very least these men had pledged their services to Javed who has taken the salamander as his personal symbol, mayhaps for this organization he spoke of as well. The symbol of fire combating the White Frost is not exactly original after all. Though I don't see much else to it." Fringilla said slowly. I could only hope that I had at least planted the idea and that was all I really needed to do in the end.
Hopefully Azar's interest in mutations and now clear attempt at recruiting a Witcher would at least convince the Lodge to look into him more, and from there Salamandra.
"Nevertheless, thank you for bringing this to our attention, Markus. I assure you that if we hear anything more that could affect you or your guild we shall let you know." Síle said to me. "Now, while I do enjoy your company, Fringilla and I do have important matters that we were discussing before you arrived. Might we see each other another time?"
"Girl talk, got it. I know when I'm not needed. It'd most likely go over my head anyhow if there is magic involved." I said humbly before bidding farewell. "Ladies." I bowed a bit before leaving through the front door and started making my way back towards the Alchemy since I doubted Síle would be calling me back anytime soon.
That was when a third surprise came at me.
I heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching from behind me. I turned quickly with my steel blade drawn and at the ready for what I was sure was a Salamandra assassin or something.
Instead all it did was cause an official-looking man to yell in terror and fall onto his back, scattering papers everywhere in the process. Pretty sure this was no assassin then, unless this was a really good play to let my guard down.
I sheathed my sword and crouched down. "You alright? Sorry, but you really shouldn't sneak up on a Witcher like that. Makes me think you were about to jump me or something."
"My-my mistake, good ser. Oh gods! Quick, please help me grab the papers before the wind does!" the man begged as he quickly went about collecting his scattered documents, which I did help with since it was kinda my fault. A few moments of doing that and the man in question nervously getting them all in order made it clear whoever this was he wasn't Salamandra, but he was coming for me for something.
"So. Something you wanted from me?" I asked as the man finally calmed down and put his papers back into his bag.
"Hmm? Oh, yes! I am here to deliver a missive to you, Master Witcher. On the behalf of the Court Sorcerer of Redania no less! Master Carduin wishes to meet with you and invite you to a game of chess at Oxenfurt's own chess club located just outside the town walls!" he said with excitement at apparently doing something so 'important'.
OK, did I accidentally desecrate the grave of a saint or something? Why are all of these sorcerers suddenly taking an interest in me? What sort of luck is this?!
Could I chicken out and just say I didn't know how to play or something? Doubtful, but I could dream dammit!
I just sighed and took the missive in question from what I now knew was some kinda royal messenger or something. It was full of flowery language that basically boiled down to the same thing the messenger in question just said, along with 'the potential to serve the crown of Redenia'.
Why did Radovid of all people want a pet Witcher? Were Witchers some kinda fancy thing for nobles to show off that I wasn't aware of? Either way, I might as well bite the bullet and meet him if nothing so I could get info on what old Rado was possibly up to.
Something told me that Carduin was going to enjoy kicking my ass at chess.