
Signed, Sealed... I'm Yours

Within the captivating world of power and allure, Cameron Miller and Anita Richards find themselves entangled in a magnetic dance of desire. Drawn together by an irresistible connection that defies societal boundaries, the elusive CEO is consumed by thoughts of the enigmatic dancer. Despite their different paths, the undeniable pull between them is impossible to resist. In the intricate game of love, where risks and passions collide, Cameron finds himself willing to navigate uncharted territory for the sake of this unconventional attraction. Yet, as they delve deeper into each other's lives, unmasking hidden truths and weaving a web of secrets, the stakes of their deal become more complex. A dance with the Devil always carries its perils, but for Cameron, striking a deal with the captivating stripper proves to be an irresistible gamble. With each revelation, the question lingers: could this arrangement be more profound than either of them dared to imagine?

Poetic_reviver · 都市
33 Chs

There for you


"Did he just... the hell?" I murmured staring in disbelief at the phone before I placed it down to hop towards the bathroom to tend to the injury.

Blood seeped down my foot onto the floor as I moved clumsily about and stumbled a bit to grab the door. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub I grimaced when I looked at the glass I accidentally knocked down. I had been distracted, unable to really function knowing the procedure was happening the next day.

I was doing my best to keep my mind away from conjuring up the worst outcome but there was always a little voice in my head pushing me to think about it.

To think about what would happen if I had to bury another parent. 

And the sight of the glass and blood on the floor upset me more than I'd like to admit. It almost felt like it was a sign things were taking a turn for the worst.

And it took tears to land on my shaky hands for me to realize I had been crying. Not from the blood oozing out of my foot but from the fear of possibly facing death and loss once more.

That fear had me paralyzed, unwilling to move as if one twitch in my muscle would break some spell that would make this moment end. I wasn't sure how long I sat in that spot letting my mind race, what I do know was that it eventually took knocking on my door to force me back to reality. 

A reality of pain currently etched in my system, "Crap!" I hissed. I reached out to grab a cloth to wipe the dried up blood on the sole of my foot. 

Releasing a frustrated groan at the sound of the knocks I yelled out a quick, "Coming!" and hobbled to the door which wasn't too far from the bathroom fortunately.

Swinging it open wearing a scowl, my eyes widened at the sight of green orbs that took me in before he carefully pushed me aside to enter my space. His movements had me nearly falling over due to relying on one leg but he was quick to wrap an arm around my waist engulfing me in his warmth and smell. 

"W-What are you doing here?" I breathed watching him tap the door shut with his leg.

"Came to check up on you, you sounded hurt," he murmured creating a bit of distance to inspect my form.

"I'm fine, was a bit clumsy and stepped on gla - w-what are you doing?" I tensed feeling his fingers grab my chin. He didn't say anything for a few seconds but judging from the way his lips were set in a firm line, he didn't seem convinced.

"You're crying."

Reaching up to feel the fresh wet trail of tears on my cheek, I felt like a deer caught in headlights at having experienced a vulnerable moment not long ago, "It's just from the pain," I lied. He nodded his head and proceeded to scoop me up in his arms making me shriek.


"Shhhh, you'll damage my eardrums."

Rolling my eyes, my teeth clenched at the small smile that graced his lips and crossed my arms as he moved us to the bathroom.

Placing me gently on the ground, he gestured for me to sit and asked, "Do you have a medical aid kit?"

Pointing to the cabinet below the sink, he moved towards it and was in front of me opening the bag. Inspecting the contents in it, his brows were kmit in concentration as he pulled out disinfectant and cotton wool. Taking the injured foot into his hands, I stared intently at his movements. 

He was gentle, careful not to exert any unnecessary pressure but the sting from the disinfectant had me hissing and tugging my leg on instinct. Tightening his hold, he glanced up at me and mumbled a low, "Sorry," sheepishly before returning his attention to my foot. 

Taking in his attire as discreetly as possible, I grew slightly flushed seeing the way the soft material of his shirt strained against his muscles and how his sweatpants sat on him. Clearing my throat to rid myself of any bad ideas I spoke up.

"Is it bad?"

"Fortunately, the glass didn't get deep enough that you'd need stitches, but you shouldn't be walking on it," he replied wrapping a bandage around it. 

"Well at least there's two upsides to this."

"What's the other?" he asked meeting my gaze.

I smirked allowing my eyes to sweep over his body, "You being on your knees in front of me."

As I predicted he blushed dropping his gaze to shake his head, "You have such a messed-up mind, Anita."

"As if you don't."

Choosing not to respond he put everything away and picked me up effortlessly. Moving into the living room, I grimaced at the mess. I had completely forgotten about the broken glass and remnants of blood.

"I'll clean it up," his eyes were already on me when he said it and although I wanted to say otherwise, I decided to keep my lips sealed. Besides he didn't seem like he would take no for an answer. After placing me on the couch I watched in fascination as he moved around grabbing cleaning material in my little kitchen and swept up the glass and mopped up the blood.

By the time he was done, he came and stood before me awkwardly stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Thanks for your help," I said wearing a small smile, "you didn't have to come., I wasn't dying or anything."

"I wanted to," he shrugged taking tentative steps towards the couch to occupy the empty seat beside me.

For a few seconds no words were exchanged. I didn't anticipate having him here and most of the interactions we had involved taking clothes off. Due to the lack of conversing that took place between us, I felt awkward when a silence fell over us. 

I nibbled on my bottom lip as I mulled over what to say, and said the only thing my mind could come up with, "The weather's been crazy these days, right?"

"Really, Anita," he asked lifting a brow wearing a faint smile.


"That's the only thing you can think to say."

"I'm not familiar with what topics people in our little arrangement delve into."

"Neither do I, but I'm at least trying to speak instead of ignoring people," he wore a pointed look making me blow out a harsh breath as I shifted away from him.

"I've been busy, Cameron."

"Doing what?"

Being with my mother and ensuring she was fine.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," I didn't mean for my tone to come out harshly but telling him about what was happening in my life wasn't the best idea. 

He didn't say anything for some time. Instead his facial expression remained neutral and unwavering till he looked away releasing a small sigh. "I can leave if you want, I only really came here to make sure you were okay."

Closing my eyes for a moment, a wave of regret washed over me and I immediately felt bad for my. And he didn't deserve any cold responses especially after he acted kindly towards me. Reopening them I reached out tentatively to place my hand gently on his knee, "I'm not trying to be harsh... I'm just going through a pretty delicate time in my life."

"You don't need to explain, neither of us need to give any details on some parts of our lives but I do want us to be able to have a general conversation after we do the little devils tango," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively on the last part making me playfully roll my eyes, "because believe it or not there will be some days where I just want to talk. You did mention I shouldn't treat you like some hooker... so this is me not trying to," he concluded.

And his words reminded me of the other role I often played at the Den.

Being a therapist.

On some nights, it wasn't foreign to come across clients who didn't want a dance but to have someone sit and listen because they had no one in their lives who could. And as I stared intently at him, I came to terms with the fact he would need someone to at least pretend to care.

"How's work been?"

He reached up to rub the back of his neck, frowning slightly, "I don't want to bore you wit -"

"I wouldn't just ask if I didn't want to know," I interrupted smiling gently. 

When he didn't respond I made a move to stand only to have his hand reaching out to grab my arm stopping me in my tracks, "Where are you going?"

"To the kitchen, I made some food earlier and was about to eat till I nearly lost a limb," I joked only to see his eyes narrowing before he stood up and picked me up.

"Anywhere you need to go, let me know."

Whatever, dad.

Sucking my teeth, he moved towards the kitchen and seeing a smile on his face had me cocking my head to the side, "What?"

"Does this mean we get to finally have a meal together?"

"Tonight's an exception," I mumbled biting my bottom lip to fight the smile, but there was nothing more to it. Besides his presence could be a much-needed distraction from what was to come the next day. 

Nothing more.