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This is your average GOT fanfic, where the mc, Lucian, has an op system that helps him conquer land and get the heroine or maybe heroines.

DaoistTXAaY5 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs


In a pitch black void, there is a lonesome light that floats through this almost infinite expanse. This light seemed as though it was looking for something and all of sudden this small wisp of light shrunk.

Over a long period of time, the light became smaller and smaller but when the wisp seemed to die and fade away, a giant hand plucked it from the void.

"what do we have here?" a grand yet reassuring voice questioned.

"This soul has gone through many tribulations in the void, many beings below my level would have not been able to do what they have" the being stated. Then, as if the soul heard their voice, it started to ever so brightly, " hello. is th£$% A£yON£ ou& TH$@E" a distorted voice echoed through the beings domain.

"Oh, let me help you with that" Energy started to flow out the hands or what seemed to be hands, of the being and into the soul as it steadily grew.

"Where am I?"

"who are you?"

"what are you?"

*flashback few minutes ago*

The soul that was formerly known as Lucian Greymen, who was a 16 year old British kid that was preparing for a super difficult physics test but when looking through his notes whilst walking, he did not realise, he was in the middle of the road and *Bam*. Then, he woke in a white room with a muffled voice and giant being .

*Present time*

The Being replied " Mortal child, I am being that you nor ant other human can comprehend but that does not matter, for right now you are dead"

"I died" Lucian suddenly broke down and tears ran down his face as he cried for the next hour as all the stress of death and never seeing his family again hit him like a train. After, a while silence filled the air.

"Wait, if I'm dead then why am I here" Lucian asked in an emotionless tone.

" To be truthful, I do not know. I could erase your soul or I could reincarnate you or I could simply leave you in the void to see how long you would last, but i'm bored." The being told Lucian. 'Reincarnation, huh, like those cringe fanfics' Thought Lucian.

"Yeah" Replied the being as they Lucian's mind.

"ok. You just read my mind but lets move on since the more important question is, can I choose where to go"

"No" the Being replied. " but tha.." before Lucian could finish his sentence everything dark as red glowing eyes appeared " Mortal, watch your tone, your existence relies on my every whim so watch what you say!" At that moment, Lucian had realised that the being in front him held immeasurable power, he started to breathe heavily and buckle under the pressure, "I'm sorry" he mustered out.

"I will let you off this time as you are only an immature mortal child but I advise you watch your words in certain places." everything turned back to the white space and the eyes faced away and pressure disappeared.