
System In OnePunchMan

This is an eventful story of a Military protégée in the world of One Punch Man but let's go back to where it all began. Joseph was enlisted into the Military as a teenager he did this by lying about his age to the recruiters, miraculously he got away with it. Despite being a teenager at the time he took to the military life like a duck to water. After seeing combat, he polished his skills and quickly became tasked with managing the training of new recruits. Joseph got a call from one of his Mother's friends one day which led to him leaving the military, Joseph's reason for leaving the military was because he found out that his mother was dying and had a short time to live. Joseph never had a father, his mother was the only parental figure he's ever had. But he never got to see her for 10 years, when Joseph got the call from one of His Mother's friends he rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible, however, it was too late. When he arrived the doctor told him that his mother had died and he was too late. Joseph fell into depression after that day, he started to gamble and drink which led to things getting worse for his health. 1 year later Joseph couldn't take it anymore as the only person who ever loved him was gone and he had 0 possibility of being happy in life anymore. On that Night 10 August 2010, He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger ending his own life Also Please Check out @Cat_Tip on Webnovel. He helped me with the backstory of my MC all credit goes to him for this :)

WeAnoz · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 13: Saitama grows Hair?

Joseph was Playing CSGO like usual but suddenly got a notification from Akeno telling him that he can sign-in [Master your sign-in is ready for today]

"Thank you Akeno, Sign-In" As Soon as Joseph informed Akeno he heard a Ping sound in his head which informed him of the reward.

[Reward: Hair Growth Potion]

"Is this supposed to be a joke? What am I supposed to…" he then realized that he may not need it, but there is one person that will need it. After thinking for a while, he was brought out of his thoughts when some people were trash talking him in game for being AFK for a round.

"Oi Jackass, Play the Game" Player 1 shouted down the microphone

"Kick him" Player 2 suggested but was interrupted when Joseph came back on the mic and started moving. Joseph got an ace in the round with his impeccable aim, some of the enemies thought he was cheating, but Joseph's reaction time and precision in game can put the Pro's To shame.

"Shut up you Noobs, I'm carrying You" Joseph exclaimed unhappily. Joseph's small outburst made all the players on his team completely quiet, as he was not wrong. Joseph was 20-5 and they were winning by 2.


Anyway enough about Joseph and CSGO, let's be honest the readers are here to watch Joseph Make fun of Saitama and Kick Monsters ass


In these last couple of days, Vados and Joseph got closer. Vados started to become her real self infront of Joseph.

In the first couple of weeks she had trouble adjusting to her life but as time progressed forward she started to open up to Joseph, even at times she would talk to him normally which was progress, when she first got summoned she tried her best to avoid contact this was due to her fears of Joseph, she knew that if Joseph wanted her dead he could snap his fingers and it would happen.

To Joseph's surprise he realized that she would turn flustered at times when she talked to him, yes this maybe too fast but Joseph was a handsome fella.

Joseph also made a lot of kind gestures towards her which also resulted in Vados becoming more womanly as she got used to the Mortal way of living.

Joseph was speaking to Vados currently downstairs they were just having a fun time enjoying each other's company, Joseph never had time for girls in his past life so talking to one was something new which was fun but also nerve racking.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door, this was none other than Saitama.

"Sup Saitama" Joseph said while opening the door. Saitama came in and sat on the couch and asked if Joseph wanted to spar, which Joseph agreed just so he stops asking everyday. Saitama has gotten a habit of either calling or going to Joseph's house personally and asking if he wants a fight, it has gotten annoying to the point where Joseph convinced Him to go workout more which he has been doing.

"Hello nice to meet ya, I'm Saitama" Saitama greeting Vados With a handshake which was returned.

"I'm Vados" Vados replied simply, Saitama looked at her for a second and noticed she had blue skin, this surprised him a bit.

"Why is your Skin Blue?" Saitama asked, he was curious he's never seen a monster that is so close looking to a human.

"I'm an Angel. Not from this Universe" Vados replied with a calm tone. This revelation made Saitama widen his eyes, he then looked towards Joseph who was just preparing snacks.

"Wait your an angel? But aren't angels supposed to have Wings and a Halo?" Saitama asked.

"Angel's from my universe are different" Vados replied.

"Joseph are you also an Angel?" Saitama asked

"Yes But No… I have 2 Bloodlines one is a Celestial Dragon Of Death and The other Is Angel, but my Dragon Bloodline Is More dominant" Joseph said with a calm expression.

"Wait for real? Can you turn into a dragon?" Saitama asked which Joseph just nodded but didn't say anything, his memory of him turning into a dragon is coming back .


Joseph is currently in his Pocket Dimension testing his Death abilities, when he suddenly realized that he has a Celestial Dragon Bloodline.

"Akeno Since I have a dragon bloodline, can I turn into a dragon?" Joseph asked he was really hoping Akeno said yes, he wants to see his form.

[Yes Master you Can, you also have another Transformation called The Death God.]

"What's the Death God?" Joseph asked he's only ever heard of The Grim Reaper but Death God was something new.

[This transformation gives you the appearance of a death god, it doesn't increase any abilities other than physical strength. This is due to master already being able to Command the Concept of Death.]

"Ok, So to transform I just need to materialize my Death aura and cover myself in it, like armor" Joseph said. He covered himself in death aura and materialized it on his body, it gave him the appearance of the Grim Reaper, if he was to walk the world with this transformation. No matter who it is, If they are in his presence they will immediately die.

"This is Badass" Joseph exclaimed removing the Transformation.

"Ok Akeno How do I transform into a dragon?" Joseph asked as this was a much harder task.

[Embrace your inner dragon bloodline, then think of transforming into a dragon. To make it simpler create a picture of you transforming in this way it will be quicker.]

"Thank you, Akeno" Joseph said while quickly trying what Akeno told him. He started off by transforming his body parts such as legs, arms and growing wings which were quite simple, he remember what Akeno said for the last part and created an image in his head where he becomes a dragon.

Joseph opened his eyes and realized that he was bigger in size, much bigger. His dragon aura accidently destroyed Boros' ship he kept in their. He quickly turned back time using his Angel abilities, but the ship was destroyed again.

"Akeno what's happening? Why is everything disintegrating?" Joseph asked

[This is because master is releasing a more oppressive Aura Of Death, your presence in this form compared to the Death God form is A very drastic change. Suppress your aura]

Joseph Got his answers and then started to focus on making sure he doesn't release his Aura, he quickly got the hang of it.

Joseph tried flying around in his Dragon Form and to his surprise it was very easy, this was due to his Superior Adaptation which instantly adapted his body the New Dragon Form, allowing him to move around freely without any difficulty at all.

~Flashback End~

"Yes I do but I can't turn into it on Earth otherwise my presence would kill everything including the Solar System" Joseph said which Saitama shuddered from what Joseph said. Vados shivered at the thought, her instincts in her first meeting with Joseph screamed at her to run away as far as possible.

"I have another transformation, have you ever heard of the Grim Reaper?" Joseph asked

"Huh?" Saitama looked at him confused, not knowing what Joseph meant by The Grim Reaper.

"Never mind I'll show you!" Joseph said while suppressing his Death Aura to the maximum, so he wouldn't kill them. Joseph closed his eyes and focused on wrapping his aura around his body, soon he opened his eyes to see both Vados and Saitama on the Ground Sweating profusely.

He quickly deactivated his aura "Sorry, Please Forgive Me" Joseph said apologetically.

"Oh Saitama, just so I don't forget. Do you want hair?" Joseph asked which made Saitama jump to his feet.

"Of course I want hair, but I can't get any hair. I lost it all" Saitama said with clear disappointment in his tone.

Joseph quickly took out a potion he had stored, and handed it to Saitama.

"Here drink this, it should restore your hair" Joseph said while handing the potion to Saitama.

Saitama looked at it for a second before drinking it, he trusted Joseph so he decided to drink it. The potion didn't take affect straight away but after waiting for 2 minutes it started to show progress, Saitama grew hair but it wasn't a lot, it looked like he had gotten a buzz cut.

"It's working??" Saitama exclaimed happily.

"It seems so" Vados commented.

"Yes but you'll have to wait atleast a day to grow hair fully" Joseph explained.

SAITAMA replied "thank you Joseph. Ill see you tomorrow. I have hero work to do"

Saitama rushed out of the Apartment while Vados and Joseph went back to chatting together.


Don't remind me ik there's a lot of spelling or grammar mistakes I will fix them in a bit.