
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · アニメ·コミックス
235 Chs

Chapter 222.

Chapter 222.

Purple-blue thunder crackled around all seven of them, exuding an aura that soared into the sky, with Yu Tianxin at its epicenter, radiating outwards. Those in the audience who were closer could sense a faint static electricity in the air.

For a moment, the seven members of Thunderclap Academy stood ready, their presence thunderous, exerting an indescribable pressure on those around them. Thunder, being a force of nature, coupled with martial souls possessing the thunder attribute, not only boasted formidable offensive power but also paralyzing and numbing effects. 

Even soul masters of the same level felt slightly suppressed. While the suppressing effect might not be obvious on an individual, when seven martial souls with thunder attributes combined, they formed a special momentum that exerted a unique suppression.

Wang Feng understood this concept well. It was akin to assembling a set of seven players in a RPG to activate special effects. This was also why elemental academies utilized the limit effect, each elemental academy's seven players on the field would have some sort of special effect on the enemy.

However, the actions of Shrek Academy shocked everyone!

Except for Wang Feng, everyone else took a step back.


Were they mimicking Jiu Yikai?

But then, everyone became even more astounded.

Suddenly, the Blue-Silver Grass in Tang San's hand bloomed, and countless purple-black Blue-Silver Grass vines swiftly enveloped the six Shrek Academy members, cocooning them entirely!

Only a small gap was left, seemingly for Wang Feng.

"???" Everyone.

"???" Thunderclap Academy members.

What kind of strategy was this?

At that moment, the audience was stunned, and even those at the VIP table were also somewhat taken aback. They couldn't comprehend what tactics Shrek Academy had up their sleeves for this game!

Six individuals encased in Blue Silver Grass, leaving only Wang Feng outside?

Yu Tianxin felt a sense of unease.

"It's a trap, it must be a trap!" Lei Ming stated in a deep voice. 

"Captain, we can't advance recklessly! Based on our understanding of Shrek Academy, they wouldn't make such a rash move and leave an auxiliary soul master outside. This is even stranger than the situation with Purple Star Academy!"

Yu Tianxin frowned. Such peculiar behavior was indeed highly suspicious.

At that moment, the Red Lotus blossomed in Wang Feng's palm, its dark black soul ring gleaming brightly.

Wang Feng wasn't sure why Yu Tianxin refrained from attacking, but it didn't matter to him.

The Red Lotus petals had a frosty sheen on them, making them strikingly beautiful. Wang Feng slowly infused his soul power into the Red Lotus, then, with his other hand, delicately plucked a glowing lotus petal.

Everyone watched Wang Feng in astonishment, curious about his intentions.

At that moment, Wang Feng placed the lotus petal on his fingertips and flicked it towards the members of Thunderclap Academy!

With a blend of ice-blue lotus petal amidst the scarlets, the single petal drifted past like a wisp of cotton.

Then, Wang Feng also immediately stepped into the vast and densely cocoon formed by the blue-silver grass behind him. The gap was also swiftly sealed shut.

"What on earth...?" Lei Dong muttered under his breath, as the martial soul of Thunder Spider possessed his body, and his second yellow soul ring illuminated–. He flicked his fingers, sending a purple thread hurtling towards the Red lotus petal.

Though uncertain of the situation, they exercised caution, not allowing the object to approach them casually.

Inside the cocoon, a low voice resonated.

"Cruel Sun!"

In the next moment, the lotus petal exploded with boundless light, resembling a somewhat small atomic explosion!

At the heart of the brilliance, a blend of scorching heat and chilling frost formed a terrifying wave of energy, tearing through and shattering everything, detonating the entire arena in the blink of an eye!


A mushroom cloud composed of ice and fire slowly ascended into the sky above the arena, which measured no less than a hundred meters in diameter!

Even spectators hundreds of meters away from the arena could distinctly feel the immense heat and cold emanating from the explosion!

The terrifying icy and fiery flames engulfed the entire arena, incinerating everything in their path!

The arena's ground was torn asunder and the ice formations rooted in the earth shattered, illustrating the immense power at play!

Even those inside Tang San's cocoon of Blue Silver Grass could keenly feel the impacting shockwave.

Countless icicles, akin to hailstones, pummeled the Blue Silver Grass cocoon. The icy shards, empowered by the explosion, penetrated the Blue Silver Grass cocoon easily!

While Tang San's Blue Silver Grass was immune to ice energy, Ice Flame Fury Lotus petal attack resulted from an explosion—a pure physical force against which it was not immune to.

The chilling sound of ice cutting through Tang San's cocoon filled the air. Despite being wrapped in two layers of Blue Silver Grass vines, it was still pierced through by the ice shards unleashed by the explosive force.

Through the pierced gap, a warm breath also immediately infiltrated.

Fortunately, the flames raging outside did not ignite the Blue Silver Grass. Otherwise, the cocoon would have been instantaneously consumed in flames!

"What the hell is this? It's so terrifying!" Jiang Zhu exclaimed, taking cover behind a few others as numerous ice shards shot directly towards them.

"Wang Feng's second soul ability, Ice Flame Fury Lotus." Dai Mubai whispered. "It's an incredibly wide-ranging and indiscriminately devastating soul ability! Once unleashed, even teammates won't be spared if in the range of the explosion! Let's hope the Thunderclap Academy members won't be too badly injured."

"The combined power of ice and fire in the explosion is truly formidable," Tang San quickly repaired the gap pierced by the ice shards with Blue Silver Grass. He spoke in a solemn tone, "And it also doesn't differentiate between friend and foe..."

"Don't worry," Wang Feng reassured them. "I had it under control. The power of the Ice Flame Fury Lotus petal just now was only at about 80%. The Thunderclap Academy members shouldn't suffer severe injuries. Moreover, the force of the explosion might propel them out of the ring. If they react quickly and leave the ring, they might avoid getting hurt."


Tai Long glanced at Wang Feng, finally understanding why he was the captain of the team. It was because they had never witnessed his soul ability before. Seeing it for the first time now was beyond imagination!

Meanwhile, outside the ring, countless onlookers were left dumbfounded. The harsh sound of ice thorns hitting the ground, the scorching air waves, and the two-colored mushroom cloud rising into the sky all left them shocked!

What a terrifying power this is! 

What kind of soul ability is this? Even the group of people at the VIP table was dumbfounded!

This super-wide range and devastating explosive soul ability, coupled with dual attribute attacks, is incredibly abnormal and terrifying!

Up until that moment, everyone didn't understand why Tang San from Shrek Academy had initially created huge cocoons to envelop everyone from his team in Blue Silver Grass. It turned out to be to prevent them from injuring themselves.

The massive purple-black cocoon was swiftly penetrated by the explosion. Fortunately, the Blue Silver Grass, with its fire and ice immune properties, wasn't reduced to ashes.

In the instantaneous explosion of ice and fire, only seven figures were visible, all of whom were taken out of the ring by the blast.

Luckily, these seven individuals managed to form a defensive formation and erected a massive defensive shield, which was evidently the soul ability of the Thunder Staff Soul Master. However, it barely withstood the force of the explosion.

All seven of them were covered in ice ridges, clearly injured. Fortunately, they reacted swiftly and weren't severely harmed. However, their faces were extremely pale.

Thankfully, Yu Tianxin acted promptly, forming a defensive formation and pooling the power of all seven individuals to release the Shield defensive soul skill with the assistance of the Thunder Staff soul master. Otherwise, all seven of them might have sustained severe injuries, possibly even unable to participate in the upcoming matches.

After being blasted out of the ring, countless ice shards and fiery flames shot out from the arena. After more than ten seconds, the explosive force gradually dissipated, revealing the shattered remnants of the ring.

Icy shards protruded from the ground while flames raged across the arena, turning it into a scene reminiscent of a hellish inferno.

A hint of horror flickered in the eyes of the seven individuals. Not only them, but all the spectators present also displayed a trace of fear in their eyes at that moment!

This soul ability is incredibly terrifying, isn't it? If it were a soul master with a slightly lower soul power level, survival would have been impossible.

It's just a soul ability, yet it possesses such devastating power!

At that moment, the Blue Silver Grass cocoon formed by Tang San also slowly undid itself, revealing several people with equally pale faces inside. When Tang San saw the scene in the ring, his face paled even further.

"It's almost like an abstract painting..." he muttered to himself.

Wang Feng glanced at the ring, then suddenly covered his head with his hand, as if feeling exhausted. 

"Little San, help me stand," he said.

Tang San was taken aback, immediately realizing that Wang Feng was putting on an act, so he assisted Wang Feng to his feet.

Meanwhile, the referee emerged from under the ring, his expression also grim. As a referee, he typically occupied a secure position on a high platform at the edge of the ring. Moreover, he was also a Soul King. However, the explosion had been too terrifying, prompting him to also instinctively jump down and hide.

"Shrek Academy wins!" the referee announced, casting a wary glance at Wang Feng.

As soon as the words left his lips, the silent audience erupted into an uproar!

That's so fucking incredible! 

A soul ability single-handedly defeated Thunderclap Academy!

Such a terrifying mass attack soul ability is truly astounding for a soul master at the forty-fifth level. The power and scope of such a wide-ranging soul ability suggest that even a soul emperor of over sixty levels may struggle to possess it and withstand its might.

Moreover, the sheer destructive force of this soul ability is extremely formidable!


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