
Gacha System

You know... Life is full of surprises. One night, I'm just your regular office drone that tries to survive the capitalistic city where the rich, but it changes quickly. One night, I died. Yup, just like that. I died while sleeping. However, it was not the important thing. The most important thing is that I reincarnated into a fantasy world. That sounds good, right? No! I get reincarnated into the world where monster roams the land, and what makes matters worse is that I'm reincarnated as the son of a lord who defends the land from monsters. And that is not the worst of it all! I got a Gacha-based system! The bane of my existence!

LuxVonDeux · 都市
26 Chs

Chapter 24: Bandit Coalition (II)

|3rd POV|

Three people arrive in front of an incomplete wall of Sol Leon.

"We are lucky that the wall is not completed."

One of them says with a frown on his face.

"However, this is already enough reason to beat that bastard. He said that there is nothing but a small village with refuge from the west and south."

The second one says while gritting his teeth in anger.

"Shut up. We need to report back to our bosses. We can attack them now."

The third one ends the complaint and orders the other to move out. They are the scout specialists of the Bandits group. The three of them are masters of stealth and wear dark clothes to blend their bodies into the shadow of the night.

The three of them silently leave the area. They did not see a man with a bow on his back near them, listening to their words. This man is Bora, the archer of the Red Horn party. He runs back to Sol Leon and enters the Inn, where he sees his party and Arma's inner circle, which is already waiting for him.

"How is it, Bora? Did you find the one that got inside the barrier Rhia made?"

Bora nods and says.

"Yes. It was the scouting specialist. They move like a thief and know how to draw the outline of the village. Not only that, they are also wearing an enchanted cloak that lets them blend better with the shadow. If not for the knowledge of their presence from the barrier, I would not have noticed them."

Arma nods his head and says.

"Do they notice the Golems?"

"No, my lord! They didn't notice the Golems, but they did notice the pile of stones near the wall. However, just like you predicted, they thought it was a construction stone instead of a golem."

"Perfect. Which side of the wall will they get inside?"

Bora thinks for a second before saying.

"I think they are going to use the unfinished wall on our northeast, my lord. It is the least 'patrolled' area of the wall. I think they will fall into your plan, my lord. They will split their soldiers into two. Most of them will make noises on the eastern front, and the rest will go and attack the northeast side."

"I see."

Arma thinks for a few seconds before saying.

"We will continue with our current plan. However, there will be a few changes."

Arma looks at Captain Jargu and says.

"Captain Jargu, pick some of the best archers. Place them on the tall building and tell them not to make too much noise. They shall be the ones hitting the bandits from far away while the Golems get their attention. Twenty of them should be enough."

"Yes, my lord!"

Jargu gives a salute before leaving the inn to gather the best archer. Seeing him leave the inn, Arma looks at the leader of the Red Horn party and says.

"As for you guys, can I also leave the northeast side to you guys? You can hide among the rocks and wait until the golems to awaken. Attack them when they are busy and deal as much devastation as possible."

Bara nods his head and says.

"We will make sure no one survives."

Arma nods and gets up from his chair.

"Then, let's do this. Let's defend this village and kill all the rabid dogs!"



I take a deep breath as I wait among the soldiers in the eastern wall. We are lucky we managed to make a gate in time before the bandits attacked us. Without the gate, we need to focus on two points on the wall.

"Are you nervous, my lord?"

I look to the side and see Captain Jargu walk toward me with a warm soup. I smile at him and say.

"Yeah. A little bit. It is different fighting humans than fighting monsters."

He nods his head and says.

"That's so true. However, just like you said, they are nothing but rabid dogs that need to be put down."

"Ah, that is not what I mean. They deserve to be killed. What I am worried about is that they can see which side is the weakest and which one is the strongest. I am afraid that I cannot give them the right command. I am afraid that I am not good enough to lead them, and instead of leading them to victory, I will lead them to their doom."

Captain Jargu sits next to me and says,

"I understand your feeling, my lord. However, you do not need to worry about that. We all know that all your orders will be the right order, and you will bring us to victory just like you always do to improve our lives. You are the Saint the Gods sent to us, after all."

And that is what makes me worried. You guys think highly of me, too high, which makes me concerned about breaking your expectations. I smile at him and say.

"Thank you, Jargu. How is the evacuation? Are the others already evacuated to the underground bunker?"

"Yes, my lord. We also give weapons to them as you instructed."

"Good. How is the hidden archer unit?"

"They are on that roof."

Jargu points at the inn, and I can see movement on top of the roof. They are hiding behind the pointy end of the inn's roof.

"That's good."

I take a deep breath and look at the sky. The moon is beautiful tonight. The wind is not too cold, and the stars illuminate the sky. It is just sad that I cannot enjoy it tonight. I wonder if I can ask Hela and Cassandra to have a picnic tomorrow night.


When the bell rings, the soldiers quickly run through the wall and prepare to greet the incoming invader. At first, I did not hear it, but after a few seconds, I could hear the sound of a war horn being blown in the distance.

A few seconds later, I can see them riding camels while screaming something.

"Here they come! Archer! Get ready!"

After a few seconds, I swing my hand and shout.


If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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