

Next time, Ye Qin not at all chose to continue the cultivation spirit power.

It's reading!

First, Ye Qin is a person who loves learning.

Secondly, books are the ladder of human progress.

The same is true in the Douluo mainland. Only a wealth of knowledge can make him go far.

The book he read is nothing else, it was sent by someone to find it, a book called "Spirit Beast Collection", which records all the relevant Spirit Beast age and characteristics, suitable for Spirit Master type knowledge.

So that he knows what spirit ring he should choose.

Not only that, Ye Qin's memory is superb, almost reaching the point of unforgettable!


Early the next morning.

As Ye Qin pushed the door open, a Wang Family guard was already neatly arranged outside his palace.

The leader is an old man with white hair and white temples.

He is wearing an animal leather armor, with anger eyebrows and a face full of flesh. At first glance, he has a fierce feeling.

This person is exactly what Ye Xuan called "Uncle Yang", his real name is Yang Qitian!

Haagen-Dazs Kingdom Number One Powerhouse, Captain of the Palace Guard, spirit power up to level 82!

Ranked among the top 100 in the Spirit Master Qualifying Tournament across the continent, and was given the nickname Qitian War Saint!

"pay respects to His Highness the Prince!", seeing Ye Qin, all the Imperial Family guards kneeled neatly.

"Monkey Yang, why are you bringing so many people here?" Ye Qin frowned.

The name "Yang Monkey" was not named by Ye Qin, but by the real "Ye Qin".

"His Highness the Prince, this is all entrusted by the king himself!" Yang Qitian said with a slight smile.

"No need! Just go with me!" Ye Qin replied.

"Yes..." Yang Qitian was slightly confused.

"Don't worry, I will talk about it over there," Ye Qin said.

"Well then!" Yang Qitian paused, nodding.

Next, he moved towards Imperial Family and the guard cleared his throat and shouted, "All of them, run back to the barracks!"


After that, Ye Qin got on the carriage, and under the drive of Yang Qitian, moved towards the hunting forest of Western District went straight.

The Soul Hunting Forest is the artificial Spirit Beast gathering place built by Spirit Hall and the two empires, duchy of each kingdom.

In the soul hunting forest, there are centuries and millennium level Spirit Beasts, which can be used by some low-level Spirit Masters to hunt down the spirit ring!

The purpose of its existence is naturally to prevent those low-level Spirit Masters from going deep into wild gathering places like Star Dou Great Forest and losing their lives in vain.

Of course, some powerful forces will choose to take their offspring to the wild, after all, there is a more powerful Spirit Beast with a precious bloodline!

Ye Qin not at all pursues too high. After all, his main spirit is the Ancestral Dragon, and its spirit ring must be obtained by the system.

As for the dragon scales flower, it is just on the facade to fool the world.

Yang Qitian's driving skills are not bad, there are no bumps along the way, and he can enter meditation quietly.

About an hour later, the carriage stopped and had already arrived at the entrance of the Hunting Forest.

At the entrance of the Hunting Forest, there is a neat team of Kingdom Guards and Spirit Hall inspectors.

You need to show a Spirit Hall warrant to enter the Hunting Forest!

But Ye Qin and the two naturally don't have to worry, they saw Yang Qitian take out a warrant printed with four patterns, and quickly passed the security check.

"His Highness the Prince, have you thought about your first spirit ring?" Yang Qitian asked.

"I want poison." Ye Qin replied.

"Poison? Okay, the dragon scales of His Highness the Prince belong to the strong attack and strong control system. It is just right to play poison!" Yang Qitian thought for a moment and replied, "Then His Highness the Prince, which one do you need? What about poisonous plants?"

Obviously, Ye Qin's seemingly casual answer was actually carefully considered.

"Ghost Ivy." Ye Qin replied again.

Spirit Beast gathering place, as the name suggests, there are as many Spirit Beasts inside.

Because of this, the common Spirit Beast of Ghost Ivy has been found all at once.

I saw that under Yang Qitian's strikes, Gui Qingteng was already dying, and was finally cut by Ye Qin without the slightest hesitation!

After that, under the guidance of Yang Qitian, Ye Qin began to pull the spirit ring into the body.

The absorption process of the spirit ring is indeed a bit boring.

About half an hour later, the 400-year-old ghost vine was completely absorbed by Ye Qin.

His dragon scales can measure the spirit power of Spirit, and it has reached Level 3 from this!

"His Highness the Prince, don't you feel any discomfort?" Yang Qitian asked.

"No!" Ye Qin shook his head.

"Four hundred years have been close to the limit of the first spirit ring. Normally Spirit Masters can't bear it. His Highness the Prince deserves to be Innately Full Spirit Power. Subordinates admire it!" Yang Qitian responded with a smile. "Successfully accomplished, then we can go back to the palace?"

"Monkey Yang, or go back first." Ye Qin said, "I'll go around again."

"This..." Yang Qitian suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. This is the Soul Hunting Forest, guarded by the Wang Family Guard and Spirit Hall Spirit Master. I won't have any problems." Ye Qin replied "Besides, I already have the first The spirit ring has the ability to protect itself."

"Don't press my auntie, this is an order!"

Seeing Yang Qitian still have to speak, Ye Qin insisted.

"Well then." Yang Qitian sighed helplessly.

After that, he took out the token with four patterns, "His Highness the Prince, this is a special token for Spirit Hall, which can mobilize all Spirit Masters in this hunting forest, You hold it in case you need it."

"Okay!" Ye Qin didn't refuse, and took the token.

"In addition, your highness, your spirit power is still low, don't enter the central area!" Yang Qitian asked again.

"What else, let me explain it all together!" Ye Qin was slightly frowned.

"Nothing!" Yang Qitian shook his head and said, "Then His Highness the Prince, I will wait for you outside the hunting forest. Whenever you have a situation, you can light this cloud-piercing arrow, and I will come over immediately. Yes!"

Speaking, Yang Qitian took out another cloud-piercing arrow from his arms.

"I know, I know!" Ye Qin took the Cloud Piercing Arrow, and said with some impatiently.

After all this was done, Yang Qitian only left in three steps, looking back.

Seeing Yang Qitian leaving, Ye Qin immediately got into the jungle.

The purpose of Ye Qin's stay is simple, to see if we can trigger one or two hidden missions in this hunting forest.

Anyway, with Mina's protection, he doesn't have to worry about safety at all.

Along the way, Ye Qin saw a lot of Spirit Masters who hunted spirit rings, but unfortunately not at all special characters, and those women are all vulgar fans, which could not attract his interest.

At this moment, a beautiful shadow came into view.

She wore a pink outfit, her body was extremely enchanting, and behind that seductive body, there was a pink fox shadow.

That person is Hu Liena, a candidate for Spirit Hall Holy Maiden.

"This is really fate." Ye Qin stopped, muttering in his mouth