

Today, Hu Liena woke up in that unfamiliar room and found herself untouched. She was in grief and indignation at the time. After interrogating the hotel boss, she learned that she was a six-year-old. The expensive Young Master sent her to the hotel.

Related to the daytime affairs, she quickly thought of Ye Qin!

Although she later learned that her clothes were changed by a hotel attendant, she felt that Ye Qin must have done something to her!

So, she rushed directly into the palace, ready to ask Ye Qin Xingshi!

"What did I do to you?" Ye Qin asked rhetorically.

Hu Liena bit her teeth, "Did you send me to the hotel last night?"

"Yes, that's right!" Ye Qin said with a slight smile.

"Okay, then you take your life!" Hu Liena screamed, within the body spirit power burst out, the palm of the hand has become fox claw!

"Wait, Hu Liena, I saved you twice, are you doing this to me?" Ye Qin asked calmly.

"Nonsense!" Hu Liena said furiously, "I want to kill you!"

"Wait, you always have to give me a reason to kill me. !" Ye Qin quickly replied.

"I..." Hu Liena wanted to refute, but she really couldn't tell.

"Well, let me remember it for you!" Ye Qin said with a slight smile.

With Hu Liena's personality, she should have broken Ye Qin's body a long time ago when she encountered this kind of thing, but she couldn't bear to do it, so she clenched her teeth, "Then tell me Look!"

"Do you remember what happened in the hunting forest? I saved your life, and then you went to absorb the spirit ring, but you got phantom poison and wanted to Charm me!" Ye Qin Said.

"Impossible! I will go to Charm for you?" Hu Liena black brows slightly wrinkle said.

"As I said, you were caught by the evil fire phantom poison, and you kissed me at that time!" Ye Qin said with a slight smile.

Hu Liena hearing this, her look became extremely ugly, but she had already recalled that after absorbing the spirit ring, she seemed to lose her perception and did something extraordinary to Ye Qin, and Later Hong Rui scolded her words!

Seeing Hu Liena's pensive appearance, Ye Qin continued, "Is it remembered!"

"Even if I kiss you...how can you take advantage of it? Danger!" Hu Liena said with shame.

"Did you do anything to me?" Hu Liena added.

"Listen to me!"

Ye Qin was happy, everything is under his control, and he continued, "You should remember that Hongrui suddenly I saw you and kissed me, and then you were scolded and fainted!"

"Say the point!" Hu Liena gnashing teeth said.

"Then, I was afraid of your phantom poison, so I sent you to the hotel!" Ye Qin replied.

"Then what's the matter with you stripping my clothes off?" Hu Liena asked.

"I did not take off your clothes! You are in the fire, I can only use water to cool you down, and I can't bear to see you freezing to death, so I asked the hotel attendant to take it off for you. Wet clothes!" Ye Qin continued to replied.

"Really?" Hu Liena questioned.

"I don't have to lie to you, I'm still a little child, and I have no interest in your women's bodies!" Ye Qin replied.

"Now you should know that I saved you twice, but you wanted to kill me in turn. How can there be such a reason!"

Hearing this, Hu Liena felt suspicious in her heart, so she dismissed spirit power and said coldly, "I will definitely investigate this matter. If it is not what you said, even if you are Prince, you will not escape death!"

, Hu Liena opened the palace door and rushed out.

Looking at the silhouette of Hu Liena's departure, Ye Qin was overwhelmed. "It seems that system's favorability really played a role. In this way, Hu Liena, hehe!"

Hu Liena walked halfway, and suddenly stopped. The more she thought about it, the more things went wrong!

Usually, I killed Ye Qin a long time ago when I encountered this kind of thing. How could I hesitate so much today? Is it because Ye Qin is a child?

Also, Ye Qin's performance really surprised her, not like a six-year-old child at all!


"Ye Qin, you bastard, come out for me!" Zhao Ying shouted outside Prince's bedroom.

The eight guards outside the courtyard couldn't hold her at all, so they rushed in.

"What's wrong!" Ye Qin walked out, with a little temper.

"What the hell did you do to Xuan'er!" Zhao Ying shouted, "She ignored me!"

"Really nothing!" Ye Qin groaned a bit Tao.

He is sure and sure that he has not done anything to Ye Xuan.

"Okay, let's not say so!" Zhao Ying said in a dark tone, "It happens that you are also spirit awakening. According to our previous agreement, you will give me your spirit power training next!"

"No!" Seeing Zhao Ying's sinister expression, Ye Qin refused righteously.

"Give me a reason!" Zhao Ying shouted.

"Because...because I have already joined the Spirit Hall!" Ye Qin said impatiently, "We said before, as long as I join the forces or the Academy, I don't need your teaching!"


"Didn't you refuse?" Zhao Ying frowned.

"You control me. I promised again!" Ye Qin shrugged, "Just in time, I'm going to the Spirit Hall to report, goodbye!"

Stop talking, Ye Qin moved towards rushing out of the courtyard, Zhao Ying unexpectedly not at all blocked, but Yang Qitian jumped off the roof and followed Ye Qin.

"Monkey Yang, what are you doing with you?" Ye Qin asked Yang Qitian.

"Prince, the queen has personally ordered it, where you go, the old minister must follow, otherwise she will scold me!" Yang Qitian replied.

"Then you follow!" Ye Qin nodded and said.

Anyway, there is nothing shameful for the time being.

"Prince, the old minister heard that you rejected Hu Liena, why are you going to Spirit Hall again?" Yang Qitian asked with a smile.

"This time is different from the past!" Ye Qin said with a smile.

Although he will not really join Spirit Hall for the time being, he has already figured out a countermeasure, and he needs to launch a wave of offensive against Hu Liena!

Spirit Hall is also located in the central area of ​​the royal city, very close to the palace, you can reach it within two blocks of walking.

Originally, Ye Qin was walking down the street happily, when suddenly a quick horse moved towards him and rushed!

At this moment, Ye Qin's reaction speed was actually half a beat faster than Yang Qitian. As soon as his spirit power was turned on, several black rattans immediately sprang out of the bluestone street and sat the fast horse on it. The young man who was leaning had a slap in the face!

Seeing this scene, the pedestrians passing by on the street stopped in a hurry, their faces were shocked.

However, the young man was also swift. At the moment when the steed fell over, he slapped the saddle with a palm and bounced, and immediately turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

I saw that the man was about eleven-twelve years old, with long black hair, wearing an ancient silk robe, and dashing eyebrows. He had a vigorous body and a little handsome.

"Who are you, who dare to stop this young man!" the young man angered Ye Qin.

"Who are you, it makes sense to hit someone?" Ye Qin not to be outdone said