

After that, Ye Qin quickly flipped through the Spirit Beast collection, and finally found an important message, "Charm's spirit ring has Extreme Charm. If the absorber's concentration is not enough, evil will occur. Fire and hallucinations!"

At this time, under Hu Liena's spirit power, Ye Qin's cane had been broken by her, and she moved towards Ye Qin again and pounced.

"Mi..." Just as Ye Qin wanted to call Mina, a piercing female voice rang from behind him, "didn't expect, a disciple of dignified Supreme Pontiff, so shameless !"

Hearing this, Hu Liena seemed to be a little awake, and Ye Qin turned around and saw a red-haired woman standing there.

She is about fifteen-sixteen years old, wearing a red armor, looks not outstanding, but the figure is more plumper than Hu Liena.

"Hongrui!" Hu Liena said with some fear when she saw the woman.

The reason why Hu Liena is terrified is that Hongrui is Hu Liena's competitor, and the former is from Elder Palace, and Hu Liena from Supreme Pontiff Palace is a rival!

"Hu Liena, you are so embarrassed to call me!" Hongrui said with a sneer, "The face of our Spirit Hall has lost you all. People like you are also worthy to sit on Holy Maiden. Bit?" Hong Rui pointed at Hu Liena furiously.

"I...what's wrong with me?" Hu Liena was surprised, and then she glanced at Ye Qin next to him. From the lip print on the latter's face, she seemed to understand something, so she asked coldly Said, "Ye Qin, what happened just now?"

"I said, you have to figure it out. Obviously Hu Liena is the Illusion Technique of Charm Demon Fox!" Ye Qin did not answer Hu Liena, Instead, he turned to Hongrui and said coldly.

"You are Hu Liena's little lover, naturally you will defend him!" Hong Rui said with a sneer, "I will definitely report this to Elder Palace, Hu Liena, you are waiting to be removed from Spirit Hall !"

Hu Liena was hearing this, and suddenly had a headache. With Charm's magical poison, she fainted directly on the ground!


When Hongrui turned around and was about to leave, she only heard a fierce dragon roar coming from behind!

She couldn't help but Turning around, I saw that Ye Qin's body surface was black light, and his immature eyes became pitch black and deep. A Giant Black Dragon was floating behind him.

The Black Dragon is extremely domineering, as if breathing and panting, it can give people an oppression that is about to suffocate!

What surprised Hongrui the most was that at the feet of Ye Qin, a circle of black spirit ring was spinning there extremely fast!

At the same time, on his immature body, terrifying energy burst out frantically!

"Black spirit ring...You, you are not Ye Qin, who are you?" Hong Rui said with some fear.

"Originally, you and I were lacking hatred and enmity, but now that you know my secret, you are ready to die here!" Ye Qin said coldly and smiled.

As the Holy Maiden candidate of Elder Palace, Hongrui quickly overcame the fear in her heart, and immediately used her body skills to escape!

However, in just a moment, Ye Qin has blocked her way!

Seeing the momentum, two yellow spirit rings light up at Hongrui's feet, and at the same time her Spirit, a red flame gun emerged in her hand!

Soon, the flame spear in Hongrui's hand has been moved towards Ye Qin and stabs!

Ye Qin did not dodge, his arm began to become dragons, turning into a dark dragon claw, and immediately moved towards Hongrui's flame spear to greet him!

"Keng" heard a clear metal collision sound, and saw Hongrui's spear head stabbed on Ye Qin's dragon claw, instead of causing any damage to the latter, it was actually powerful by Ye Qin. The spirit power brought the gun back to Lianren!

"Second Spirit Ability, dragon cry for spear dance!"

Hongrui loudly shouts, the second rings light up, the moment the flame spear comes out, it turns into a flame Long dragon, attack Ye Qin!

"The first Spirit Ability, the dragon claw!"

With a clear scream from Ye Qin, his hands became dragons at the same time, and then he avoided the flames at lightning speed The impact of the long dragon, and came to Hongrui's body, Senhan's dragon claw moved towards the latter's belly ruthlessly!

After the high-pitched dragon cry, Hongrui's abdomen was left with two charred claw marks. After a mouthful of blood spurted, she fell to the ground and broke her life!

At this moment, an old man came from a distance and landed beside Hongrui's corpse, moved towards Ye Qin and shouted like a heartbreak, "Bold fanatic, dare to kill me People of Spirit Hall!"

You can see that the six rings under the feet of this old man are moving. It is a Spirit Emperor powerhouse. It should be an expert sent by Spirit Hall to protect Hongrui!

"Mina, leave it to you!" Ye Qin faintly smiled in the face of this Spirit Hall Spirit Emperor.

"Yes, master!" The crisp female voice sounded, and then a white light flew out from Ye Qin within the body!

In the next second, that Spirit Hall Spirit Emperor has already turned into a cold corpse!

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time!" Ye Qin secretly thought, picked up Hu Liena on the ground, and immediately left the soul hunting forest under the power of Mina space.

There are many markets around the Hunting Forest. Ye Qin quickly took Hu Liena, who was hot all over, into a hotel.

Put Hu Liena on the bed, and after Ye Qin gave a few words to Mina, the latter returned to the Soul Hunting Forest again in Tearing Space.

Soon, the law enforcement officers of Spirit Hall received a report and found Hongrui and her personal protective clothing in the Hunting Forest, and there was a powerful Spirit Beast beside it!

Obviously, Ye Qin ordered Mina to take this first ten thousand years Spirit Beast, destroy the corpse and evidence and create the illusion that the two Hongrui were killed by Spirit Beast.

At this time, Ye Qin was still silently cultivating next to Hu Liena in the bazaar hotel. If he were not worried about Hu Liena's phantom poison, he would have already returned to the palace.

Not long after, Hu Liena woke up again, "It's so hot, so hot!"

She yelled in her mouth while pulling at her coat.

"This silly little girl!" Ye Qin lightly sighed and lifted Hu Liena from the bed again, and then dropped it into the bathtub. Soon Ye Qin turned on the faucet to the maximum and used cold water Hu Liena calmed down.

Seeing the wonderful beauty who was thoroughly soaked in water, Ye Qin was suddenly hot and rushed out of the bathroom.

Ye Qin decided to divert his attention and chose the Ancestral Dragon Spirit spirit power given to him by the cultivation system.

In the previous battle, he was extremely satisfied with the formidable power of the Ancestral Dragon. He guessed that the spirit power of the red core he killed was at least level 28. It seems that three Spirit Grandmaster below level ten, there should be no existence that can beat him!

He fell into meditation again, this time when he wakes up, it is already the early morning of the second day.

After confirming that Hu Liena's hot body was completely restored to normal, Ye Qin took Hu Liena back to the bed again.

After that, he gently closed the door, rented a carriage, and headed for the Haagen-Dazs Kingdom palace.

Ye Qin felt murderous aura assaults the senses as soon as he entered Prince's palace!

It turns out that Ye Xuan is holding an azure cane, standing in front of him angrily