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WebNovel で公開されている、SIGAPBET の作者が書いた SIGAPBET SITUS NOMOR #1 TERGACOR DI 2024 の小説を読んでください。Selamat datang di situs SIGAPBET yang merupakan situs game terbaik & terhandal masa kini. SIGAPBET menyediakan banyak macam game online terpopuler yang dapat dimainkan oleh segala kalangan. SIGAPBET ...


Selamat datang di situs SIGAPBET yang merupakan situs game terbaik & terhandal masa kini. SIGAPBET menyediakan banyak macam game online terpopuler yang dapat dimainkan oleh segala kalangan. SIGAPBET / SGPBET juga merupakan situs game online terpercaya dan terhandal yang telah digunakan lebih dari 1.000.000 pemain setiap harinya. Dengan team CS berpengalaman kami selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaik Dan didukung dengan sistem teknologi mutakhir maka SIGAPBET siap melayani anda sampai 24jam NonSTOP. Bagi anda yang belum bergabung, anda sangat beruntung karena SIGAPBET memiliki berbagai BONUS untuk pemain baru yang sangat menarik. Jadilah pemain yang puas berikutnya dengan bergabung di situs kami.



An extraordinary handsome woman named Riya,"born with golden spoon",becomes a CEO of Conglamerate at the age of 23. Eventhough she just graduated from her post graduation in Management, she is a multi-talented person.Due to her beauty and intelligence she always an outstanding person with a positive aura. Unfortunately she is not happy to become a CEO because of her sister.Her sister named Diya is older than her by two years also had a post graduation in Management studies.Both have their own capabilities,but Diya always don't like Riya due her easy going,positive approach to the people around her. Riya always looks like a beautiful princess with perfect figure,her lips naturally like a rose petals,there is no need to put lipsticks,her eyes always seems to be black pearl,with small nose,her appearance totally make others to forget their current situation.She is always an honest,straightforward,fun loving,pretty woman Diya is like a Lotus flower,who always dazzled in her own ways, self respecting,willing to grab power,attention seeking, little arrogance and stubborn. Because of their family background both women have not many friends.Comparing to Riya,Diya have more friends.Diya casually spends her father's money as like water so her friend circle usually based on money. On the contrary Riya has only three to four friends who are always willing to do anything for Riya at anytime. Her friends never,ever betray her. Both of their lives sailing smooth until the day Riya became a CEO,they have competed with each other in different aspects and variety of tests conducted by the shareholders and their respective family.Finally Riya pass all the test and successfully became a CEO. Unfortunately Diya have all the abilities and potential she was defeated by Riya with few points difference only.This made Diya to hate Riya even more. "On the day of Riya going to take charge as a CEO", Diya happens to met with a small accident by roadside.Her saviour is a handsome guy who look like a Little Prince with extraordinary charm. On the first sight of their eyes meeting Diya subconsciously fell in love with him and suddenly faint. He admitted Diya in hospital,eventhough this is not an emergency situation he have to fill the admission form for Diya.But he doesn't know any details about Diya.He simply fill the details of one of his friend and admitted Diya in to the hospital for first aid and further treatment. Also informed the police regarding the accident. Once Police reached the hospital they find a young handsome man with "Six feet,two inches" of height who is turn and stand by showing back to the Police.The police officer is a lady,middle-aged woman asks the details of accident case and reached the handsome man named "BARANEE". Once Baranee turn his face and saw the lady police,she was simply dumbfounded by seeing his beautiful face with shining eyes like shooting stars,and cutie lips,lovely cheeks not chubby but cute.She exclaimed to see Baranee for a second and finally come to her senses. She collected all the details of the accident and also he doesn't know anything about the girl,he simply helped her.The lady police praised his good gesture and also not fail to inform him that,she was stunned by his handsome face. Later on that day,Riya already take charged as a CEO is waiting for her secretary but he not yet come to office.Because of this reason she is little angry. At this moment a door knock sound heard by Riya she said 'Come in'. As soon as Baranee entered the Riya's Cabin,he was dumbfounded by Riya's beauty but not show anything on his face.At that time Riya lift his head and see Baranee,her heartbeat started beating higher than normal.Though she is a CEO,she was stunned by his charm and beauty. Both of their eyes met in air,the whole cabin filled with pin drop silence,they can easily hear each others heartbeat.Both Riya and Diya "fall in love at first sight" with Baranee. Let us see who get Baranee's love...

Meera_Krishna · 都市
12 Chs

The Skill Steal System

An ordinary high school boy named Max is in his basement watching porn and masturbating. When suddenly, a pop-up ad covered the whole screen! ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ||FREE|| Congratulations! You won as the first person to watch porn 10000 times. You are hereby granted a once in a lifetime opportunity! Do you want to change your fate? Do you want to have sex with real women? Do you want to get rich? Do you want to be popular? Stop watching porn and SIGN UP now in our Universal Lust System! by Alien Universe Do you want to Sign Up? [YES] [NO] ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ WTF is this? Ads? What’s this thing saying?! So annoying! Sign up? This is just a scam! *tries to click ‘NO’* *accidentally clicked ‘YES’* ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Thank you for Signing Up! Hope you have a fun time! - Alien Universe ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ “What? ARRGGGHHHHH! It hurts!” Max holds his head with both hands. *faints* ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Welcome to The Lust System! [Max] [Level: 1] [Points: 0] [Skills] [Missions] [Store] [Women Conquered] ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Ansh_Devan · ファンタジー
2 Chs


True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations; it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart Having been left alone in this cruel world with no one to fall back on, Queen Isana Rieka Hades is the leader of the faeries.Beautiful, elegant, fierce, brave, cold and arrogant,she follows every rule in the book and doesn't like breaking the rules. But as cold and brave as she portrays herself to be,she cares about her people like they were her own family. Having not been able to experience and feel the warmth and love of her real family,she carries a secret as deep as the seas haunting her every moment of her life. Will she ever let herself love and her heart captured by the infamous King of the Devils? Excerpt--------- "I hate him,I hate everything about him"I yelled,"Just who does he think he is,huh?,Who on earth is he to just disobey the grand council and go against the rules,I will not stand by while all this happens in my own kingdom"I paused my ranting and finally gave my best friend and aide, the commander-in-chief a chance to speak ,she chuckles,"Your Highness,He is the King of the Devils,and I'm pretty sure even the council does not dare to interfere in his matters.We best just leave it,after all it's just a piece of land".She looked at me to make sure I understood and I said ,"So what if he is the King of Devils, I'm the queen of this kingdom and if the council refuses to take on the issue, I'll do it myself " And so it began,the forbidden attraction between Isana and the infamous Samael

Zatanna_01 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Jiyuu: Labirin Seribu Dunia

Rumahnya dilalap kobaran api dan Marnie bersumpah itu bukan salahnya. Agen A-8989 atau Riku, lelaki berseragam tentara masa penjajahan, menyangkal. “Kau sudah mati dan inilah hukumanmu.” “Aku belum mati.” “Terjebak di dunia yang kau sebut neraka, tapi bersi keras kalau masih hidup?” “Bukannya kau sendiri yang bilang, kalau aku mungkin masih hidup karena bisa keluar masuk semua dunia alternatif itu sesukaku?” “Tetap saja,” Riku meledek, “Kau terkurung di Labirin Dunia ini bersamaku.” “Tapi kau akan membantuku keluar, kan?” “Asalkan kau membantuku membebaskan seribu jiwa yang bersalah dari labirin ini terlebih dahulu.” Marnie membuka salah satu pintu di lorong rumah sakit itu. “Siap?” Tatapan Riku menajam saat mereka memasuki ruangan gelap di baliknya. “Aku akan mencarimu.” “Sampai jumpa di dunia yang baru.” Sesaat kemudian, Marnie membuka mata dan dia ada di dunia alternatif yang tidak dikenalinya – dalam tubuh yang bukan miliknya. Tapi itu tidak masalah, bahkan jika bulan di atasnya retak dan perlahan runtuh sekalipun. Riku pasti menemukannya. Karena mereka berdua akan membebaskan jiwa bersalah yang terperangkap dalam Labirin Dunia. Perlahan tapi pasti, keduanya menjadi dekat. Namun, akankah mereka tetap bersama, bahkan jika Marnie mengetahui rahasia kelam di balik kematian Riku dan peyebabnya menjadi agen Labirin Dunia? Akankah Marnie hidup kembali dan meninggalkan Riku selamanya? ーーー #WSA2022 #transmigrasi #romance #fantasy #isekai #adventure #drama #love #mystery #death #alternateuniverse #dunialain #cintaabadi #perjanjian #fatedlove

restlessmuffin · ファンタジー
12 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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