
The God of Heaven which rules over many worlds

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What is The God of Heaven which rules over many worlds

WebNovel で公開されている、Kamran_Sultan の作者が書いた The God of Heaven which rules over many worlds の小説を読んでください。...


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Cartas a Romeo.

``` —Solo bastó con romper una regla que no se suponía que debía —Él era el chico malo con tatuajes. Ella era la chica buena con gafas, y ella era suya. —Cuando Julianne Winters decide mudarse al dormitorio de la prestigiosa Universidad, ella tiene todo planeado para poder terminar su graduación y dejar el lugar. Pero su plan comienza a incendiarse desde el momento en que la mirada de Roman Moltenore de último año se posa en ella. Y su apariencia no grita nada más que PROBLEMAS. —¿Qué reglas? —preguntó Julianne con el ceño fruncido mientras leía la página. Estaba segura de que no había visto ninguna regla del campus mencionada en su sitio web. # 4. Prohibido usar teléfonos móviles. # 12. Los estudiantes no deben deambular fuera del campus después de las once de la noche. Cuanto más leía, más extraño resultaba ser. Su amiga pasó la página y luego señaló la última regla # 29. Escucha a Roman Moltenore. —Esto está inventado. Mira, la última incluso está escrita a lápiz —Julianne no podía creer que su amiga del dormitorio de al lado pensara que caería en eso. ¿Y sin teléfono? —Es importante que cumplas con todas las reglas. Especialmente con la número veintinueve —dijo la chica con tono serio—. Recuerda no involucrarte con Roman. Si llegas a verlo, corre en la dirección opuesta. Hay una razón por la que está escrita aquí. Con las reglas del campus, ella recurre a enviar cartas manuscritas a su tío. ¡Pero quién iba a saber que terminarían en manos de alguien más! ```

ash_knight17 · ファンタジー
274 Chs


At that time, there lived GODS, KINGS, AND MYTHIC HUMANOIDS. First, GODS AND KINGS destroyed the magical creature to eliminate dark magic from the world. After that, gods aided humans to have kingdoms and wealth; gods and kings ruled over people for years. Wandala was the birthplace of civilization; the gods co-existed among the mortals and created flourishing lands for them to share. The son of ITZAMA, CHAAC was the God of land and water, while his brother AHAN was the God of wars, his second brother Ek was the God of the afterlife, and his only sister Akan was the goddess of love and serpents, years pass; The kings ruled over the lands and worshipped the gods for prosperity and triumphs, all of wandala is under the king's rule with more than ten kingdoms, kings fought wars among themselves to have supremacy over the lands. There is a tradition that the gods have wedded the daughters of kings, who lived as priests in the temple. But the daughter of ITZAMA wedded a small trader and had a son named Achilles; the gods didn't accept their sister marrying an ordinary man and slaughtered him. So, Akan went mad and cursed the gods that his son would take vengeance against the gods. The birth of Akan's son (Achilles) brought back the dark magic to the world; Akan sealed magical powers in his child so that gods couldn't touch him until he mated a woman. As the son was born to a human and a goddess, the boy becomes a demigod with the powers of a god and the intelligence of a man, and the people loved the charm and strength of Achilles more than the gods and kings; Achilles married the daughter (MIA) of king eros the most powerful ruler at that time, king eros named Achilles as his heir the people loved Achilles and treated as similar to the goddess. People started to worship just Akan and named her son Achilles the people's God. Eros declared Achilles as the God, which made gods angry; the god chaac killed eros with lightning in the temple of Zeon, and God Ahan rapped the wife of Achilles and killed his first-born son so that no more demigods would exit. Angered, Achilles teams up with a few kings' and declared war on the gods, resulting in an apocalypse where kings and gods fight each other. Achilles won the war, killing all the gods, but he died in the war then his commander usurped wandala's throne, plunging back peace and prosperity. After many centuries the descendants of gods and demigod Achilles were born, resulting in the genesis of dark mystical creatures, bringing back chaos to the world for dominion over lands. The book is all about who concurred the world descendants of gods or kings or the mystical humanoids.

Ranjith_writter · ファンタジー
3 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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