
Chapter 13


"Hyaap!" I thrust my sword at his direction, but Alper quickly blocked my attack.

He pushed my sword away and made a horizontal slash to attack me, but I managed to avoid it by jumping backwards, allowing me to put a distance between us.


I run toward Alper and unleashed my chain attacks to hit him with great force.


He parried my sword with an impressive speed and pushed me back with his brute strength.





"The match is over! Alper won!"

"Ugh!" I groaned as my buttocks hit the hard ground. It was hot as hell and my clothes are already drenched in sweat. I also feel dizzy, and I can feel a ringing sound inside my head.

"Are you alright?"

A towering man suddenly came, blocking the scorching sun in front of me. He's probably around 195 centimeters tall, his body was proportion and has a well-trained muscle. He has a brown hair that was tied, and almost reaching his shoulders. Not only that, but he's face was also drenched in sweat after undergoing into a rigorous match.

Alper bent down a little and reach out his arm to help me get off of the ground.

"Yeah, thanks," I replied as I took his hand and got up. "

"It was a good match," He grinned.

"I'll beat you up next time."

Alper laughed, "I'm looking forward to it."


We turned our heads toward the vice commander who temporarily overseeing the trainings of the 2nd division.

"Alright, you're all dismissed. You can go ahead and rest."


The knights began to disperse, and I started walking away from the training area. I made a quick pause when I noticed that Alper wasn't moving from where he is.

"Aren't you coming?"

He shook his head, "Nah... I need to rest a bit."

"Okay. I'll head out first."

I turned my back and started leaving the training area. I went toward the barracks along with the other knights to wash up and change clothes.

I entered the communal bath designated for the male knights and as soon as I step inside, and I saw a bunch of naked men washing in full view. It was embarrassing for me to suddenly witness something like this. Especially, that I'm originally a girl inside a male's body.

I turned towards the rightmost side of the bathing area, and started undressing myself. I put my dirty clothes inside the small woven basket along with a new set of clothes wrapped in a towel, which I brought along with me.

"Oohh," I couldn't help but to gasped in amazement when I saw the 'thing' between my legs. And oh boy, the size is truly satisfactory.

I actually freaked out when I realized that I became a man. It feels strange at first because my body feels heavier. I can also tell that my strength is far greater compared before.

It took a quick wash before dipping myself into the enormous bath tub to relax my tense muscles.

"...ah, this is nice."


I glance at the person who joined the bath, and saw the bear-like human, Raphael. He was really huge, and he's even taller than Alper. Raphael also have a larger build and solid muscles under his bronze skin. His face looks fierce, especially the scar drawn on his cheek.

"How's your wound?"

Raphael is a close friend of Krynt, which is my current identity in this world.

"It's healed now. Thanks to the medicine that the doctor prescribed to me, along with the Divine Blessing that the priest cast on me," he answered.

Raphael got bitten by a two-headed red jaguar during the last monster subjugation in Caldvell. It was really a terrible wound because a part of Raphael's flesh was torn away.

"That's good then. You can join this month subjugation without a worry."

"Heh...of course. I can even hunt a slayer orc without a sweat, and throw its head on Oliver's face without breaking a sweat."

I shook my head and laughed. Oliver is a knight from the first division. He and Raphael are always been against each other's throat, for as long as I can remember.

After we got off from the bath and changed to our uniforms, Raphael and I went on a patrol on the palace's vicinity assigned to the 2nd Knights Division.

"Why are there so many noble ladies in the palace today?" I curiously asked, seeing the ladies walking toward the 1st princess's palace.

"Oh, I heard it from my older sister that the 1st princess is hosting a tea party today."


"Yeah, it's becoming more frequent after her engagement with the Marquis," Raphael replied.

"I heard you're also getting engaged with Lady Noren?"

"Yes, but our families haven't decided the date yet. I'll tell you when the date is set, so you can attend," He grinned.

"Who would've thought that you'll get engaged to a woman. What's surprising is, it's Lady Noren." I dramatically shook my head in disbelief.

"Shut up!" Raphael punched me in the back and I laugh teasingly.

"Congratulations." I said after having my fill of laughter.

He looks really happy and believe it or not, but Raphael seems sincerely in love with Lady Noren.

Krynt, his closest friend, was the one who give him advice whenever he had troubles concerning his relationship with Lady Noren. Because Raphael knows nothing aside from wielding swords, Krynt was the one who taught him anything about courtship and romance. That's why when Raphael successfully won Lady Noren's affection, Krynt was the first one to hear the news.

As I became Krynt, his emotions and feelings were also assimilated with me. That's why I genuinely feel happy towards Raphael's news.

"Thanks." Raphael grinned. "By the way, are you still hanging out with that guy, Alper?"

"Huh? Yeah...why?"

I was confused at his sudden seriousness. Raphael rubbed his nape and sigh.

"... I feel iffy whenever I see that guy. Maybe because of the rumors that he had a certain taste for men." His face crumpled in disgust.

"Hah, are you seriously believing those lies?"

"Are you that oblivious and not noticing that Alper secretly looks at you like a piece of candy." He grimaced.

"...you're kidding me, right?" I threw him a perplexed look. I was waiting for Raphael to call it a joke, but he didn't.

Chills ran all over my spine as I imagine Alper looking at me like a treat.

"…ugh!" I vigorously shook my head to forget that cursed imagine.

Raphael and I decided to go back to the barracks after fulfilling our patrol duties. We were on our way back when suddenly, a noble lady appeared and dragged me out of the blue.

I was so surprised that I almost push the woman out of reflex. Thankfully, I managed to control myself and not injuring the lady.



My eyes widened in astonishment. There's only one person I knew that calls me by that.

"W, wh...how?"

I bowed my head and covered my mouth as I look at Oneiroi. He was wearing a floral pale pink Victorian Lolita Dress with puffy sleeves. His curled purple hair was donning a white hat with decorated with peach laces and ribbons. His cheeks were painted with a blush powder and his lips were dyed in red lipstick.

How many times do I need to be surprised in one day? I feel like it's more shocking to see Oneiroi as a woman than me becoming a man.

"What? Did you get mesmerized by my beautiful form?" He said with his chin up.

My shoulders started to shake, "Oneiroi, y-you...pfft. Y-you look ridiculous! Hahahaha."

"How dare you!"

I couldn't look at him in the eye without breaking into laughter. His height also shrink a lot, and he looks cute with his arms crossed.

He rolled his eyes and grimaced, "...hmp! As if you look any better."

"I beg to differ milady," I said, clicking my tongue twice. "I always wondered how it feels to become a man, and viola my gender bender fantasy became reality."

"Heh... I didn't know you're quite the perv, dreamer."

"I am not!"

Oneiroi snickered, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

He took a step forward, closing the distance between us, and abruptly grabbed my collar to make me bend down.

"Too close!" I exclaimed embarrassingly, and moved my face away to avoid him.

"Tch, don't make a fuss," he frowned.

Oneiroi leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "...listen up, dreamer, you need to be careful."

"W-why? Am I going to die again?!" My eyes trembled just by thought of having to experience that horrible and painful feeling of death.

"Maybe, maybe not?" He shrugged.


"Just watch your back and be vigilant." He said and kiss my check without notice before he disappeared in a flash with a playful laughter.

I was stunned with my mouth open in shock. It took me a while to process what the heck just happened.

My face contorted in disgust as I realized what happened.
