
Shoutmon's Retirement Plans for King

Takeshi Otokita, a college student who feels like his life just brings trouble, got sent into another world as a Shoutmon. After one hell of a traumatizing adventure, he returns to his homeworld and was a complete mess. Join him in this story of how he goes through his daily life as a former king of digital world.

Wilson_Farrell · その他
11 Chs

Chapter 6 - Dealing With a Chaotic World.......

"Remember the time you said 'I hate attentions'?"


"Or the time you says 'Try to be as stealthy as possible' and scold us for accidentally attract attentions?"

"Guys, please....."

"Or the time that you said 'The less attentions we get, the better', yet you somehow attract attentions from all Digimons in Digital World."


I sit on the rooftop of the closed cinema as tons of crowds run pass the building. I could only cover my head in embarrassment as Dorulumon, Ballistamon and Starmons continue to laugh at me.

"I have a feeling that the moment they start to reuse newspaper machine, you'll be in the headlines." Dorulumon said with a large grin and I could only groan.

I can't believe this, the moment I beat Goblimon and Ogremon and their data got absorbed by the Digi-Vice, much to me and the Digimon's shock and disbelief. I was immediately swarmed by a bunch of crowds trying to talk to me. And the worst are papparazis, using cameras to take picture of me and try to interview me.

I also baffled that they actually use old tech, knowing the digital world are inaccessible since this morning. In just few hours, they are able to adapt to the lack of modern tech that connects to digital world.

I guess that'll explains everyone's disdain towards papparazis. Especially with every choice of the questions they use to rile ud up.

"I don't think this is going to die down anytime soon." Ballistamon comments.

"Of course not. Three Digimons popped out of nowhere attacking citizens, another digimon popped out and stop them. It's literally superhero comics came to real life." I said while rubbing my head. "The cinema is closed due to what happen.....great....I guess I'll just get myself some groceries for dinner...."

I turn and blink to see all the digimons quiver in fear and huddled up together, their face paled.

"Y-you plan to cook!?" I stare at them for a while before I felt my vein popped and raging heat rises from my chest.

"Yes...." I said calmly and they shook in fear. "I get that I'm not the best cook, but DO YOU THREE HAVE TO REACT LIKE YOU'LL DIE JUST BY EATING MY FOOD!!?!"

Yeah, I wasn't the best cook, but at least I try to make it as edible as possible. It taste bad, but these three made it look like my food kills them.

"It's not killing any of us, but it mad eus wish it did." I try not to wince at that comment. That hurts, but it's a fair comment.

"....I'll just go and eat restaurant food. Maybe pick some takeouts." I mutter before getting up and press a button on my digivice, turning me back into human. This is my life now....


In the end, I did go to eat at a restaurant while buying some takeouts. I also went to buy some groceries, much to everyone's dismays. I'm the one who's going to eat these, so why are they the one who's complaining like I'm going to feed them these?

Ironically, I took the exact same bus I did earlier. I simply sit on the back of the bus while lying my head on the headrest. For some reasons, I feel more tired than usual, physically and mentally.

"Something in your mind, Shoutmon?" I look back at the blinking Digi-Vice before sighing.

"A lot of things...the world has change too much since this morning....." I said, while looking through the window. "I also look around Shibuya, even the alleyways, but I only meet few Digimons who only wants nothing but complete freedom."

"They're nothing more than wild Digimons who follow the rules of strong devours the weak, nothing more nothing less. They refuse to change and stay in their primitive ways." Dorulumon comments.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, Aniki!" I sigh before looking at the sky.

"I know...but, I can't help but think about the others...." Beelzebumon, Agumon-Hakase, Jijimon....I hope you guys are okay...

"Shoutmon, Shoutmon, Shoutmon!!!" I snap out of my mind as Dorulumon calls me out. I look at my Digi-Vice as it glows. I panicked as an egg jumps out of the screen as I grab it before it falls. The egg cracks and start to shake. I can't help but panicked as the egg hatched before a familiar baby Digimon popped out of the egg.

It's a tiny blue ball with a pair of chibi eyes, a mouth resembles the number 3, and a horn resembles a thunderbolt. My throat dried as the digimon look around curiously before looking at me and chirped.

"U-uh...." I mutter in disbelief as the digimon's eyes brighten before cheered and bumps its non-existence nose into mine as it starts to glow and immediately grows instantly, taking a tiny wingless blue scaled dragon with a pair of appendages on the back and a short horn on its nose, a short tail, a human-shaped hands with sharp nails, and short legs with three sharp toes. As the light disappear, it shows a pair of red eyes and a v-shaped mark on its forehead. It's Veemon, it's.....

"Dad!" I choked as my vision starts to turn blurry. He hugged me around my neck as everyone seems to staring at me in disbelief. I didn't even acknowledge them at all as all I can think of is the Veemon on my neck. The voice, the cheery tone, it's him. I shakily wrap my arms around the little digimon.

"I'm sorry....." I mutter, getting his attention. I didn't care as I let tears escaping my eyes. "I'm sorry.....I'm sorry..."

"Dad....it's okay...I'm here....." He said while nuzzling my cheeks. I feel like the world around me didn't matter anymore, all I care is the little guy on my arm. My son is back, and he remembers me.

My little prince, he's here. And I never felt better in my life.

To be continued