

No matter how strong a person may be for a while, without the right foundation and balance they will always have a breaking point and you will never see them the same way ever again.

When I was younger the strongest person in my life was my older sister Huo Li and she had been my caretaker since the age of five.

She worked full-time and did small part time and odd jobs so that she could earn enough to afford our needs and wants.

She never gave up when an unexpected road block came. She would stand up and walk right after getting hit like nothing happened until that one summer day when I was twelve.

That evening I rode home from school on my bike to find my sister beating up her third boyfriend on the lawn.

Apparently he had cheated on her with our mean neighbor Jessica and that made my sister incredibly angry, so angry she broke his nose.

After that altercation took place she made me swear on my knees that I would be loyal to the one I loved in the future by ways of an ancient ritual She found on the internet.

I don't exactly remember what happened during that one hour but I know it was about remaining loyal to my future lover.