
Shoto Todoroki [BL Story]

Okay just to start you guys off I have this story originally written on my Wattpad account where I will be posting updates to before I update here so here is the description... Noah Hamilton is probably the straightest guy you would of ever of met but then he came to UA and well you might want to read to find out what happens next. ------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE ------------------------------ Okay so Katsuki Bakugou and Noah Hamilton are identical twins Katsuki was raised by their mom who has the last name Bakugou and Noah was raised by their dad who has the last name Hamilton. So they go bye those last names. Recently their dad died so Noah and Katsuki reunited and Noah now lives with him and their mom. Just thought you should know because I don't want y'all to be all confused. Wattpad: shanedawsonrules

shanedawsonrules · その他
7 Chs

I Should Go/Engaged?!?!

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

This chapter does have make outs and topless men so read at your own risk.

Hamilton, Noah P O V

"Ugh Shoto you need to hurry up" I complained. He rolled his eyes so I just picked him up and used my super speed to run to his place. He just smiled and I followed him up to his room after saying and hi to his father and of course my mom was here with him so I also said hi to her. Shoto and I were just playing video games.

"Bam I win" Shoto said which made us lock eyes.

"I demand a re match" I pouted turning away.

"Don't be like that" he said throwing his arm around my shoulder I faced towards him our faces were close. He leaned in and I leaned in too filling the gap between us. We kissed and it felt good. We began moving our lips in sync and we began making out we leaned back so we were laying on his bed I turned us so I was on top of him I put my hands on his sides and I pulled his shirt off and he pulled mine off. I kissed his neck lightly trying to find his spot. I lightly kissed his collar bone and bingo I found it. I began sucking there and he gripped the sheets. Then there was a knock on his door I immediately pulled off of him throwing my top on as did he. What the hell am I doing.

"Kids we need to talk" my mom said as she opened the door with Enji following behind her and Katsuki is now here to I guess.

"Can you make it quick I have to meet up with someone soon" Katsuki said.

"Okay okay we are getting married we've been engaged for a week so we thought we should tell you" Enji said and all of our faces dropped. Oh shit.

"I should go" I said and got up and left omg. I was just making out with my soon to be my stepbrother. This is The Fosters like shit like Callie and Brandon type of shit. Oh god. I ran home. Hopefully he knows that was just in the moment.

Sorry it's a short chapter I wrote it up quick because I had to update something on my Wattpad today. I try to post for a book each day on Wattpad so go check some of my stuff out there. Sometimes I don't post each day because it can be a struggle.