
Part 3: The Good Byes

"What are you talking about?? Your beautiful! Your perfect!!"she smiles saddly and says

"If some day you wake up, and im gone, dont cry, dont greive, and dont tell people how much you loved me, because my thoughts have hurt me more than blades or the water at the bottom of the cliff, or the rocks and sand thatll enter my lungs, fill my eyes, nose, mouth and settle in my hair. And then, you cant save me, this isnt the happy world people talk about." i have no idea what to say "These scars will never go away, they wont fade. Even if they physically dissapper, i will always remember how they seemed to take away all my pain, put me where i belonged. They dont look like their fading, look like they will ever go away."

"N-No… babe, you- your perfect, their is nothing wrong with you! Itll go away!" my voice was cracking and breaking. "Please…" i whispered

"When- When i cut, the skin puffs and the blood beads up, red like wine, it tingles, sometimes even burns a little. But then, then it feels good. Your body is in pain, but your mind finally isnt, one turns to two, two turns to three, four. Nothings stopping you from this. If everyone else is happy, why cant i be?"

She noticed my hands shaking "Nothing will stop me, im sorry." she smiles i always say that, 'sorry' i dont need to anymore, i apologize babe, but i cant take anymore, people talk about destiny. This is mine. I'll miss you. Good bye my love, i hope you understand some day. She gave him a soft smile.

"Ill miss you." as leaned back, he grabbed for he wrist and let out a cry

"No!" she closed her eyes and smiled, because, for once, she felt happy, she felt like she could fly. Her fall seemed to last forever, until she felt her back hit the water. The water filled her lungs, ears, eyes, mouth. Every thing went dark, finally, she didnt have to see herself. Finally, it was over.